CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTES This AS&D design is of "The Cape". The runways are as close as I could make them to the New York sectional. Provincetown on the outer tip has an NDB called Race Point RZP 232. The provincetown airport has dynamic scenery and a fantasy control tower. Nearby is the Provincetown Monument, supposedly the Pilgrims landed here first before settling in Plymouth. There are also some piers sticking out in the harbor where whale watching, fishing, and pleasure boats frequent. There are none there now do to winter. Due south at the elbow of the Cape is Chatham Airport elev.72ft with a 3000ft runway. Heading west across many small lakes to numerous to duplicate you will approach the Hyannis VOR 114.7 and following the 251 Radial for 3 miles or so you will come upon the Barnstable Boardman/Polando Airport. This has three runways at 52 ft the longest of which is 5400 ft. Still west across the lakes is the OTIS AFB at 132 ft 9500 ft runway. As you fly this route, off to south you can see Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island. Feel free to add to or make adjusts to this file cause Cape Cod changes every day as it is. Tom Wilson BOS