Other 1 RON VAN HOOSE 4291 Holland Road, Suite 534 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 SPECIAL OFFER ************* HOW TO START AND OPERATE YOUR OWN PROFITABLE HOME BUSINESS Join the hundreds of successful beginners who are prospering in their own profitable businesses at home! Are you getting tired of your nine to five job just to make ends meet? Have you tried to start your own business at home and failed? Now, at last, for those who seriously want to start their own profitable business at home there is a way. This incredible book I am going to offer you is complete. It covers everything from "A" to "Z". It's easy to read and explains everything you need to know - STEP BY STEP - to start your own successful business at home. THE POSSIBLE DREAM For many people, starting their own money-making busi- ness seems like a dream that never comes true. They think it requires special talent and lots of capital and only a few can succeed. But nothing is further from reality than this thought. Just look around you. You see lots of self- made millionaires with no formal education who started with nothing. One thing they all had in common, however, is a strong BELIEF. They believed in THEMSELVES and in their IDEAS. I know you believe in yourself, too. Now you, too, can start any one of these SEVEN most profitable businesses revealed in this incredible book. Hundreds of people have made thousands of dollars through each one of these busi- nesses. SEVEN MOST PROFITABLE BUSINESSES These are the most profitable home based businesses that can be found in America today. The amazing thing about every one of these ventures is that it does not require much capital. Unlike the majority of businesses where you need a large capital outlay of $10,000 to $15.000 just to get started, you can start on a shoe string and make a great deal of money in a short period of time. Another unique feature is that you can work at home. You don't need an office, you can start at your kitchen table. And you'll probably make so much money that you can quit your job if you want to. None of these enterprises are get-rich-quick schemes. They are, however, proven get-rich-slow programs. If you Other 2 ever dreamed of the freedom of operating your own profitable business, then this is for you! While you are reading this, hundreds of people are making thousands of dollars every month - part time - with these fascinating ventures. Now you have the opportunity to do exactly what they are doing. You too can easily be the proud owner of your own successful business, earning thousands of dollars in your spare time - and best of all - in the privacy of your own home! START NOW This amazing book gives you step-by-step instruction on how to start your own favorite business at home and prosper in the years to come. There are seven hot, profitable programs you can choose from. Pick the one which interests you most. Every one of them is PROVEN to make you money. They've made thousands of dollars for their owners. And now, for the first time ever, they are all revealed to you in this fascinating Disk Book. So place your order NOW... Don't wait to get in on this incredible opportunity! Simply fill in the handy order form, enclose your check or money order, and mail it to me today . CONTENTS 1. How to Start and Operate Your Own Profitable Mail Order Business at Home a. Acting on Opportunity b. What do you need? c. How to find What Sells d. What to Sell e. Don't Cheat f. Your Product g. What Price? h. Placing Classified Ads i. Running Display Ads j. Use an Address Code k. Direct Mail l. Testing Results m. Keeping Records n. Expanding o. The Profit Margin 2. How to Make a Fortune With Classified Ads a. What Should I Sell? b. The 2-Step Approach c. Why Not Charge in the Classified? d. Where to Place Classifieds? e. What is Testing? f. Types of Ads g. Keying the Address h. Writing Classifieds i. Save Money Placing Ads j. Responding to Inquiries k. The response Package l. How to Prepare Sales Literature Other 3 m. Order Forms n. Printing a Brochure o. Mailing p. Keeping Records q. How to Calculate Profit r. Expanding and Growing Richer s. Extra Appeals t. Satisfaction Guaranteed u. Making More From a Winner v. You and the Law 3. How to Set Up Your own In-House Advertising Agency ...and Save up to 17% of Advertising Costs a. Starting your Business b. The Insertion Order Form c. How to Determine Rates d. Take Your 15% Discount e. Take Another 15% f. Take Yet Another 2% g. Where to Place Ads h. Buying Space i. Display Ads j. Keeping Records k. Writing Copy l. Choose an Appeal m. Show the Advantages n. Ask for Action o. How to Use Illustrations p. Working With Artists q. Doing the Layout r. Camera Ready Copy s. Where to Go From Here 4. How to Sell Information by Mail a. Why Sell Information? b. What Can I Sell? c. You Have Imagination d. You Know Something Special e. Who Will Buy? f. You Have Something to Sell g. You Have Something to Say h. Preparing a Manuscript is Easy i. Can Somebody Help? j. Tips on Writing k. Go Slowly at First l. What About Cassettes? m. How to Protect Yourself n. Running the Business o. Selling Wholesale p. Just Testing q. Running Classifieds r. Display Ads s. Direct Mail t. Writing Ad Copy u. You're Successful v. Analyzing Results Other 4 w. Going to Press x. What are the Laws y. What to do With All This Money z. Building Repeat Business 5. How to Publish Your Own Newsletter a. What is a Newsletter? b. Why are Newsletters Popular? c. What it Takes d. What to Write About e. Who Will Buy? f. What to Call It? g. Style and Format h. What to Include i. Finding the Facts j. Writing Copy k. Getting Ready for Printing l. Printing m. How Often to Publish n. Getting Subscribers o. Mailing p. Bookkeeping q. What's Legal? 6. How to Start and Operate Your Own Profitable Import/Export Business at Home a. How it Works b. The Basics c. Making Contacts d. Analyze the Market e. Where to Finds Help f. Getting the Goods g. Making and Agreement h. The Sale i. Terms of Shipping j. The Freight Forwarder k. The Letter of Credit l. Delivering the Goods m. Importing n. Promotion o. Expanding the Business p. Making it Work 7. How to Make Up to $700 Next Weekend a. What Will Sell? b. Get Involved c. At a Swap Meet d. The Art of Buying e. Buying in Lots f. Recycling g. Refinishing h. I'll Take it Away i. Creative Crafts j. Letting People Know Other 5 k. Holding a Rummage Sale l. Reselling m. Selling From Home n. What's Legal o. What's the Profit FREE BONUSES This disk book also includes the following three valuable and informative bonuses. 