Computer Tyme InMem * Copyright 1990 by Marc Perkel All Rights Reserved * Version 1.1 * Release Date: 11-28-90 Computer Tyme * 411 North Sherman, Suite 300 * Springfield Mo. 65802 (800) 548-5353 Sales * (417) 866-1222 Voice * (417) 866-1665 Data Usage: INMEM Example: INMEM SK.COM INMEM MARX.BAT InMem tests to see what TSRs are loaded in memory. If the program is found, it returns errorlevel 1. Otherwise it returns errorlevel 0. Besides finding TSRs, InMem will also find BATCH files that are running. This is a shareware program. If you use it you must pay for it. Pricing is as follows: 1 - $10 10 - $25 100 - $100 Unlimited - $250 call for details This program is included free with other Computer Tyme Software such as MarxMenu and the DOS ToolBox.