ADA Addresses for information from the U.S. Government For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting employment contact: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1801 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20507 (202) 663-4900 (Voice) (800) 800-3302 (TDD) (202) 663-4494 (TDD for 202 Area Code) For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting public accommodations and state and local government services contact: Department of Justice Office on the Americans with Disabilities Act Civil Rights Division P.O. Box 66118 Washington, DC 20035-6118 (202) 514-0301 (Voice) (202) 514-0381 (TDD) (202) 514-6193 (Electronic Bulletin Board) For more specific information about requirements for accessible design in new construction and alterations contact: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 1111 18th Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20036 800-USA-ABLE 800-USA-ABLE (TDD) For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting transportation contact: Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-9305 (202) 755-7687 (TDD) For more specific information about ADA requirements for telecommunications contact: Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20554 (202) 632-7260 (202) 632-6999 (TDD) For more specific information about federal disability-related tax credits and deductions for business contact: Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20044 (202) 566-2000 MEMORANDUM TO: RYKL FROM: PLF SUBJECT: Job Accommodation Network Free advice to Employers for Accommodations for disabled employees CC: DATE: November 7, 1991 Press Release for Dial Jan The President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities and The Job Accommodation Network of America, Inc. invite you to be part of the Job Accommodation Network-an international information network and consulting resource for accommodating persons with disabilities in the workplace. What Is JAN? JAN-Job Accommodation Network-is an international information network and consulting resource to enable qualified workers with disabilities to be hired or retained. It brings together information from many sources about practical ways of making accommodations for employees and applicants with disabilities. JAN enables employers to discuss accommodation solutions. Employers, rehabilitation professionals, and people with disabilities as network members share and benefit. Placing the right person in the right job is always the goal of a good employer in any size organization. Successful placement saves employers time, money, and valuable personnel resources. It also enhances and completes the rehabilitation process for people with disabilities. In addition to expanding the pool of productive employees, the benefit/cost ratio can be particularly favorable when accommodation can lead to an injured employee returning to work. JAN offers comprehensive information on methods and available equipment that have proven effective for a wide range of accommodations. These accommodations are usually not expensive. As a service of Employment and Immigration Canada, JAN is available via a toll-free number [(1-800) JAN-7234 (1-800) 526-7234]. Callers can discuss their concerns and information needs with JAN's Human Factors Consultants and get immediate suggestions on solutions to accommodation problems. How Does JAN Work? When information is needed regarding employment of an individual with a disability, you call (1-800) 526-7234. A Human Factors Consultant will be on the line to discuss your concerns. JAN's resources then will be searched for information based on these facts: the functional requirements of the specific job, the functional limitations of the worker, environmental factors, and other pertinent information. The consultant will provide you with information reflecting "close to matching" situations identified. Included will be names and addresses and phone numbers of appropriate resources. You can make personal contacts for additional insights. Information can be provided by phone, FAX, or mail. The cost? NO MONEY. Simply a commitment that you will provide information about accommodations you have made, or those you make after you begin using the system so they can be in the database and shared with others. After you contact us, you will be sent an easy to complete input data form. You have probably already made some accommodations for physical or mental limitations. Among them may have been supplying useful devices, adjusting hours of work, adjusting work site equipment, whatever. The solutions you have developed or found practical can be made available to others. JAN can assist employers in the use of available programs, such as the Job Training Partnership Act, Projects With Industry Supported Employment, Targeted Jobs Tax Credit, and Barrier Removal Incentives. Accommodation costs need not be high. For example, here are some accommodations described by one major insurance company: -Providing a drafting table, page turner, and pressure- sensitive tape recorder for a sales agent paralyzed from a broken neck $300. -Changing a desk layout from the right to the left side for a visually impaired data entry operator $0. -Renting a headset phone that allows an insurance agent with cerebral palsy to write while talking $6.01 per month. -Supplying a telephone amplifier for a computer programmer with a hearing impairment $56. -Enlarging toilet facilities and installing a hand rail for employees who use wheelchairs $500. -Removing turnstiles in the cafeteria and installing lighter weight doors-as part of a general renovation- and having the cafeteria deliver lunch to a payroll technician disabled from polio $40 per month. -Providing a special chair to alleviate back pain for a district sales agent affected by vertebra surgery $400. JAN-IN BRIEF Cost to users? Only a commitment to share accommodation information with other users through the JAN network. The result: more job opportunities for more individuals with disabilities and more people returning to work following an injury or illness. JAN is accessible through the following phone numbers: -throughout Canada: (1-800) 526-2262 -in the United States outside of West Virginia: (1-800) 526-7234 -in the United States inside West Virginia: (1-800) 526-4698 -anywhere at (1-304) 293-7186. If you would like further information about the Job Accommodation Network, call us or write to us at: The Job Accommodation Network West Virginia University 809 Allen Hall P.O. Box 6122 Morgantown, WV USA 26506-6122. Users include ATT, Bell Atlantic, E.I. DuPont, Edison Electric Institute, Exxon, Hewlett Packard, Liberty Mutual, Prudential, Reynolds Metals, Sears, 3M, Westinghouse, various educational faculties, public and private rehabilitation professionals, and others who want to spread the word about accommodations through JAN.