Quarterdeck Office Systems QEMM-386 Version 6.01 Information QEMM-386 Version 6.01 is identical to Version 6.00 except that the following relatively rare possible problems have been solved in Version 6.01. 1) XMS drivers loaded before QEMM 6.00 could cause a couple of potential problems. The worst problem was if you loaded an EMB-using driver before QEMM, the EMB-using driver would stop working (and possibly hang the system) once QEMM loaded. The lesser problem related to the interaction between the NOXMS parameter and the DUX parameter, so that if one was used but not the other, there was the potential for unpredictable results. 2) QEMM 6.00's WINSTLTH.VXD driver, which is the driver responsible for making Stealth compatible with Windows 3.0 in 386 Enhanced mode (W3/3 for short), could cause an EMS-using driver or TSR loaded before W3/3 to fail. Additionally, some EMS-using programs loaded inside of a W3/3 DOS Prompt window might cause failures as well. Since W3/3 is known to have problems working with EMS-using TSRs or drivers anyway, most people should not use such programs whether they are using Stealth's ST:x parameter or not. Two other things with WINSTLTH.VXD: a) Some disk caches are being modified to make their advanced disk features work with Stealth. Those modifications won't work with W3/3 in QEMM 6.00; b) If QEMM has Virtual HD Irq=y, then it will continue to protect against ADF caches even if W3/3's VirtualHDIrq is set to n. 3) Optimize with QEMM 6.00 had problems with indented CALL statements in batch files and had problems if zero drivers/TSR's were loaded and/or zero HighRAM regions were set up. 4) The 4DOS.CMD file with QEMM 6.00 was missing ELSEIFF, ENDIFF, and ENDTEXT 5) The INSTALL program with QEMM 6.00 didn't work with the /M switch. Also, some PATH commands could be incorrectly parsed. Also, it inserted the QEMM directory in all PATH statements, including PATH statements that used the %PATH% variable. This caused the QEMM directory to be included multiple times under such circumstances. 6) QEMM 6.00 shipped with MFT 1.10, which had some minor cosmetic glitches. QEMM 6.01 ships with MFT 1.11, which corrects the above. Users who can show proof of purchase of QEMM 6.00 after September 25 can request a free 6.01 disk. Other registered QEMM 6.00 users may upgrade for $10. Updates may be requested by contacting Quarterdeck Customer Service at (213) 314-3222, or by sending a message to 76004,2310 via CompuServe MAIL. Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *