Advertisement text follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATHOMATIC VERSION 3 ALGEBRAIC EQUATION PROCESSOR (IBM only) If "A = B + C", then what does "B" equal? MATHOMATIC is a super-smart calculator program that can solve complicated symbolic math equations. Enter your equation or formula and solve it for any variable, and if you want to plug in values, simply type "calc" and MATHOMATIC will ask you for the values of all variables on the right-hand side of the equation and then display the answer(s). MATHOMATIC is an artificially intelligent algebraic manipulator program which implements most of the rules of algebra for the mathematical operators +, -, *, /, and power (including roots). Any linear or quadratic equation can be automatically solved for any unknown. Many other types of equations can be solved and simplified, too. Unlike other symbolic math programs that provide partial support for a multitude of operators and functions, MATHOMATIC goes all the way with its basic mathematical operators and commands. You can simplify (reduce) equations, factor polynomials with repeated factors, differentiate equations, compare equations, replace variables with any expression, jiggle a variable about some value to see the sensitivity to that value, etc. In addition, simultaneous algebraic equations can be easily combined and solved for any variable. Complex number arithmetic and multi-variable polynomial division are supported, too. MATHOMATIC is a fascinating tool. By using MATHOMATIC, you will learn to convert word problems to algebraic equations and let MATHOMATIC do the rest. Math enthusiasts will love to watch MATHOMATIC manipulate complicated equations. MATHOMATIC includes a tutorial program and a little surprise for anyone with a color computer: each level of parentheses can be a different color. Requires 512K of RAM and MS-DOS or PC-DOS 2.0 or higher. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------