ˆposi‰givŽdividual crage, darcompevs. ˆperson žalso impetus, usic lacks pace. ˆposi‰givŽdividual pace, stability, Ÿwl Ÿpraccality.ˆdividual also hŸan apprecia‰’buty crture comts.ˆperson žrponsible construcve. ˆposi‰givŽdividual agility a sse šcuriosity to Ždividual.ˆperson žrtls, hŸa nervs temperamt. ˆtype šperson žversale talkave. ˆposi‰givŽdividual trospecvs, ssivity recepvity.ˆperson hŸa strong maternal snct žsecurity conscis Ÿwl Ÿbevery emo al changble. ˆposi‰givŽdividual pride, sf-rpect givŽdividual ldership ability. ˆdividual žtgo, warm-hrted hŸa gerally sunny dposi . ˆposi‰givŽdividual strong, detailed powers šobserva , dcrima , a rar modt personality along wi–a concern ’hl. ˆtype šdividual žalso very cful, rar shy tds to fd fault wi–ors. ˆposi‰givŽdividual physical buty, charm a natural sse šcrty Ÿwl Ÿa need ’harmony a ke˜sse šfair play. ˆdividual ‘rar refed hŸan eye ’luxury. ˆposi‰givŽdividual frlsns, psion, sse špurpose, flexibility along wi–a petrang sight. ˆdividual žalso secreve rar capable. ˆposi‰givŽdividual a straight-ward manner, gerns, opmm, exuberance a sse šhum. The people td to be idlc depdt tspok. ˆposi‰givŽdividual material ambi , sf-dciple a rerved personality. ˆdividual also žseris, concerned wi–status, wl-ganized rar conservave. ˆposi‰givŽdividual igality, vvs, rrcefulns. ˆdividual needs a sse štlectual physical freedom. ˆperson žalso rar unconv al impersonal. ˆposi‰givŽdividual emo al ssivity, compsion, moods, sympay a gtle dposi . ˆdividual žalso rar decive, pliable, hitant myscally cled. ˆdicatat yœ‹strong acve ƒ•†fancial affairs. But yœmay never ‹much •Žway šsavs due to excsive spd. ˆdicatat yœ‹a praccal ƒ•money affairs. …need ’security joy Žcomts šlife movaty. ˆdicatat yœmay ‹many differt fancial ƒways šmakmoney. Œmay supplemt †regular employmt by moonlighng. ˆdicatat yœ‹a need to protect †fancial s provide ’Ž"Future". Œmay bieve at security ža substanal bank accnt ’emergci, Žrt may be spt. ˆdicatat yœmay be a "Wheer-Dler" wi–†fanc. Money to yœža matter špride yœprobably spd yœcome wi–flair. ˆdicatat yœkeep accurate recds šwhat yœrn, owe spd. Œ‘praccal at budgeng, fanc. Because Virgo ža Mutable sign, †fancmay vary yœmay td at mto spd too much. ˆdicatat yœmust properly balance †fancif †fancial rrc‘to devop. A partner may figure to manag†fanc. ˆdicatat yœ‹an tse drive to make money, which may bryœa lucrave come. …fancial affairs ‡most liky be kept secret. ˆdicatat yœ‹little common sse Ÿfar Ÿmoney go, but yœtd to ‹very good luck •fanc. Œ‘a "Free Spder". ˆdicatat †ambi‰ždirected toward makmoney buildsets. Œhle †fancial matters •a very caus conservave manner. ˆdicatat yœ‹unique, unconv al attudtoward fancial affairs makmoney. …fancmay be lked to †dls wi–grps. ˆdicatat yœ‘cls •dlwi–money-managwhich can hurt y. …gullibility may also cause hvy fancial loss. Œ‘drawn to "Get Rich Quick" schem, none šwhich ‘we. ˆgivyœa quick aggrsive, alert tlect. Œ‘decive ‘apt to be argumtave, may cause problems wi–"SiblRivalry" neighbs. Œ‹trble stayon one topic ’very long. ˆgivyœa slow diberate md. Œtake †me makdecions do not sily change †md. Œmn what yœsay. Œ‹good powers šconctra‰lrn wl. Œ‘close to †sibls ‘a good neighb. ˆgivyœa logical wide awake md. Œexprs †ids clrly but ‘sily dtracted, need to devop good study habits. Œ‘close