Natal Zodiac Printout For: [BOLD]Gary McNickle[X-BOLD], Date: [BOLD]09-24-1967[X-BOLD], Time: [BOLD]12:03 AM[X-BOLD]. Country: [BOLD]U.S.A[X-BOLD], State or Region: [BOLD]California[X-BOLD], Location: [BOLD]San Diego[X-BOLD]. Geographic Coordinates [BOLD]0.0 N, 0.0 W[X-BOLD], GMT Difference = [BOLD]9:0[X-BOLD]. Sidereal Time Used For House Calculations Was [BOLD]21:15:4[X-BOLD]. This is a Tropical Zodiac. House Method is Placidus. [BOLD]YOUR ASCENDANT:[X-BOLD] Your Ascendant sign is 21.11 degrees Taurus and is in Direct motion. You may seem timid and slow-moving to others, but that's your way of getting things done properly. You need to own pretty things. You pick on your lover. It is in the Third Decan. This intensifies the inherent materialistic qualities of the sign Taurus. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Saturn, the planetary ruler of the sign Capricorn. Your Ascendant is in a [USCORE]Critical Degree[X-USCORE] making it a planet to watch [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Ascendant is Squared to Jupiter With an Orb of 4 Degrees. This aspect magnifies the personality traits described by your Ascendant. You will most likely adopt exaggerated mannerisms. You will have many problems in family and partnerships due to your excesses and your failure to cooperate. Your Ascendant is Trine to Uranus With an Orb of 4 Degrees. You are a magnetic, original trend-setter, never following the flock. You have many opportunities for marriage and partnerships and may marry rather suddenly. Unusual circumstances may benefit you. Your Ascendant is Opposition to Neptune With an Orb of 0 Degrees. This aspect may cause you to enter into secret or clandestine relationships and partnerships. If Neptune is afflicted, your relationships may be fraught with infidelity, deception and betrayal. Your Ascendant is Trine to Pluto With an Orb of 0 Degrees. This aspect allows you to relatively easily deal with personal situations which happen in your life. Your Ascendant is Squared to Medium Coeli With an Orb of 4 Degrees. Your Ascendant is Squared to Immum Coeli With an Orb of 4 Degrees. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Ascendant and Sun is 26.9 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Sun is 26.9 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Moon is on the cusp Between Taurus and Gemini, 29.35 degrees, First house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Moon is on the cusp Between Scorpio and Sagittarius, 29.35 degrees, Seventh house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Mercury is 7.13 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Mercury is 7.13 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Venus is 9.42 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Venus is 9.42 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Mars is on the cusp Between Leo and Virgo, 0.38 degrees, Fourth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Mars is on the cusp Between Aquarius and Pisces, 0.38 degrees, Tenth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Jupiter is 8.26 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Jupiter is 8.26 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Saturn is on the cusp Between Aries and Taurus, 0.31 degrees, Twelfth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Saturn is on the cusp Between Libra and Scorpio, 0.31 degrees, Sixth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Uranus is 23.37 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Uranus is 23.37 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Neptune is 21.35 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Neptune is 21.35 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Pluto is 21.28 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Pluto is 21.28 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and North Node is 10.5 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and North Node is 10.5 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and South Node is 10.5 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and South Node is 10.5 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Medium Coeli is 3.44 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Medium Coeli is 3.44 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Immum Coeli is 3.44 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Ascendant and Immum Coeli is 3.44 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR SUN:[X-BOLD] Your Sun sign is 1.8 degrees on the cusp between Virgo and Libra and is in Direct motion. [USCORE]Libra:[X-USCORE] You are always trying to make peace and bring harmony into your surroundings at work and at home. Your gentle ways and sense of fairness, backed by your ability to communicate, usually win out in the end. [USCORE]Virgo:[X-USCORE] You are conscientious, practical, and thorough in providing services to others. You are a stickler for detail, even though your interests are wide-ranging. Avoid being too picky with others' faults. It is in the First Decan. This intensifies the natural tendencies of Libra towards harmony, and companionship, and encourages expression through a partnership. this decan is ruled and sub-ruled by the planet Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra. Your Sun is in the Fifth House, Intercepted and Less Important. Your activities center on the pursuit of pleasures--shared with other people--preferably through artistic or romantic exchanges. Your need for dominance also makes you fond of children. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Sun is Trine to Part of Fortune With an Orb of 3 Degrees. This suggest that you can successfully express yourself in the areas that the Part of Fortune affects. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Sun and Moon is 4.33 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Moon is 4.33 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Mercury is 12.11 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Mercury is 12.11 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Venus is 14.40 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Venus is 14.40 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Mars is 5.37 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Mars is 5.37 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Jupiter is 13.25 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Jupiter is 13.25 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Saturn is 5.29 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Saturn is 5.29 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Uranus is 28.36 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Uranus is 28.36 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Neptune is 26.34 degrees Libra, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Neptune is 26.34 degrees Aries, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Pluto is 26.27 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Pluto is 26.27 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and North Node is 15.3 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and North Node is 15.3 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and South Node is 15.3 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and South Node is 15.3 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Medium Coeli is 8.43 degrees Sagittarius, Seventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Medium Coeli is 8.43 degrees Gemini, First house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Immum Coeli is 8.43 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Sun and Immum Coeli is 8.43 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR MOON:[X-BOLD] Your Moon sign is 7.59 degrees Gemini and is in Direct motion. As soon as something comes into your mind it goes right out your mouth, usually into a telephone (or even at an innocent bystander!). You propel yourself into a variety of things with unnerving bursts of nervous energy. It is in the First Decan. This intensifies the potential restlessness and superficiality inherent in the sign Gemini. This decan is ruled and sub-ruled by the planet Mercury, the planetary ruler of this sign. Your Moon is in the First House, Intercepted and Less Important. You seek out all opportunities for achieving personal recognition. Your need for approval leads you to try almost anything--first this and then that--whatever anyone asks. This makes it easy for others to use you. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Moon is Opposition to Mars With an Orb of 2 Degrees. You fly off the handle too easily. You lack patience with routine work--and with parents. Your Moon is Sextile to Saturn With an Orb of 1 Degrees. You are well organized, keeping yourself to a slow-but-sure course in life. You are responsible. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Moon and Mercury is 15.37 degrees Leo, Fourth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Mercury is 15.37 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Venus is 18.6 degrees Cancer, Third house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Venus is 18.6 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Mars is 9.2 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Mars is 9.2 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Jupiter is 16.50 degrees Cancer, Third house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Jupiter is 16.50 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Moon and Saturn is 8.55 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Saturn is 8.55 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Uranus is 2.1 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Uranus is 2.1 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Neptune is on the cusp Between Leo and Virgo, 29.59 degrees, Fourth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Neptune is on the cusp Between Aquarius and Pisces, 29.59 degrees, Tenth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Pluto is on the cusp Between Cancer and Leo, 29.52 degrees, Third house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Pluto is on the cusp Between Capricorn and Aquarius, 29.52 degrees, Ninth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and North Node is 18.29 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and North Node is 18.29 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and South Node is 18.29 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and South Node is 18.29 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Medium Coeli is 12.8 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Medium Coeli is 12.8 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Immum Coeli is 12.8 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Moon and Immum Coeli is 12.8 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR MERCURY:[X-BOLD] Your Mercury sign is 23.15 degrees Libra and is in Direct motion. Your thoughts are usually about thinking--how do others think? why do they do what they do? etc. Your decisions are so fair-minded that you would rather risk being indecisive than being wrong. It is in the Third Decan. This tends to give the sign Libra flexibility and versatility but can also add restlessness. It also sharpens the intellectual expression. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mercury, the planetary ruler of the sign Gemini. Your Mercury is in the Sixth House, Intercepted and Less Important. Your activities are as much concerned with acquiring new skills as they are with using them. You enjoy difficult subjects such as engineering or medicine. Regardless of your profession, you are methodical. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Mercury is Sextile to Venus With an Orb of 4 Degrees. Your literary and artistic abilities, coupled with your ability to charm people, make you popular. Your Mercury is Sextile to Jupiter With an Orb of 2 Degrees. You prefer the challenges of an intellectual career--especially if it requires that you travel a lot. Your Mercury is Squared to Part of Fortune With an Orb of 4 Degrees. You tend not to plan adequately in areas concerning your Part of Fortune. Your lack of understanding of this area hinders your success. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Mercury and Venus is 25.44 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Venus is 25.44 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Mars is 16.40 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Mars is 16.40 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Jupiter is 24.28 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Jupiter is 24.28 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Saturn is 16.33 degrees Cancer, Third house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Mercury and Saturn is 16.33 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Mercury and Uranus is 9.39 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Uranus is 9.39 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Neptune is 7.37 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Neptune is 7.37 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Pluto is 7.30 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Pluto is 7.30 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and North Node is 26.7 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and North Node is 26.7 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and South Node is 26.7 degrees Libra, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and South Node is 26.7 degrees Aries, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Medium Coeli is 19.46 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Mercury and Medium Coeli is 19.46 degrees Gemini, Second house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Mercury and Immum Coeli is 19.46 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mercury and Immum Coeli is 19.46 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR VENUS:[X-BOLD] Your Venus sign is 28.13 degrees Leo and is in Direct motion. When you are attracted to someone, she or he soon knows it. Your lavish display of affection extends from the playful to the lavish. You are a born romantic who needs someone to play opposite you in an extended courtship. It is in the Third Decan. This decan gives the sign Leo a greater courage and assertiveness, and independence than the other two decans of Leo. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mars, the ruler of the sign Aries. Your Venus is in the Fourth House, Intercepted and Less Important. Your contact with others centers around your domestic scene. You take special pride in decorating your home with the finest you can afford. You have strong ties to your parents. Properties bring you wealth late in life. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Venus is Conjuct to Jupiter With an Orb of 2 Degrees. You are known for your optimistic outlook and your generous nature. You need affection from others. Your Venus is Trine to North Node With an Orb of 0 Degrees. You relate well with people on a social level. You are keenly aware of current social and economic trends. You exercise good timing in making financial decisions. Your Venus is Sextile to South Node With an Orb of 0 Degrees. Your social contacts help you overcome the limitations imposed on you by your South Node position. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Venus and Mars is 19.9 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Mars is 19.9 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Jupiter is 26.57 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Jupiter is 26.57 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Saturn is 19.2 degrees Gemini, Second house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Venus and Saturn is 19.2 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Venus and Uranus is 12.8 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Uranus is 12.8 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Neptune is 10.6 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Neptune is 10.6 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Pluto is 9.59 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Pluto is 9.59 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and North Node is 28.36 degrees Gemini, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and North Node is 28.36 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and South Node is 28.36 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and South Node is 28.36 