SONGS.EXE by William J. Flynn January 3, 1991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This past Christmas my wife asked me to take a bunch of Christmas music that we had around the house on CD's and LP's (remember LP's??) and put together several "nice" Christmas tapes. Although I'd never admit this to her - I actually enjoy putting together "nice" tapes, and try to take some pride in getting a good blend of music on them. If it's one thing that really bugs me, however, it's having a song "run over" the end of a tape side or conversly, having 2-3 minutes of "dead" time before one side of the tape reverses. Of course you can sit down with pencil and paper and take down all the running times of the songs you want on a side, add them up, and spend 20 minutes looking for a "BEST FIT" algorythm or - you can run this program and it will do the calculations for you. This is NOT a programming work of art! I put it together quickly because I had a Christmas party to worry about, and I needed something fast. If it works for you - use it - the price is certainly right!! One thing you should know - I built in a 59 second "fudge factor" because in my experience, cassette tapes actually have 31+ minutes on a side for C-60's and 46+ minutes/side on C-90's. Therefore, your songs can "run over" up to 59 seconds per side. This should not be a factor on most tapes, however. ENJOY! - Bill Flynn, P.O. Box 33608, Phoenix, AZ 85067 - 1/3/91