ST-1 STUDENT INFORMATION ***** Hopefully, you have at least read through the text of "STRICTLY TUNING". If you haven't read the mini-book "HOW TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE" (menu entry "Bonus Book) which is on this disk, I recommend you do so before making a decision as to whether you wish to become a Profes- sional Piano Technician. I hope I have not made it sound too easy (or too hard) to enter this line of work. It is neither. However, I do hope I was able to present enough information so you will be able to make an intelligent decision. If you decide to hitch your wagon to the ""tuning *", I am here to help you every step of the way. This is a great profession and my purpose is not just to peddle my knowledge to you for a few dollars. I recently counted the number of tuners listed in the yellow pages for the cities surrounding Virginia Beach, Virginia. There are less than 20 listed. TWENTY piano technicians for a population of well over a million people. At least one survey made by piano manufacturers esti- mated that one out of every 12 families owns a piano. If we take the average of 4 persons per family, we can estimate that there are at least 21,000 pianos available in my area for less than 20 tuners. When you add in the number of schools, clubs, churches etc. this figure easily doubles. Many churches have up to ten pianos (badly needing a tuning). A little simple math tells you that if 20 tuners are going to tune 42,000 pianos twice a year, each tuner would have to schedule over 4000 tunings per year. That is about 11 pianos a day - 7 days a week. I feel comfortable tuning 3-4 a day, five days a week. I can't imagine tuning 77 pianos in a week. These figures should be just about the same in your area. In other words, this country needs tuners badly. The average age of tuners is getting older every year. New blood is needed and needed NOW! I currently advertise in two local (very local) publi- cations and receive just enough calls to keep my schedule workable. A few years ago, I was advertising in just about every daily and weekly paper in the entire area. There was no way I could keep up with the work, even with two appren- ST-2 tice tuners working for me. I was turning down so much work that it just didn't make sense to spend money for advertis- ing only to tell people you have no time to help them. So if you are wondering if there is a future in this business, I hope my rambling narrative above has convinced you that this will definitely be the least of your worries. HOW CAN I HELP YOU? You already have my written text including everything you need to know to be able to tune a piano. If this is sufficient, go for it - if not - read on. WHEN YOU REGISTER AS A STUDENT, YOU WILL RECEIVE: * A packet of illustrations to attach to the empty spaces in the text. * Two 60 minute tapes of me playing and verbally explain- ing these illustrations and all other aspects of the tuning process. Plus many tips that just can't be taught with written text. * A BUSINESS/REPAIR disk containing: a. How to set up and maintain your business b. How to advertise for maximum response c. How to set up your files (on computer or manually). A recommendation for computer programs you can use for both your files and bookkeeping. I will tell you how to get these programs at great prices. I use these programs and I don't know what I would do without them. (deductible expense) d. Income tax, license requirements, how to take deductions for use of your home for Repair Work and Office Expenses, Auto expense deductions, Telephone expenses, Advertising - much more - (I also have a degree in accounting). e. A list of tuning/repair reference books and supply catalogs and where you can get them. f. A list of the tools I use for minor repair and recommendations as to how you should gradually add to your collection. g. A section explaining how to make minor repairs to your customer's piano in the home. This greatly adds to your income. A $45 tuning can easily turn into double that if the piano needs a few minor repairs in order to be tuned. ST-3 h. Diagrams of the Drop Action, Upright Action, Grand action, Console action. Also, Diagrams of the Front, Back, Bottom and Inside of the upright and grand pianos. These diagrams have all parts numbered and these numbers coincide with the written text. Almost as good as a real live instructor. Depending on the instructor, maybe better! i. Many other miscellaneous tips I have picked up over the years. * The opportunity to correspond with me via audio tapes. You send me a 60 minute tape with your questions on side one, and I will answer them on side two and return it to you within 5 days after receipt. There is NO initial charge to take advantage of this service and it is available for a full six months after enrollment. (Some students need more help than others so you just use this service when and if you need it. There is NO LIMIT on the number of tapes you can submit). * The option to purchase your basic tuning kit at a discount. After you set up your business, you will be able to purchase all tools and supplies you will need directly from the supply houses at tremendous discounts - normally 50%. This means when you sell your customer a piano light for $30-$40, you will make $15-$20 for just filling out an order form. You have it shipped directly to the customer and you do not even have to deliver it yourself. This greatly adds to your income with hardly any effort on your part. (You do NOT have to register as a student to order your Basic Tuning Kit from me. Some of you may decide to try your hand at tuning when you get into chapter two of the text. If you don't have your own tools, just use the order form on this disk and save yourself a few dollars). * When you feel you are ready, you may apply for the course examination. This is optional. If you are going to work for someone else, it may be helpful to have a certifi- cate of completion. If you are opening your own business, it may not be necessary. The choice is yours. The procedure is to send in a blank tape (please put your name and address on the outside somehow). I will record the exam on side A and return it to you. You record your answers on side B and return it. I will grade it and if you have convinced me that you do know how to properly tune a piano, I will promptly send you a beautiful certificate of completion. The tape will be kept on file in my office as proof you completed the course. ST-4 NOW FOR THE BIG QUESTION ON YOUR MIND Do you receive (as I do) countless pieces of advertis- ing in your mailbox? The product looks great and you read on and on and just cannot find the cost anywhere. Finally, after they have convinced you that you just cannot live without this item, they spring the price on you. ONLY $.BIG BUCKS monthly for the rest of your life. Your big "high" about wanting this item is now sort of shattered. You just can't afford it - but WAIT! Put it on your credit card (and pay ONLY 18% or more interest). This is easy - so now you purchase a $100.00 item that is worth no more than $25.00 just because it is SO easy. I must confess - I have done exactly the same thing. I have not yet given you a clue as to what you are going to have to pay for everything I have to offer. SORRY! Just a little more tease... PLEASE DON'T look at the following price breakdown or the registration form yet. Close your eyes and think about how much the complete course is worth to you. Reread everything under the heading "HOW CAN I HELP YOU". Make a list of these services and put a $ cost off to the right. Add them up and see what you come up with. READY?? **** EXPLANATION OF CHARGES I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised. Registration, Illustrations and Audio tapes $ 29.95 Business/Repair disk including all diagrams FREE Authorization to submit audio tapes FREE for technical support. Pay only if you submit tapes ($12.00 for each submission) Basic Tuning Kit (only if you need it) $30.00 ? Examination, grading and Certificate ? (optional) $15.00 - See above Telephone support for a FULL year FREE after completion of the course **** So there you have it, EVERYTHING you need to enter this profession for less than the cost of TWO tunings. This course will pay for itself in less than ONE DAY of work!! ST-5 Please use the registration form provided on this disk for all requests (see menu). If you do not have a printer, just write out your request as close as you can to the form on screen. Please print. REMINDER: You do not have to register as a student in order to request the Basic Tuning Kit. You may not need the tapes, illustrations etc. But you will need tools. If you have any questions about the course (in general) or any questions about the profession, please call me on either Sunday afternoons between 1-3 PM or Tuesday evenings between 7-9 PM (eastern standard time). I am sorry, but I just do not have the time to answer written correspondence. (804) 499-9151 Please press P to print out this file and then return to the menu by pressing ESC. Select REGISTRATION FORM from the menu and press ENTER.