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Medium Coeli is 22.15 degrees Scorpio, Seventh house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Venus and Medium Coeli is 22.15 degrees Taurus, First house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Venus and Immum Coeli is 22.15 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Venus and Immum Coeli is 22.15 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR MARS:[X-BOLD] Your Mars sign is 10.6 degrees Sagittarius and is in Direct motion. You dissipate your energies in the pursuit of a variety of interests. If you ever become interested in one particular thing, you could achieve wonders with it. But you lose interest before then. You enjoy variety in sex. It is in the Second Decan. The influence of the Planet Mars, the sub-ruler of this decan and the planetary ruler of Aries causes increased adventurousness, initiative, and promotes impetuousness, poor judgement and opportunism. Your Mars is in the Seventh House, Intercepted and Less Important. Your aggressive attitudes create difficulties with partners in particular and the public in general. You often get involved with people just like yourself. An early marriage gives you time to adjust to your mate. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Mars is Trine to Saturn With an Orb of 0 Degrees. You don't mind starting at the bottom, since you are confident of your ability to reach the very top. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Mars and Jupiter is 17.54 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Jupiter is 17.54 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Saturn is 9.58 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Saturn is 9.58 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Uranus is 3.5 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Uranus is 3.5 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Neptune is on the cusp Between Scorpio and Sagittarius, 1.3 degrees, Seventh house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Neptune is on the cusp Between Taurus and Gemini, 1.3 degrees, First house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Pluto is on the cusp Between Libra and Scorpio, 0.56 degrees, Sixth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Pluto is on the cusp Between Aries and Taurus, 0.56 degrees, Twelfth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and North Node is 19.32 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and North Node is 19.32 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and South Node is 19.32 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and South Node is 19.32 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Medium Coeli is 13.12 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Medium Coeli is 13.12 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Immum Coeli is 13.12 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Mars and Immum Coeli is 13.12 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR JUPITER:[X-BOLD] Your Jupiter sign is 25.42 degrees Leo and is in Direct motion. You enjoy the drama of religious ceremonies. You would like to be the leader in the pomp and circumstance of parades and lodge meetings. You are generous, loyal, and love children. Your weakness is gambling. It is in the Third Decan. This decan gives the sign Leo a greater courage and assertiveness, and independence than the other two decans of Leo. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mars, the ruler of the sign Aries. Your Jupiter is in the Fourth House, Intercepted and Less Important. You enjoy a congenial family life, surrounded by the benefits of financial security. Your parents may leave you properties later in life. You love to be in splendid surroundings. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Jupiter is Squared to Neptune With an Orb of 3 Degrees. You always promise more than you can deliver. That's because you are in the clouds. Come back down to earth. Your Jupiter is Trine to North Node With an Orb of 3 Degrees. Your values and mores are reflect the current value systems of society today. This aspect indicates positive growth. Your Jupiter is Sextile to South Node With an Orb of 3 Degrees. This aspect indicates that you are able to recognize and overcome the limiting attitudes and behaviors that your South Node represents. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Jupiter and Saturn is 17.46 degrees Gemini, First house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Saturn is 17.46 degrees Sagittarius, Seventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Uranus is 10.53 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Uranus is 10.53 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Neptune is 8.51 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Neptune is 8.51 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Pluto is 8.44 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Pluto is 8.44 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and North Node is 27.20 degrees Gemini, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and North Node is 27.20 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and South Node is 27.20 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and South Node is 27.20 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Medium Coeli is 21.0 degrees Scorpio, Seventh house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Medium Coeli is 21.0 degrees Taurus, First