This is my first published version of the Conrail route map. I hope it is of some interest. I'm sure there are many errors and omissions. Please let me know if you have additions or suggestions. NOTES: This file requires the use of GEOCLOCK. In the GEOCLOCK.DAT file, add the following line: INCLUDE CONRAIL.LIS or you can do this manually with the P command. This display looks best with the use of MAP 3, which is not distributed with the shareware version of GEOCLOCK, but can be obtained at the GEOCLOCK RBBS at 703-241-7980. CREDITS: The idea, style and core data for this project come from Steve Deveau's MAPRTE passenger rail route map, which you should try. It is adapted and extended herein with his permission. Thanks, Steve I can be contacted on Compuserve at user ID 70215,112 and also at the Rail News Network BBS at 201-297-3723 Steve Snow 9/15/90