What liquid never makes things wet? Mercury. Where did Hot Dogs get their name? They used to be called Dachshund Sausages. One day a journalist was watching people eat them on a cold day, so he nicknamed them hot dogs! What fish can jump out of water to catch insects in the air? A Hatchet fish. Did you know that when the moon is a crescent and you can see the rest of it dimly shining that it is because light from the sun shines on the moon then is reflected to the earth and back to the moon again? What baby bird has to jump when he is too young to fly? The Giant Canadian Gosling. He is born in the cliffs high above the Missouri River and is so soft and fluffy that he just bounces on his way down to the river where he will grow up and learn to fly!|Did you know that space is more than just the sky at night? Space is all around us. Everything takes up room in space. Your house, you, even rain takes up room in space. Did you know that when we ask where something is we are also asking when. Because nothing stays in place forever. If you ask, "Where is the dog?" you are really asking, "Where is the dog now?" Even mountains move over millions of years. You cannot have space without time. You cannot have two things in one place at one time. There are directions in time and space. Things up and down, or left and right. Things that have already happened to you are behind you in time, and things that are going to happen to you are in the future.|There are nine planets in our solar system. All nine planets revolve around the sun. All planets also rotate, or spin. Some planets are small and some are big. Some are close to the sun and some are far away. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. Mercury is a small planet that revolves around the sun in eight days. The second planet is Venus. Venus is called the Earth's twin because it is about the same size. Venus revolves around the sun in 200 days. The third planet is Earth. This is the only planet we are sure has life on it. Earth is the middle planet because there are four planets bigger and four planets smaller. Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days. We call this a year. The fourth planet is Mars. It looks red in the sky. It revolves around the sun in six hundred days. The fifth planet is Jupiter. It is the biggest planet. It is as big as one thousand Earths. Jupiter revolves around once in twelve years. Uranus and Neptune are the sixth and seventh planets. They are both very far away from the sun. It takes Uranus 84 years to revolve, and Neptune 165 years. Planet number nine is Pluto. Pluto is very small. It is the farthest planet away form the sun and is very cold. It revolves around then sun in 250 years!|Hello, my name is Eddie the African Elephant. I am here to talk to you about myself and my family. I am four years old. I just stopped drinking my mother's milk and started eating grass and leaves and bark like all the other elephants. Did you know that my parents can eat 300 pounds of food and drink 50 gallons of water in one day? We need to be near water when it is hot out so that we can stay cool. I use my trunk to spray myself with water. I know how to dig water holes in the ground using my feet and tusks. I live with my mother and father, my sister, my aunts, uncles and cousins. We share a watering hole with other families. My father is 13 feet tall and weights six tons! I will bet your dad isn't that big! My grandma is 70 years old. Everyone in my family loves each other. We play and we can even hug in our own way. We are a happy elephant family.|Pocahontas was an Indian girl. The daughter of Chief Powatan. Her name meant, "Full of Frolic". Her real name was Motaka, which meant, "Little Snow Feather". Indians thought it would bring evil spirits to speak one's real name aloud. When the settlers arrived from New England they began to trade with the Indians. One of the settlers was captured by Pocahontas' tribe. His name was John Smith. Chief Powhatan adopted him as a step son and a step brother to Pocahontas. When John Smith's town, Jamestown, burned down Chief Powhatan sent Pocahontas with food and supplies to help his adopted son's people. Soon Pocahontas became familiar in both worlds. She lived with the Indians and also sometimes lived with the settlers.|Break dancing is fun. My name is Tommy. I belong to a dance crew called the "Electric Boogie Men". The electric boogie is a dance that looks like a robotic doll. There are other dances too. The Sidewalk Somersault and, the Hand Glide, and more. My friends and I really strut our stuff. We dive, whirl on a shoulder, twirl on our heads. We jump and jerk. We spin and slide. It's hard work and it's fun. When we dance people gather around to see. We each take a turn that lasts for a minute. If we tried to do a whole dance alone we would get too tired. We use a piece of cardboard to dance on so we can spin easier. Break dancing is a good way for kids to make friends.|@