house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Immum Coeli is 21.0 degrees Leo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Jupiter and Immum Coeli is 21.0 degrees Aquarius, Tenth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR SATURN:[X-BOLD] Your Saturn sign is 9.51 degrees Aries and is in Retrograde motion. You always seem to be up against it--with no one to fall back on but yourself. These circumstances may be good for building character, but they only toss you between feelings of determination and feelings of despair. As a result of Saturn having been in retrograde motion, your search for success is based on conservative planning. You build on the solid ground of your past experiences rather than gambling on untested skills or adventurous impulses. It is in the First Decan. This emphasizes the impetuous, strong dynamic aspects of Aries. This decan is ruled and sub-ruled by Mars, which is the planetary ruler of this sign. Your Saturn is in the Eleventh House, Intercepted and Less Important. You feel a deep sense of obligation to your friends and your organizations. You prefer the comradeship of older people whose influence often helps you to advance in your social position as well as your career. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Saturn and Uranus is on the cusp Between Gemini and Cancer, 2.57 degrees, Second house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Uranus is on the cusp Between Sagittarius and Capricorn, 2.57 degrees, Eighth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Neptune is on the cusp Between Cancer and Leo, 0.55 degrees, Third house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Neptune is on the cusp Between Capricorn and Aquarius, 0.55 degrees, Ninth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Pluto is on the cusp Between Gemini and Cancer, 0.48 degrees, Second house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Pluto is on the cusp Between Sagittarius and Capricorn, 0.48 degrees, Eighth house, Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and North Node is 19.25 degrees Aries, Twelfth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Saturn and North Node is 19.25 degrees Libra, Sixth house on a Cusp. Midpoint Between Saturn and South Node is 19.25 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and South Node is 19.25 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Medium Coeli is 13.4 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Medium Coeli is 13.4 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Immum Coeli is 13.4 degrees Gemini, First house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Saturn and Immum Coeli is 13.4 degrees Sagittarius, Seventh house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR URANUS:[X-BOLD] Your Uranus sign is 26.4 degrees Virgo and is in Direct motion. You often come up with creative solutions to problems at work. You enjoy things that demand your careful attention to detail. Your talents are useful in either the scientific or business enterprises. It is in the Third Decan. This intensifies the practical qualities of Virgo and gives it stability. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Venus, planetary ruler of the sign Taurus. Your Uranus is in the Fifth House, Intercepted and Less Important. Your romantic relationships are as unusual for their sexual focus as they are for their uncertain durations. Your children are likely to be unusual--either being very gifted or very troubled, or both. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Uranus is Sextile to Neptune With an Orb of 4 Degrees. Your generation searches for a utopian life style. You all have a respect for mystical messages. Your Uranus is Conjuct to Pluto With an Orb of 4 Degrees. You are at the center of reform movements that seek to bring our social system into harmony. Your Uranus is Trine to Part of Fortune With an Orb of 1 Degrees. This situation prompts positive change and opportunities. You may reap unexpected rewards from this aspect. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Uranus and Neptune is 24.2 degrees Libra, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Neptune is 24.2 degrees Aries, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Pluto is 23.55 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Pluto is 23.55 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and North Node is 12.31 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and North Node is 12.31 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and South Node is 12.31 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and South Node is 12.31 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Medium Coeli is 6.11 degrees Sagittarius, Seventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Medium Coeli is 6.11 degrees Gemini, First house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Immum Coeli is 6.11 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Uranus and Immum Coeli is 6.11 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR NEPTUNE:[X-BOLD] Your Neptune sign is 22.0 degrees Scorpio and is in Direct motion. This generation must resolve the struggle between its strong sexual desires and its equally strong need for spiritual regeneration. It is in the Third Decan. This decan tends to soften the harshness of Scorpio, but there is no real gentling or taming of Scorpio. This decan is sub-ruled by the Moon, the planetary ruler of the Sign Cancer. Your Neptune is in the Seventh House, on a House Cusp and More Important. Your marriage is based on an almost platonic relationship with someone steeped in occult beliefs. Yours is an unselfish love that approaches a spiritual union. Be on your guard against deceptions. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your Neptune is Sextile to Pluto With an Orb of 0 Degrees. Yours is a generation of mystically oriented individuals--each of you is psychic to some degree. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Neptune and Pluto is 21.53 degrees Libra, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and Pluto is 21.53 degrees Aries, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and North Node is 10.29 degrees Leo, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and North Node is 10.29 degrees Aquarius, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and South Node is 10.29 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and South Node is 10.29 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and Medium Coeli is 4.9 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and Medium Coeli is 4.9 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and Immum Coeli is 4.9 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Neptune and Immum Coeli is 4.9 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR PLUTO:[X-BOLD] Your Pluto sign is 21.46 degrees Virgo and is in Direct motion. This generation is concerned with the reexamination of our social systems to see if they can be made to work by a more sensible use of our technologies. It is in the Third Decan. This intensifies the practical qualities of Virgo and gives it stability. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Venus, planetary ruler of the sign Taurus. Your Pluto is in the Fifth House, Intercepted and Less Important. You express your creative urges through art and strong emotional involvements. You are domineering in romantic relations--causing fits of jealousy. You love the excitement of speculation or gambling. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Pluto and North Node is 10.22 degrees Cancer, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and North Node is 10.22 degrees Capricorn, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and South Node is 10.22 degrees Libra, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and South Node is 10.22 degrees Aries, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and Medium Coeli is 4.2 degrees Sagittarius, Seventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and Medium Coeli is 4.2 degrees Gemini, First house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and Immum Coeli is 4.2 degrees Virgo, Fourth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Pluto and Immum Coeli is 4.2 degrees Pisces, Tenth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR NORTH NODE:[X-BOLD] Your North Node sign is 28.59 degrees Aries and is in Direct motion. You need more initiative and self-assertion to overcome your tendency to rely to heavily on others. It is in the Third Decan. The natural expression of Aries is expanded by the planet Jupiter, the sub-ruler of this decan and the ruler of the sign Sagittarius. Your North Node is in the Twelfth House, Intercepted and Less Important. This will alert you to potential danger or difficulty. You are able to deal with these situations. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your North Node is Squared to Part of Fortune With an Orb of 0 Degrees. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between North Node and South Node is 28.59 degrees Cancer, Third house Intercepted. Midpoint Between North Node and South Node is 28.59 degrees Capricorn, Ninth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between North Node and Medium Coeli is 22.38 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between North Node and Medium Coeli is 22.38 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. Midpoint Between North Node and Immum Coeli is 22.38 degrees Gemini, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between North Node and Immum Coeli is 22.38 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR SOUTH NODE:[X-BOLD] Your South Node sign is 28.59 degrees Libra and is in Direct motion. Your indecision and a failure to strike out on your own are acting to limit your growth in life. It is in the Third Decan. This tends to give the sign Libra flexibility and versatility but can also add restlessness. It also sharpens the intellectual expression. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mercury, the planetary ruler of the sign Gemini. Your South Node is in the Sixth House, Intercepted and Less Important. You need to overcome outdated work habits and approaches. You will also need open your mind to new techniques in work and health-care. [BOLD]ASPECTS:[X-BOLD] Your South Node is Squared to Part of Fortune With an Orb of 0 Degrees. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between South Node and Medium Coeli is 22.38 degrees Sagittarius, Eighth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between South Node and Medium Coeli is 22.38 degrees Gemini, Second house Intercepted. Midpoint Between South Node and Immum Coeli is 22.38 degrees Virgo, Fifth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between South Node and Immum Coeli is 22.38 degrees Pisces, Eleventh house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR MEDIUM COELI:[X-BOLD] Your Medium Coeli sign is 16.18 degrees Aquarius and is in Direct motion. You have a strong interest in other-worldly or "New Age" types of careers, where your new, inventive approach and philosophy will be accepted. You are viewed as an "Intellectual" and you tend to do well in group situations. It is in the Second Decan. This tends to enhance the Aquarian personality adding possibilities of many new ideas and great inventive faculty. