浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 APOGEE SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Copyright (c) 1990 Apogee Software Productions 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 4206 Mayflower  Garland, Texas 75043  214/240-0614 The Games From Apogee Software Productions 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 NOTE: The following quotes & comments ARE REAL! The quotes are extracted from thousands and thousands of letters sent to Scott Miller of Apogee Software. All excerpts can be verified for authenticity. Some are more incredible than I could ever make up! Trust me on this. -- Scott Miller 浜様様様様様様様様 KINGDOM OF KROZ $7.50 registration 藩様様様様様様様様 This game won a national programming contest as "Best Game in Shareware". It features 25 levels of rousing action, 16-color graphics and a library of 200+ sound effects. It's a unique combination of arcade, adventure and strategy. This is Volume I of the original Kroz Trilogy. QUOTES: "Kingdom of Kroz is the best of all." -- PC-SIG Directory Guide "I've had this game a long time, and I still stay up late to play it." -- Shareware Magazine (Program of the Month) "The most unique and fun-to-play game in shareware!" -- Micro Star Catalog "Four Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!) -- Public Brand Catalog "From Texas author Scott Miller comes an exciting adventure game, Kingdom of Kroz. You can use your only weapon, a whip, to dispatch foes and break through walls. It's a real challenge." -- COMPUTE!'s PC Magazine "1989 in Review -- Best New Programs...Kingdom of Kroz..." (Kingdom of Kroz was one of three games listed.) -- PsL News, Dec. 1989 "I'm really enjoying KINGDOM OF KROZ, I hope it doesn't destroy my GPA!" -- Greg McKinzey, OK "My computer is held hostage as my wife whips her way to level 25! You really DID write an entertaining program, my check is enclosed for the two sequels." -- John Rollinson, CA "Thank you for creating the Kingdom of Kroz series. They are by far some of the most interesting and addictive games that I've ever played. The shareware concept is a great one. It allowed me to try out Kroz, a game that I probably would not have given a second thought to, because the graphics look so simple and uncomplicated. What the game lacks in it's visual appeal, it more than makes up in it's richness and complexity of play. Kroz is a real 'thinking [person's]' game." -- Vincent Tavedi, MD "I would like to compliment and thank you for your game Kingdom of Kroz. It is truly the most enjoyable computer game I have ever used. Over a year ago I suffered a heart failure. A good friend of mine made copies of over 50 diskettes and sent them to me to help during my rehabilitation. The Kingdom of Kroz has been my escape from my problems and depression. When I get on my feet financially, I intend to order the other Kroz games from you." -- Jim Garrison, NY (Note: I sent Jim Garrison all of my other Kroz games at no charge!) "You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Kingdom of Kroz is a very addicting substance!! Not only am I addicted, but so are most of my friends. Keep up the good work." -- Rev. Sandra Herrman, OK "I would like to tell you that I have enjoyed Kingdom very much and am totally addicted to it. It is the best shareware game I have played." -- Carla Brandy, CA "Please do not make any more games like KINGDOM OF KROZ--I can't stop playing!" -- Ronald E. Johnson, FL 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 CAVERNS OF KROZ & DUNGEONS OF KROZ $7.50 registration each 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 The two sequels to KINGDOM OF KROZ--more levels, more action, more fun. CAVERNS OF KROZ has 40 new screens and DUNGEONS OF KROZ has 30 more. Both have unique goals and puzzles. These two volumes complete the original Kroz Trilogy. All three original Kroz Trilogy games can be bought at once for just $20. NOTE: Three new Kroz volumes have finally been completed, read below for the Super Kroz Trilogy. 