to sibls neighbs ‘apt to be a gossip. Œdon't like rtricve . ˆgivyœ"Emo al Col". …md žimagave, †drms, fes memicol“†md. Œ‹exclt powers šrecall, gh do not like to study unls yœ‘"In ŽMood". Œ‘emo ally attached to †family fridly to neighbs. ˆgivyœcrve kexprs it dramacally. Œ‘a strong spker ‘not hitant to tl people what yœk. Œstudy what yœ"Like". Œ‘warm toward †sibls cdial toward neighbs. ˆgivyœa percepve, snd rsonability. Œn't giv˜to idle chat, yœexprs sf precy. Œ‹a tdcy to cricize family neighbs. ˆgivyœa ke˜acve md. Œ‘tactful st-spok˜joy conversa‰company. Œdon't td to study hard. Œtry to ‹fridly ra s wi–sibls neighbs. ˆgivyœa shrewd sightful md. Œtd to be terse •†remarks "Tl it Like it Is". Œ‘set •†opions, ‘secreve •†plans. Jlsy argumt td to hurt †ra s wi–family. Œ‘suspicis špeople. ˆgivyœa broad range šs ‘curis tlectually. Œ‘witty tspok. Œn't very good at studydue to a rtls, drmmd, gh once yœdevop an , yœlrn sily. Œ‘fridly to †family, yœ‘not close. ˆgivyœgood conctra , a clr md. Œ‘good at plann. Œspk †md rar cfully diberaty. Œstudy topics which ‘praccal. Œ‘me ed •†own problems an †sibls ‘usually dtant from †neighbs. ˆgivyœa progrsive md depdt ght. …md žnot limited by prejudice tradi , †ids ‘advanced, but yœtd to be stubbn opionated. Thgh †conctra‰žgood, †study habits ‘errac. Œ‘fridly to family neighbs, but fail to get volved wi–m. ˆgivyœgrt tui‰imaga , m vivid picturš†ids •†md. …rsonžrar fuzzy usually only yœcan underst. Œ‘a drmer, do not study wl. Œ‹smtal lks wi–sibls ‘kd to neighbs. Œ‹an acve ƒdplay iave •family affairs. …home žcompeve somemre žsquabblbut no bitterns. Œ‹a stable family life home, ‘ravy secure money we. …home žcomtable wi–good food, music art. Œ‹a livy home life. Œ‹many differt family s may td to live at many differt addrs, may live at two addrsat once. communica‰wi–†family žop˜s ‘dcussed oply. Œ‘very attached to †roots, gh yœmay move much, yœmay evtually move back to †birplace. Œ‹pride •†family heritage home. To y, love, loyalty, warm–gerosity ‘natural parts ša happy family life. Œcan rlly be to lavh home tertamt. Œ‹a very derly home life. Home affairs ‘hled •a very ganized prsional way. …home žnt rar cln. …Family life žnoted by a lack šwarm–laughter, but re žaffec . Œ‹a refed fair harmonis home life. It shows a tte ’buful objects culture. Œdl wi–family •a fair manner. Œ‹a potally abusive potally violt home life. …family affairs ‘kept secret, protected m tside terferce. gh †family loyalty žrar strong, differcmay rult •a split at ‡not be rolved. Œ‹a very irregular spontanes, cfree family life. …tside s td to ‹priity over family affairs. Œ‘apt to move abt much, wi–many chang•home life-style. Œ‹a very dcipled derly rtricve home life. …home affairs ‘dlt wi–privaty praccally. There ža strong sse šrponsibility. Œview †home Ÿa status symbol, Žemo al atmosphere žapt to be remote cool. Œ‹a very fridly home, wi–may frids arnd. …family ƒ‘rar unconv al, †family affairs do not ‹much regard ’tradi , gh †dec“žapt to be contempary. Œ‹a need ’a raxed, quiet, pceful home vironmt, free šfighng strife. …family affairs td to be rar dganized Žhse žcluttered. Œ‹an acve impetus love life wi–strong romanc. Œmay take excsive rks may rk money gambl. Thgh yœ‘impat, yœ‘warm toward childr. Œ‘apt to ‹male childr. Œ‹stable romanc ra