1. How to Accomplish Anything You Want In Life (You al- ready have this ) See the menu entry "BONUS BOOK" 2. How to Get Free Publicity for Your Business a. What is Publicity? b. Know Your Product or Service c. Survey the Market d. Where to Publicize e. Make it Newsworthy f. Your Best Angle g. Making Contact h. News Releases i. Writing the Release j. Promotional Literature k. Pitch Letters l. Use Your Telephone m. Column Releases n. Press Kits o. The Biography p. Photographs q. Merchandising r. Promotion s. Hiring Other People 3. Secrets of the Richest People a. What Are Riches? b. Who is Successful? c. On Your Own d. Forming Conviction e. Seize the Day f. How They Think g. Do You Have What It Takes? h. Establish a Goal i. Keys to Success j. Work Towards Your Goal k. Ask Yourself l. Taking Responsibility m. Accomplishment n. The Hidden Asset ____________________________________________________________ You may be wondering why I am offering this book to potential Piano Technician students. Other 6 The reason is simple. I want you to succeed. The information offered is so valuable to anyone entering any business, that it is impossible to describe. Just browse through the subjects listed above. It is easy to see how they relate to the Piano Service Business. I'm sure you have heard of the philosophy that believes that the "QUEST" is more rewarding than the capture. I believe that up to a point, but I also believe Sophie Tucker summed it up best when she said "I've been Rich and I've been poor - Rich is better! I service pianos because I love the work. I love the "one-on-one" relationship between me and the piano. It is very relaxing to sit in front of this tremendous instrument and make it bend to my will. When I am finished, I like to think that not only do I feel better, it does too. I also get some of my best ideas while tuning. After you tune for a while, it becomes so automatic that you can let your thoughts diversify. You are capable of doing many things at the same time within your brain. It is almost like your subconscious is tuning the piano and your con- scious is prodding you on to other accomplishments. As a matter of fact, I came up with the idea of putting my Tuning Course on computer disks while tuning a very infe- rior spinet piano. In that hour or so I mentally wrote out the outline and the "Welcome to STRICTLY TUNING" file on this disk. I guess my mind needed something to keep it occupied other than the poor instrument that didn't need much attention. Another time, while sitting in front of a tremendous 9' grand, I thought - this is so great it's too bad everyone can't have this experience. This thought somehow trans- ferred to the computer sitting on the desk across the room. Later while packing up my gear, I got into a discussion with the owner about computers. She said they bought it a few months ago and didn't know anything about it except how to turn it on - and then it wouldn't even work. After I got home, this thought that had originated while tuning her piano, all of a sudden became a full fledged business idea. Why not teach beginning computer owners the basics of how to get going? To make a long story a little shorter, in about two months this idea resulted in my teaching a three hour course on Saturdays for 14 house- wives who wanted to experience the pleasure their husbands were getting out of sitting in front of the computer. This was only a two week (6 hour) course, but at $20.00 per person, I made $280 for six hours work - and it wasn't even work. I already knew the subject and just had to put to- gether a logical sequence to present it to them. At the most, two hours. Other 7 The lesson to be learned here is that KNOWLEDGE is POWER. This is what you can get from this great collection of ideas presented in this book. Sure, I want you to become one of my students, and of course I will derive compensation if you do. But YOU will gain much more. The combination of my Tuning Course and this book will open your mind to so many possibilities that it is just impossible to imagine. As I said before, I love to service pianos. I gross over $80,000 yearly on this enterprise alone (I have at least two apprentices at any one time). However, remember the "QUEST"? I am always looking for something ELSE - not to take the place of Piano Servicing, but to experience the feeling of knowing that I can make as much money as I want or need AND have so much fun doing it! If you are not convinced by now, I hear that McDonalds and Burger King are always hiring for minimum wage. I have successfully advertised and sold this book in a hard copy format for $29.95 + shipping/handling. I offer it on disk to anyone reading this file for that price. However, If you register as a student in my Piano Tuning Course, you can have this disk for cost - the price of the disk, the time to make a copy of it, and compensation for the lady who will prepare and send it to you. **** $5.95 **** Please use the following order form. If you are registering as a piano student at the same time, disregard the shipping/handling charge. Just include this charge on your Piano Course application and send in both order forms. ------------------------------------------------------------ Page Down for Order Form Order Form Please send: "HOW TO START AND OPERATE YOUR OWN PROFITABLE BUSINESS AT HOME" TO: PLEASE PRINT: NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________STATE ________ZIP_________ Also registering as a Piano Service Student ($5.95) $ _____ I am not a registered student ($29.95) _____ Disk size requested 5.25" [ ] 3.5" [ ] VIRGINIA residents add 4.5% sales tax _____ Shipping/handling: Registering student FREE Non student: U.S $3.00 Canada/Mexico $6.50 ALL other countries $12.00 _____ TOTAL ENCLOSED - U.S. Funds Only _____ ____________________________________________________________ Press P to print out this file or ESC for the menu