浜様様様様様様様様様融 SUPER KROZ TRILOGY $7.50 per volume or $20 for all three 藩様様様様様様様様様夕 This is the awaited sequel volumes to the extremely popular Kroz Trilogy. The Super Kroz trilogy boasts new features galore. Over forty new playfield objects (like spells, traps, creatures, treasures, terrains, etc.) have been added. The three new Kroz games are:  RETURN TO KROZ - Your quest for the "Crown of Kroz".  TEMPLE OF KROZ - A death defying adventure for the "Holy Grail".  THE FINAL CRUSADE OF KROZ - Will you discover the great mystery of Kroz? They all have 16-color graphics (yes, 16 colors!) and a tremendous sound effects library. In each game you must navigate through dangerous chambers, solving puzzles and avoiding pitfalls. Collect gems, whips, chests, nuggets, tablets, keys and scrolls to aid your progress. These game are as much strategic as they are pure arcade fun. All Kroz games are designed to work correctly on ANY computer system, regardless of microprocessor type or speed. Although they are best played on a color system, they do have an option to be played on a monochrome system! QUOTES: The following is a review of the new Kroz games from The Software Labs catalog of shareware games: "It's pure dynamite! A unique combination of arcade action, strategy and adventure unlike any other game you've played. Some levels are puzzle oriented, which makes a great change of pace from the high action parts of the game. You'll find new terrains, traps, spells, hazards, creatures, and levels to challenge your dexterity, and sound effects galore. You'll encounter moving walls, forbidden forests, active volcanoes, bottomless pits and much more, plus plenty of options. AND, no two games will be alike! Great fun, great challenge, great action--GREAT GAME!!!" -- Software Labs Catalog "Five Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!) -- Sizzleware Catalog "Four Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!) -- Public Brand Catalog "Five Stars--As good as the best commercial programs available." -- Micro Star Catalog "Here is my check for the use of your fantastic program, thankfully you are not charging by the hour...or I would be bankrupt!. I am currently stationed in Korea, and your games have been the highlight of my tour." -- CW3 Daniel W. Evans, PA 1st Bn 5th Infantry "My family is fascinated by the Kroz series." (Family picture enclosed!) -- Isabel Goehringer, Germany The following is an actual letter from a grandmother of the young age of 64: "I have lived in Kroz for almost a month and was sorry tonight to finally find the Amulet. "It really is strange what an illness your game can be. I have found myself going over in my head a particularly difficult level right in the middle of a conversation. To tell you that I have enjoyed the challenge would be very understated. "I am a Grandmother who has traveled around the world, but found no place that was more interesting than your world of Kroz. "Please keep my address and drop me a note when you have a new game. Guess that about says it all. Best of everything in the future, I hope that you become the Agatha Christie of computer games." -- Patricia Baker, RI "P.S. I have died a million deaths!" "We REALLY enjoy your Kroz games. We also thank they are a steal at the price you ask. Keep up the excellent work!!" -- Yvonne