REGISTRATION FORM PIAF, INC. 3918 ORCHARD COURT BOULDER, CO 80304-1023 (303) 786-8222 1) Circle a Registration Option: OPTION 1 - $69 (plus $6 s&h) Registered Surefire VS1.0 disks plus 6 months technical support, 460 page guide, demonstration and practice documents. OPTION 2 - $29 (plus $4 s&h) Registered Surefire VS1.0 disks plus 2 technical support calls and demonstration Smart Documents. OPTION 3 - FREE 1 Surefire technical support call plus new product notification. 2) Circle Disk Size: 5 1/4" 3 1/2" 3) Check here [] to register Surefire Contacts $19 (plus $4 s&h) Note: If you have not already registered SUREFIRE you must choose option 1 or 2 above along with this one. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $____________ (Colo res. add 3% tax) VISA or MC #:________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE:______/_______ SIGNATURE___________________________ Please make checks payable to : PIAF, INC. (U.S. funds only) 4) Fill out below: NAME____________________________ TITLE_______________ DATE__________ COMPANY_______________________________________ PHONE_______________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________ STATE_______ ZIP___________ 5) Please answer these questions: 1. What industry do you work in? _________________________________ 2. What is your job function? ____________________________________ 3. Will you use Surefire at home or work? ________________________ 4. What do you like MOST about Surefire/Surefire Contacts? _______ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you like LEAST about Surefire/Surefire Contacts? ______ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Other Comments (use back for more room) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________