Tile Set Description for Nels Anderson's Mah Jongg Tile Set Name: SPACE.TIL Subject: Planets, Stars, and Space Travel Created by: Edward C. Laner Description: This tile set contains planets, their greek symbols, constellations, space craft, and the U.S. Flag on the moon. The tiles and their descriptions are as follows: 1) Symbol for Mercury 2) Symbol for Venus 3) Symbol for Earth 4) Symbol for Mars 5) Symbol for Jupiter 6) Symbol for Saturn 7) Symbol for Uranus 8) Symbol for Neptune 9) Symbol for Pluto 10) Sun 11) Mercury 12) Venus 13) Earth 14) Mars 15) Jupiter 16) Saturn 17) Uranus 18) Neptune 19) Pluto 20) Moon 21) Orion Constellation 22) Big Dipper Constellation 23) Cassiopeia Constellation 24) Cepheus Constellation 25) Leo Constellation 26) Taurus Constellation 27) Gemini Constellation 28) Pliades Constellation 29) Southern Cross Constellation 30) Apollo 11 Flag on the Moon 31) Apollo 12 Flag on the Moon 32) Apollo 14 Flag on the Moon 33) Apollo 15 Flag on the Moon 34) Apollo 16 Flag on the Moon Tiles that match each other: 35) Lunar Lander 36) Lunar Lander 37) Lunar Lander 38) Lunar Lander Space Craft tiles that match each other: 39) Mercury Capsule 40) Gemni Capsule 41) Apollo Capsule 42) Space Shuttle Thanks to Nels Anderson for creating a great game!