May, TX "I teach Data Processing at the North Lawrence Area Vocation Technical Center in Bedford, Indiana. I am writing because my students found your game Kroz fascinating. They are learning to program and would like a listing of Kroz to dissect and study as a class project." -- Prof. David Leary "We have enjoyed your games IMMENSELY! Please keep us up to date on any new games you design that are as fascinating as these Kroz games have been." -- Emily Wilson & Family, NY "It's GREAT!. More challenging and addicting than any other game I've ever played, commercial games included! I definately like your style and would be interested in any more Kroz games you have." -- Susan Hanna, NH "My family and I enjoy the games immensely. I don't want to tell my students about them--they might never work on their computer science projects again! -- Dr. R. Michael Wharton York University, Canada "You have me hooked. Send me all six Kroz volumes. Thanks for making my leisure time more enjoyable." -- Pierson Jones, PA "Unique, exciting arcade-adventure game. Tops!" -- The Software Labs 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 THE LOST ADVENTURES OF KROZ (75 new levels!) $20 registration 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 By far the biggest and the best of the Kroz series. New features include creature animation, constantly growing forests, gravity wells, ropes, spears, daily diaries, and many, many more! If you survive the 75 levels you'll get to read the sacred Tome (book) of Kroz that explains the untold stories that players have demanded. Also, for Rogue players, you'll fina|ly get the Amulet of Yendor!!! QUOTES: "One o the most captivating shareware games available!" -- CWI Catalog "As usual, you've outdone yourself with the new features of Lost Adventures and I'm looking forward (anxiously but quite impatiently) to the next Kroz game you create." -- Helen Bestafka, NY "Your new fen3チ@u ItLV&6|&6~&|N&~;2M>Lt>L rL移t 秘 t棲>LA 茹&~&|RP3同噫嘯LL狡tIZ;2Mu刮Q&1CC磔Y8碆Z觀PSQR3.LL>LKI>L3:t@(.ZY[X貯PSQRL8r 2WZY[X担 tI 栖t uI 糶凋$萃s <u22先RLLLs X:Lw:&Lv3L猪Iu3タI&:&tc8M=Mr:Lu:&Lu :.Lu:LtMLLL s L蒟 蓁 LL菠;MLg37IIM>Lt茯6M茱VW)u Q雀LZ@鵯Y芯L龕鵑L MI_^W6tISP2rIR3LtILIZ3LtIIX3LtIIrII[3LtIIrII尿rItI_LLP6IリXP6IタXP6+IリX虫BJPR債B邵B2川JB2川JB2川JBJBJBL$ZX(@?XEC&DDxEEEEDP?XED&DDxEEEEDP^B!D&DDxEEDED志BIu >It":M<t2聖B(t鮫B長)P$XELI#u&It >I@w<v俾&LItL<t ItLhELL0Mp単P2:tb:Lu[tQ簸I tLIuD+tIt72u1 (t 合(t江L>I@w.LL>LPWIL噬3盛窒_X単(s2千tIt>L+u0UVW_^]LUVW_^]>L+t>L2u2UVW_^] 8Lu 4M4M2MLLd達LUVW_^]:Lw u:Lw <rt貯L>I茴t<w第t<w捺t 諫<w>LuIt 迩 $t2贈L倨 吮t &L&LIu>I2UVW _^]89:;<=>?>It(IVW燭IW6L鵑ZUVW_^]_^>It=u;tLrUVW_^]貯:Lw u:Lw>Lu "猥 2鬻WLA;rF&u&u;t 3QLYr'矍LANNK&u&SQLY[r礦_U>Ot袵9O U貲O3P^UOZL8V>Os 蒿ItU&HM3テ&爍IKテ&I!>Iu$錏I醐5!II乞5!II 5!リ醐%!5!リ乞%!3リ5!.:M<@u 犹$N<v2PRQ葫033漂蔔BYZXPQYX:Lu :Lu:.Lt?ML&L8M々L;M’L=Mu>Lu 4M2M葫6M?Mu蒻t:LuJHML$0!<r 2簍* tI末HM@tPSQRHM@?MtL々LLHMt葢LZY[XPSQWIII&I迅I3朶 <u2IJ=&6I&EIItI莨rRII8萠凋u:I%0<0u:u*II r t.I2噬II$0<0uIIIIt3.MtI>I wI 器Pt ItI I@ u .I鎖_Y[X3タ&uRu4&&&I00t4t$0t &II#I&II3摺I6III鍛! !3リ%!醐5!リ %!I醐%!I乞%!!$!.F.FRQSP蕀PnX<twRL6L聯3赴+3LQIL6LJ>L2栖 ZLyX[YZ<w丹QRVPX^ZYSQVL>LtkLJJW _BB^Y[6>Lu5D6It!R菜讎uu讎t砠Z兆Z磅 BOu鹵3タ刧&P6L凰6I6L冀PSQR菻L*聯2>LL>LuL "L茹ZY[XPR8It!ZXPSQRL叩L3榁QrL>Lw0M1MLYL旦:LuL8LtB宙LIMLH但LLLLQLY$?%@&A'B(C)D*+,-./01AB0C.D EF!G"H#IJ$K%L&M2N1OPQRSTUV/WX-YZ,sut G wORvMKHPSIQrxyz{|}~8NL呎9Nr<w< v<r ,.^LSVUVW &mH_^]ut2粳mUVW &mH_^]尚L u u' LmHt俥9=t =t=u蔭 粳$.尚Lt M.:t磋3宣2^Y[[L6LJ>LLJ:u:t_SLYrFLu:Lu荐LLL 蓴3LJ♀JLQ>ILL6L LLL>IL MYV茲L>LUVW_^] u 3Lt2^宙uL t<w1∪L t$w%5M tw2M4M 2M4M u貯PRUU跏[襦O/n>Os艾D謇fQQQQQQP X断O蜆 uPRUOツ u 菘&C u?OwHM&u)LH u韆閼wQV<v磔^YL葮蜉^Yz竄P~HM$<u 0HMnHMX>pOt >pOu@W3 #}-苧VQKV R3哇[0N uX+YN @^&LM;s!++0<5r O<:rB碪A1O甍0鶤A*随J淡&! 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