WEATHER SATELLITE IMAGERY CAPTURE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Program that reads and writes GIF and TIFF format image files. Displays images in CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA and SVGA graphics modes at up to 1024x768-256 colors. Features include: enhancement and color palette adjustments; prints up to 16 greyshades on 9- and 24-pin dot matrix and laser printers. When used with WeatherFAX scan converter will capture all APT modes: HF fax, polar, WEFAX and GOESTAP. The image size limited only by available memory, up to 32 MB of EMS memory is supported. This is the package featured in the April and May 1990 issues of QST magazine. Version 4.0 is now available that provides: - AVHRR temperature calibration and calibrated temperature contour map. - Latitude and longitude gridding of NOAA and Meteor polar satellite with a "you are here" function. - Doppler shift correction. - Displays both ascending and decending satellite passes. - Perpetual 24-hour schedule/timer for unattended image capture. Automatically saves either a sector or the full image - 8 user definable color palette tables. - Very high resolution display with up to 1280 x 1024 x 256 color resolution. - Unlimited full-screen animation (optional) that automatically updates to display the most recent image sequence so that you can quickly review the latest changes in weather activity. Use it to animate WEFAX and GOES-TAP images captured using the 24-hour Schedule/Timer. OFS WeatherFAX, 6404 Lakerest Court, Raleigh, N.C. 27612