ships. Œ‘not known ’"PlayŽFid", prefer constant, stable exclusive ra ships. Œdon't take rks. There ža tdcy to produce female childr. Œ‘affec ate toward †childr˜but mata•control. Œtd to avoid a rtricve ra ships emo al volvemts. Œ‘fickle may be volved wi–several people at once. Œ‘not ƒ•gambl. Thgh yœ‘apt not to ‹childr, yœmay ‹tws. Œ‹emo al love ra ships. Œ‘romanc, emo al, Ÿwl Ÿbevulnerable toward behurt •a rky love affair. Œ‘not ed •gambl. ˆcrsŽpossibility šhavchildr. Œtd to nurture protect †childr. Œ‹a flamboyant love life. Œ‘warm, affec ate attracted toward Žopposite sex. Œjoy gamblregardls if yœw•“not. Œtd not to ‹childr, but yœ‘lovgers prd šŽchildr˜at yœdo . Œ‹a low-key love life, ‘picky dcrimang •†ra ships, setng extremy high stards. Œdon't like to gamble. Usually yœdon't ‹many childr˜but ‘fussy parcular wi–ose yœdo. Œ‹a rar strong dire ’a romanc ra ship. Œwant a refed tligt partner ‘turned f by crude people. Œdon't like to be alone td to get volved •unsuccsful ra ships. Œ‹a mimal ƒ•gambl. ˆhanc†possibili’havchildr. Œview †childr˜objecvy trt m imparally. Œ‹psionate love affairs. Œ‘prone to jlsy don't bnce back wh˜yœget hurt. Œcalculate rks cfully so don't gamble. …probability šhavchildr˜žhigh but yœ‡dema lot šm ž‡hurt †ra s wi–m. Œ‹a happy-go-lucky attude toward love romance. Thgh yœ‘ardt, yœdon't get volved too sily. Œjoy gambl‘usually pretty lucky. Œtd to like yng people grow closer to †childr˜Ÿy become yng adults. Œ‡td to ‹male childr. Œ‘scere •†ra ships, don't get volved wi–unwe “cual romanc. Œ‘very cful •gambl. Œwon't td to ‹many childr. Thgh yœ‡be very rponsible toward m, yœwon't show much tward affec‰toward m. Œtd toward havplatonic ra ships fridships, rar an romance. …ra ships devop from fridships. Œ‹no rl affity ’gamblŸwl Ÿchild producpotal, gh if yœdo ‹childr˜y ‡td to be male. Œ‘fridly wi–all childr˜clud†own. Œtd to ‹smtal romanc attachmts “secret love affairs. Œtd to follow †hrt not †hd. Œ‘t˜a vicm šunrequited love. Œtd to be lucky •gamblbut yœpush †luck to far lose money. Œ‡td to ‹childr, probably female. Thgh yœlove childr, y ‡cause yœmuch pa•hrtache. Œdon't wait ’opptunity to fd y, yœtd fd it. Œ‘an ergec employee, but wld rar be a boss. Œ‘accidt prone. If yœwk wi–hazards mach“proceduryœshld heed strict safety guid. Œ‘prone to fevers. Œ‘a stdy riable employee, don't ms wk wit a valid rson. Œfollow job procedurrul. Œcan give ders Ÿwl Ÿfollow m but yœprefer to give m. Œ‘prone to roat problems need to watch †vironmt. Œ‘a versale employee prefer to wk •posi s where yœcan use †md Ÿwl Ÿ†hs. Œtd to hold me an one job ‘rtls. Œneed to watch †vironmt because yœtd to ‹a wk rpiraty system. Œneed happy wk condi s. Œ‘ssive imprsionable wld rar wk •a comtable home-like wk vironmt wi–fridly congial co-wkers. Strs td to produce sickns. Œneed to look after †digve system t regular mls. Œhle wk •an auitave manner. Œdon't like bean employee td to rt ors auity over y. Œtake pride •†wk ‡do †bt. Œ‘very strong vital but need to be cful abt †hrt back. Œ‘a dedicated wker ‘dedicated toward †job. Œperm †job extremy meculsly accuraty. Œneed a cln wkvironmt. Œ‘suscepble to tnal dders duodal ulcers. Unls yœ‹a harmonis wk vironmt a compable job atmosphere, yœcan't do †job efficitly, “be sasfied wi–it. Œ‘suscepble to nervs strs emo al dturbanc. Œmay