Copyright 1990 Public Brand Software, Inc This collection of data in this form (archived on a set of IBM/MS DOS floppy disks) and this documentation file has been provided by and is copyrighted by Public Brand Software P.O. Box 51315 Indianapolis IN 46251 A complete catalog of Shareware and Public Domain software is available by calling 1-800-IBM-DISK (voice) 24 hours a day or 1-317-856-7571 in Indianapolis. PKUNZIP is copyrighted by PKWare and has been used here with the permission of the author. For more information about PKUNZIP issue the command PKUNZIP without any parameters. Please respect each author's copyright, license, and registration agreements. If this software saves you even an hour of work, then it is certainly worth compensating the author for the many hours of work spent writing the software. I wish to thank Eric Isaacson for his invaluable assistance in the project of putting this data together. Please feel free to make copies of these disks for your personal use or to give to friends and co-workers if you keep this documentation file included and intact. Public Brand Software reserves the sole right to sell these disks for any amount or "disk fee". We do allow operators of private or public electronic bulletin board systems to post these files for downloading if the following conditions are met: 1) This document must be attached (put in each ZIP file) intact. 2) The sysop must write to Public Brand Software a the above address and let us know you have posted these files. 3) These files must NOT be posted on any service that charges a fee based upon the time the user is on the system. Lexus, Compuserve, Genie, etc. fall into this category. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 51 files in this system have been provided on these disks in an archived form in order to save space. In order to retrieve the files: 1) Prepare a subdirectory for the data C> MD\PLACES (PLACES is any name you wish - or pick an existing subdirectory) 2) Go to that new subdirectory C> CD\PLACES 3) Issue the command C> A:PKUNZIP A:* 4) Repeat step 3 with each of the other 9 disks in this set. Note that this will take more than 12 megabytes on your hard disk! --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 10 disks in this set. Each disk has one .ZIP archived file named PLACE01.ZIP through PLACE10.ZIP. Each .ZIP file has from 3 to 7 files covering the data about 1 state. These individual state files are named PPLxx where xx is the state's 2-digit FIPS code. We have not in all cases placed the PPLxx files in order across the disks since that would have necessitated using an extra disk for this set. The following is a key of disk, PPLxx number, and state. Disk FIPS State Disk FIPS State 01 01 AL 05 30 MT 01 02 AK 05 31 NV 01 04 AZ 05 32 NV 01 05 AR 05 33 NH 02 06 CA 06 34 NJ 02 08 CO 06 35 NM 02 09 CT 06 36 NY 02 10 DE 07 37 NC 02 11 DC 07 38 ND 02 12 FL 07 39 OH 01 13 GA 07 40 OK 02 15 HI 07 41 OR 02 16 ID 08 42 PA 03 17 IL 08 44 RI 03 18 IN 08 45 SC 03 19 IA 08 46 SD 03 20 KS 09 47 TN 04 21 KY 09 48 TX 04 22 LA 09 49 UT 04 23 ME 09 50 VT 04 24 MD 10 51 VA 04 25 MA 10 53 WA 03 26 MI 10 54 WV 05 27 MN 10 55 WI 05 28 MS 10 56 WY 05 29 MO By the way, the missing FIPS code numbers are: 03-American Samoa, 07-Canal Zone, 14-Guam, 43-Puerto Rico, and 52-Virgin Islands. Thought you might like to know. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is an explanation of the various fields of each line in a PPLxx file. The column numbers are offsets from the beginning of the line; i.e., the first column is column 0. 0: The place name. 48: The field type, which is always "ppl" 59: The FIPS code for the state and county of the place. 65: A second FIPS code, in case the place straddles more than one county. If it straddles more than two, you're out of luck. 72: The latitude. 79: The longitude. 89: If an official ruling was made as to the spelling of this place, this is the year in which the ruling was made. 95: Elevation, if available. WARNING: left-justified; cannot sort on this field without re-aligning! 102: Population, if available. WARNING: left-justified; cannot sort on this field without re-aligning! 112: Topo map quadrangle numbers for quads containing this place. The numbers are from the USGS's numbering system for each state. There can be as many as 4 quad numbers. The formatting of these numbers sometimes varies -- in some states there are no intervening blanks, and in RI there are no leading zeroes. Lines are terminated by a CRLF. Yes, there is some wasted space. Since there have been programs written (for mainframes at least) that are expecting the data in this format we felt it best not to monkey around with the layout. There are a variety of methods of accessing this data. The shareware program LIST (PBS disk UF10.0) can be used to browse around. The shareware programs 123PREP or PARSER (both on PBS disk LO12.1) can be used to put the data into comman delimited format for importing into Lotus 1-2-3 (or the clone AS EASY AS (PBS disk SP7.2) or a database system such as PC-FILE (PBS disks DB27a.0-DB27c.0) or Wampum (PBS disk DB11.5). Thanks and good luck.