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mercury, planetary ruler of the sign Gemini. [BOLD]MIDPOINTS:[X-BOLD] Midpoint Between Medium Coeli and Immum Coeli is 16.18 degrees Scorpio, Sixth house Intercepted. Midpoint Between Medium Coeli and Immum Coeli is 16.18 degrees Taurus, Twelfth house Intercepted. [BOLD]YOUR IMMUM COELI:[X-BOLD] Your Immum Coeli sign is 16.18 degrees Leo and is in Direct motion. You have pride in your family heritage and home. To you, love, loyalty, warmth and generosity are natural parts of a happy family life. You can really be into lavish home entertainment. It is in the Second Decan. This decan gives the sign Leo a freer and more versatile expression of its natural tendencies. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Jupiter, planetary ruler of the sign Sagittarius. [BOLD]YOUR PART OF FORTUNE:[X-BOLD] Your Part of Fortune sign is 28.2 degrees Capricorn and is in Direct motion. Provided your Part of Fortune is not afflicted, you might be successful in areas dealing with structure, both physical and theoretical such as architecture, engineering or construction, or government or mathematics. It is in the Third Decan. This decan tends to give more flexibility and common sense to Capricorn, as well as lessening their dogmatic tendencies. This decan is sub-ruled by the planet Mercury the planetary ruler of the sign Virgo. Your Part of Fortune is in the Ninth House, Intercepted and Less Important. Areas of interest would be legal affairs, religion, foreign affairs, publishing, higher education, law, colleges and universities. Also include in this house are long range travel, horses (particularly race horses), and in-laws. [BOLD]YOUR HOUSE CUSPS ARE:[X-BOLD] House Cusp # 1: 21TAU11 House Cusp # 2: 19GEM40 House Cusp # 3: 17CAN19 House Cusp # 4: 16LEO18 House Cusp # 5: 17VIR47 House Cusp # 6: 20LIB18 House Cusp # 7: 21SCO11 House Cusp # 8: 19SAG40 House Cusp # 9: 17CAP19 House Cusp #10: 16AQU18 House Cusp #11: 17PIS47 House Cusp #12: 20ARI18 [BOLD]YOUR HOUSE CUSPS AND THE SIGNS THEY'RE IN:[X-BOLD] Your First House Cusp is 21 Taurus. This position gives the individual patience, stability, as well as practicality. This individual also has an appreciation for beauty and creature comforts. This person is responsible and constructive. Your Second House Cusp is 19 Gemini. This indicates that you may have many different financial interest and ways of making money. You may supplement your regular employment by moonlighting. Your Third House Cusp is 17 Cancer. This gives you "Emotional Color". Your mind is imaginative, and your dreams, feelings and memories color your mind. You have excellent powers of recall, though do not like to study unless you are "In the Mood". You are emotionally attached to your family and friendly to neighbors. Your Fourth House Cusp is 16 Leo. You have pride in your family heritage and home. To you, love, loyalty, warmth and generosity are natural parts of a happy family life. You can really be into lavish home entertainment. Your Fifth House Cusp is 17 Virgo. You have a low-key love life, and are picky and discriminating in your relationships, setting extremely high standards. You don't like to gamble. Usually you don't have many children but are fussy and particular with those you do. Your Sixth House Cusp is 20 Libra. Unless you have a harmonious work environment and a compatible job atmosphere, you can't do your job efficiently, or be satisfied with it. You are susceptible to nervous stress and emotional disturbances. You may also have weak kidneys, and be prone to urinary tract disorders. Your Seventh House Cusp is 21 Scorpio. Your passionate involvements with your partnerships create dynamic relationships. They tend to be hurt by jealousy and suspicion though, which will destroy your relationships. Your Eighth House Cusp is 19 Sagittarius. This indicates that you won't have much luck in areas of death benefits and inheritances, though the legal aspects won't be a problem. Your partner will risk your joint finances without consulting you. Your Ninth House Cusp is 17 Capricorn. You tend to be rather narrow-minded where morals and ethics are concerned, and tend to follow orthodox beliefs and religions. You personally do not deal with your in-laws but have no problem doing business with them. Your Tenth House Cusp is 16 Aquarius. You have a strong interest in other-worldly or "New Age" types of careers, where your new, inventive approach and philosophy will be accepted. You are viewed as an "Intellectual" and you tend to do well in group situations. Your Eleventh House Cusp is 17 Pisces. You may make friends with people because you feel sorry for them. You frequently don't use the best judgement when choosing your fiends, and they are frequently not loyal to you. You may have an interest in mystical organizations. Your Twelfth House Cusp is 20 Aries. Your anxieties are caused by your impetuous actions. You create problems and enemies because of your argumentative, headstrong, combative actions or behavior. Your Scout Planet is Uranus. You view the world from an unusual perspective. You have a link to hidden forces, which give you a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life. Unusual things happen to you, often very abruptly and unexpectedly. You have unique ways of getting things done, which causes people to think of you as being an eccentric. [BOLD]SUMMARY:[X-BOLD] [USCORE]Count of Signs in Genders:[X-USCORE] Feminine Signs.... 