also ‹wk kidneys, be prone to urary tract dders. Œ‘a hard-wker, td to overwk sf. Œdon't c‘to stop ll Žjob žfhed, ‡wk long hard toward at d. Œneed to be cful lifng Ÿyœ‘suscepble to herni, “or problems at affect Žgro•gital region. Œ‘a , usic wker, gh yœdon't c‘’rtric s on †freedom “strict rulregula s. Œcan do an exclt job, provided yœ‘giv˜gh freedom trust to do it. Œ‘suscepble to liver igh dders. Œ‘an ambis, wl ganized, efficit wker. Œwon't put up wi–lazs po“wk from ors. …sk•žssive need to be cful šit. Œ‘also prone to rheumasm, arris or chronic complats. Œ‘novave ‘igal •†approach to job permance. Œ‡always try to fd a better way šdoa job, Ÿwl Ÿimprov†wk condi s. Œreb™agast strict wk rul, gh yœ‡follow m if y make sse. Œshld be cful šston †feet too long, Ÿyœ‘suscepble to swoll˜anklvaricose ves. Œ‘adaptable adjust to any job requiremts. Œtd to lack stama shldn't do hard wk “lab. Œneed to be cful š†wkload, plsant wk condi s hp. Œtd toward hypochondria psychosomac problems Ÿwl Ÿbesuscepble to foot problems. Œ‘attracted to aggrsive, strong tgopartners. Œfrequtly m partnerships marry on impulse, dagreemts •at a ‘liky. Œconsider money or material facts •decidon marriage or partners. Œ‘very conscis šŽfancial implica s •any "Marriage", seek stability security •m. Œ‡probably ‹me an one marriage “or partner •†life. Œtd to seek tlectually compable buss marriage partners. …common s ‘liky to be šan tlectual nature. Œmarry ’domc security, žposi‰suggt a home a family. Œdevop strong emo al bonds wi–people yœ‘close to. Œseek emo al security from bo–marriage buss partners. Œ‘domeerdepdt, but fd auitave dividuals Ÿwl. Œtd to look ’partners yœhance †ego “sf-teem. Œ‘very praccal •†approach to marriage or partnerships. Œ‡td to seek partners who ‘me cful dcrimang, ir faultfdcricm tds to dtroy †ra ships. Œ‘attracted to harmonis partnerships marriag. Œtd to fd a balance •†partnerships. Œseek people who ‘mannered, pce-lov. …psionate volvemts wi–†partnerships crte dynamic ra ships. They td to be hurt by jlsy suspicion gh, which ‡dtroy †ra ships. Œseek partners who sh‘†eical mal valu. Œ‡td to ‹me an one ra ship “marriage, ‡td to seek partners wi–ry differt backgrnds, who may be eigners. Œseek partners who ‘mature tablhed. Œ‘caus cful •mra ships ‡td to marry late •life. Œ‘attracted to ra ships which fer me an love can advance †cer or ambi s. Œtd to avoid ra ships which deprive yœš†freedom dividuality, ‡seek partners who won't rtrict †freedom, “demyœconm. …attude toward marriage žone šdifferce. Œ‘idlc vulnerable •†marriagpartnerships, y ‡ld yœto dappotmt, because yœsee ors Ÿyœwh to see m not Ÿy . ˆdicatconflicts over marriage “partnership funds d–befits. Œ‡probably ‹problems over alimony arrangemts tax. ˆcrs†possibility ša substanal heritance. …partner ‡ably manage †fancial affairs ‡bryœgas. Œ‡befit from a variety šfamily srcd–befits. …partners's money-makability ‡hp †fanc. ˆdicatan heritance from †pnts “family. …partner's lntoward cau‰conserva‰‡td to hp †fanc. ˆdicatposive circumstancconcernd–befits, taxjot fanc. …partner ‡probably want Žlt say •†jot fancial decions. Œhle †jot fancial s rar praccally. …partner hps yœby keepaccurate recds, gh †chanc•heritancd–befits žabt average. ˆdicatat †jot fancial rrc‘fairly dtributed Ÿwl ŸŽrponsibilisociated wi–m. A d–befit ‡td to stem from †partner. ˆdicatat yœ‡probably herit money“fancial gas from d–befits but yœ‡‹problems sociated wi–m. …partner žrar secreve abt ir fancial affairs. ˆdicatat yœwon't ‹much luck •Ÿšd–befits heritanc, gh Žlegal pects won't be a problem. …partner ‡rk †jot fancwit consulng y. ˆreduc†prospects šhering sets, any befits yœdo ‹‡be ed up by ors. …jot fanc‡probably do wl but †partner ‡probably be ght wi–Žpurse-strs. Œ‡probably befit by Žd–šan sociate ša befact““frid. …jot fanc‡befit from unusual “igal circumstanc. ˆposi‰dicatat yœmay receive befits, but yœmay be chted t šose by anor. Œjot fanc‡suffer because š†partner's mmanagemt. ˆgivyœan advturs spirit wh˜it comto rigion, philosophy trav. Œwon't hitate to sue someone if yœ‘wronged. Œtd to be argumtave wi–†-laws. Œ‘conservave wh˜it comto rigion legal matters. ˆposi‰givyœa praccal pot šview wh˜it comto philosophy. Œ‘cdial toward †-laws. Œseek a logical bž’philosophical rigis biefs. ˆposi s Žabstract philosophy wi–objecve ght. Œlike to trav. Œ‘fridly, but td to be cual wi–-laws. Œ‘emo ally srred by †bief systems. ˆtds to hance Žspiritual impact on rigion philosophy. Œtd to accept †-laws Ÿa part š†family. Œ‹an opmc, rar ego/sf-ctered philosophy tlook. Œ‹a grt dl šfai–•sf. Œ‘attracted to rigion because šŽpomp circumstance. Œtry to be fridly wi–†-laws, but ‡put up wi–no terferce from m. Œtd to ‹a pragmac, praccal view šrigion, philosophy higher educa . Œtry to rate Žspiritual to Žphysical, rly plane. Œtd to be crical š†-laws. Œ‹a strong ƒ•fairns, equality jusce. Œmay dagree wi–†-laws at m. Œcut right to Žhrt šany philosophy “rigion which yœaccept “follow. Œtd to seek t Ž"Ulmate Mn" won't accept ls. Œdon't hide †fes from †-laws dl wi–m Ÿsuch. Œ‘idlc high-mded. Œ‹devt biefs td to "Live …Rigion".Œmay prch “tch †philosophy. Œ‹grt ƒ•higher educa‰Žlaw. Œlove to trav.…ra s wi–†-laws ‘fridly but not too close. Œtd to be rar narrow-mded where mals eics ‘concerned, td to follow odox biefs rigions. Œpersonally do not dl wi–†-laws but ‹no problem dobuss wi–m. Œ‹unique ids abt rigion but do not ce m on ors. Œ‘concerned wi–Žhuman race Ÿa whole †value system žunprejudiced. Œtolerate †-laws but ‘rar detached toward m. …biefs ‘med spiritually, žpect strgns †ƒ•Žmyscal pects. Œmay like s-trav. Œ‘compsionate toward †-laws take ƒ•ir problems Ÿwl Ÿ†own. Œ‘ed •rapid advancemt. Œ‘apt to switch cers if yœfe™at †cer ž"Getng Nowhere", prospects ‘too far •Žfuture. Œ‘driv˜by †ƒ•makmoney. Œdemat yœbe paid wl seek cers which ‡pay yœwl. Œ‹many differt cer s. Œshld attempt to eir combe some š†s, “focus on one maj“. Œtd to sprd sf too •orwe. Œ‹an ƒ•Žneeds šŽpublic, •seeka cer. Œseek approval •†cer, gh rt gossip, sler, avoid cricm. Œwon't ever be contt •a small unimptant, subdate job. …goal ž’a posi‰šauity at Žtop š†fid. Œ‘prd š†wk accomplhmt †reputa . Œdirect †cer so at it meets a useful purpose. Succs to yœž"Perma Service to Ors" †reputa‰ac s ‘above reproach. …tact, crty ability to get along wi–ors ‡defity hp yœ•†cer. Œtd to seek partnerships or situa s where tmwk ža plus. Œ‹a tremds dire to succeed, yœ‹quite a lot šdeterma‰to rch at goal. Œ‹a strong sse špurpose, strive toward a sle imptant goal. …private public s to not td to overlap, †personal life ža mystery to †co-wkers. Œ‹many differt cer s, yœtd to