First let me say that I have used VB for Windows for several months and I would recommend it to anyone with a BASIC application for which they require a Windows equivalent. If you really didn't want to take the time to program productively using SDK, Visual Basic provided the least painfull alternative. Until QCWin was released that is. There were many things however left out of VB which require the capabilities of other compilers. Included amoung these things are calls to the remaing Windows library functions and direct memory/port access. Because the functions for cursor control were also omitted VB programs which require lengthy memory/disk accesses cannot display the famous HourGlass cursor to prevent operator hysteria. This bothered me to the point of writing an HGDLL for that singular purpose. Although Window library functions may be called by declaring them individually in the VB .BAS file, some of the data types involved are defined in Windows.h differently than those common to VB. There is probably an easy work-around for this as there are probably several other ways to tap the other non-VB Windows functions. But I feel that this approach will have more appeal to VB users who aren't particularly iterested in writing technically rigorous code for their otherwise user friendly applications. In order to use the HGDLL.dll it must be located somewhere on the PATH for Windows to find it. The most obvious place to put it then is either in Root or the \Windows subdirectory. The VB application must also be told where to find it by adding a declaration statement similar to that below in its .BAS file: Declare Sub Hglass Lib "c:\windows\HGdll.dll" () The following statement will serve to load and display the HourGlass cursor while VB is busy processing non-cursor related operations. Normally another call to the Windows function would restore the original cursor by its initial "handle" but VB seems happy to do that automaticly prior to processing further mouse input. Sub control_click() Dim X as Integer --> HGdll <-- Show "any_form" End Sub If anyone has a chance to use the above routine I would appreciate hearing any comments they might have. I will be attempting to stay current with the PC-OHIO Windows conference postings as well as my personal mail. Michael Swaney