3 Masculine Signs..... 7 You are an outgoing person with a charming gift of gab. You are a self-starter, concerned with setting things right in the world. However, you are more of an idealist than a practical doer. You depend on your charm and humor to win people over, rather than on persuasive arguments. Your motives are seldom in question, but your impractical approaches are. That's unfortunate, since you have the ability to take something from the planning stage to its completion. The problem is that you don't usually stay with a project long enough to finish it. Your love of excitement and new challenges lead you to other things, and often to the edge of exhaustion. You must learn to take the time to recharge your batteries. It would help you even more if you learned to tap into your normally neglected emotional reserves. That would really bring you into balance and bring stability to your daily living. [USCORE]Count of Signs in Elements:[X-USCORE] Fire Signs........ 4 Earth Signs........ 2 Air Signs......... 3 Water Signs........ 1 You are a well-balanced person. Enthusiasm will be tempered by practicality, and logic will be tempered by emotions. You can get very excited about planning a vacation, or you can cancel a vacation without remorse if it becomes necessary to do so. You think things out carefully before coming to a decision; but you can also make a decision impulsively. You live your life in the here-and-now, unconcerned by memories of the past or by warnings of the future. [USCORE]Count of Signs in Qualities:[X-USCORE] Cardinal Signs.... 3 Fixed Signs........ 3 Mutable Signs..... 4 You are well balanced between getting things started and helping to keep them going or keeping them on the track against changing circumstances. You can come up with new ideas, yet you do not become so attached to them that you can't change your mind in the face of new circumstances or unforeseen problems. You can be just as effective as a team player or a team player or a team leader. You handle both positions equally well. [USCORE]Count of Planets in Various Hemispheres:[X-USCORE] North Houses...... 7 South Houses....... 3 East Houses....... 2 West Houses........ 8 Your self-starting impulses often lead you into starting more than you can handle. But that's a price you are willing to pay in your efforts to become master of your own destiny. You willingly accept, and often seek out, the advice and opinions of others in matters affecting your own life. Not that you can't decide these things for yourself--it's just that your own happiness depends on meeting the needs and wishes of others in your life who you care about. It isn't important to you that you choose your own path. This need for approval makes you vulnerable to a few who might see it as an opportunity for taking advantage of your need to please them. Fortunately, experience teaches you how to protect yourself from such abuse. More often, your cooperative nature brings you the well-earned rewards of success in both personal and business relationships. You prefer to keep to yourself. You are happiest when you can attend to your own affairs without worrying about how your actions are going to affect the lives of those around you. This leads you into a narrow range of interests centered around domestic matters. Your friends think of you as an introvert leading a life of self-imposed loneliness. Little do they know that you prefer your loneliness to the hassles of making connections to a more social life style. You do your best work when you work behind the scenes. The limelight turns you off. You deal with the world strictly on the basis of your "gut feelings". That becomes a problem because your feelings are often thrown into confusion by sudden changes in your circumstances. That's why you find yourself in those gloomy moods so often. You will have to learn how to turn to others for help in overcoming these bouts with the blues. You can become more sociable without losing your privacy. [USCORE]Count of Functional Houses:[X-USCORE] Individual Houses 4 Relative Houses.... 3 Temporal Houses... 1 Terminal Houses.... 2 You are a well-balanced person. Enthusiasm will be tempered by practicality, and logic will be tempered by emotions. You can get very excited about planning a vacation, or you can cancel a vacation without remorse if it becomes necessary to do so. You think things out carefully before coming to a decision; but you can also make a decision impulsively. You live your life in the here-and-now, unconcerned by memories of the past or by warnings of the future. [USCORE]Count of Modal Houses:[X-USCORE] Cadent Houses..... 2 Angular Houses..... 5 Succedent Houses.. 4 You are well balanced between getting things started and helping to keep them going or keeping them on the track against changing circumstances. You can come up with new ideas, yet you do not become so attached to them that you can't change your mind in the face of new circumstances or unforeseen problems. You can be just as effective as a team player or a team player or a team leader. You handle both positions equally well. [USCORE]Count of Aspects:[X-USCORE] Conjunct.......... 2 Sextile............ 7 Trine............. 7 Opposed............ 2 Squared........... 5 Semisextile........ 0 Sesquiquadrate.... 0 Semisquare......... 0