sprd sf too . …ambi s td to be idlc. …reputa‰reflect †sse štegrity along wi–a sse šhum. Œ‹a strong ambi‰seek a cer wi–public stature. Œ‘very conscis š†reputa‰•†community act to protect it from jury. Œ‹a strong ƒ•or-wldly “"New Age" typšcers, where †new, vve approach philosophy ‡be accepted. Œ‘viewed Ÿan "Intlectual" yœtd to do wl •grp situa s. Œeir ‹unrlc cer ambi s “no cer ambi‰at all. Œprobably lack Ždeterma‰to rch at goal “yœ‡td to be side-tracked by some or unrchable goal. In ˆposi‰potal dhon“dgrace exts. Œ‘rar tgosocially. Sce y're not shy, yœquickly troduce sf to strangers.Œfrequtly ld grp func s. Œtd to trav™•very afflut circl. …social ƒ‘wi–Žright buss people m long lng fridships. Œtd to jo•eir conservave grps “ose at can hp yœfancially. Œmake frids sily, ‘gerally popular, many šŽpeople yœknow also know many people. Œtd to choose witty tligt frids td to jo•literary grps. Œtd to jo•rar small close-knit grps. Œtd to m emo al ra ships wi–†frids. Œterta•frids members šŽgrps yœbong •yœhome. Œtd to m long-lng warm fridships. Œtd to parcipate acvy •grps t˜hd ose grps Ÿwl. Œ‘rar shy apprehsive abt makfrids jogrps. Œtd to choose co-wkers Ÿfrids who sh‘common s wi–y. Œ‹a sse šsocial charm grace. Œmake frids wi–people who sh‘†exquite sse štte. Œtd to jo•arsc cultural typšganiza s. Œn't very tgo“sociable. Œdon't ‹many frids ose at yœdo ‹‘probably šsome use to y. Œ‹an ƒeir •"Secret Socie" “occult grps. Œ‹an acve social life. Œ‘wl liked quickly make frids wi–people. Œtd to jo•philanropic “rigis ganiza s. Œn't much ša joer. Œtd to jo•buss type ganiza s rar an social on. Wh˜yœ‘yng, yœmake frids wi–older people, wh˜older wi–ynger me ambis on. Œmay seem to ‹a knack ’makfrids. …frids usually seem to be a rar dsimilar grp, people from all differt s. Œ‹an ƒ•humanitarian ganiza s. Œmay make frids wi–people because yœfe™sry ’m. Œfrequtly don't use Žbt judgemt wh˜choos†fids, y ‘frequtly not loyal to y. Œmay ‹an ƒ•myscal ganiza s. …anxie‘caused by †impetus ac s. Œcrte problems emibecause š†argumtave, hdstrong, combave ac s “behavi. …anxie‘primarily fancial on. …love šposssions comts may be †undo. …anxie‘sociated wi–gossip prs, yœmay be a target ’sler “lib. …ra s wi–family neighbs can cause problems. …anxie‘mostly family rated. Strife dconttmt •†hsehold causyœto wry, can be Žcause š†undo. …Karmic trblmay be rated to "The Mor". …anxiestem from †romance from †childr. …ego arrogance may ld to †ru. Œ‹karmic wi–childr. …‹many small petty wri, m“problems. Ra s wi–†co-wkers, clits employers may cause †downfall. Œ‹a preoccupa‰wi–trivial details which may not hp yœŸwl. …marriage “partner causyœwry anxiety. A secret marriage “secret romance may br†downfall. Œmay also be hurt because š†unrlc extravagant tt. ˆposi‰causyœa rl possibility šsufferfrom hidd˜emi. Œ‘a powerful foe agast †emi, gh yœ•Žd may undo sf rgh †anger, rtmt unbridled psions. ˆgivyœrave safety from emi. Their effects td to be mimalized, some attacks on yœmay boomerang back on †emi. …overconfidce may be †undo. ˆposi‰frustrat†ambi s. …cer buss s may become †emi. …own sfhns greed ‡probably be Žcause š†own undo. …frids may turn agast y. …overpowerneed ’freedom may be †undo, may turn agast y. Lons dillusionmt ‡cause yœpa. Œ‡br†own undobecause š†own capm †addic s to drugs alcohol “†lack štch wi–rlity.