Microsoft MultiPlan 4.x Printer Drivers --------------------------------------- This directory contains two printer drivers for the Kodak Diconix 150 printer. Their filenames are as follows: DICONIXE.PRD (Epson mode, DIP switch #6 down) DICONIXI.PRD (IBM mode, DIP switch #6 up) Epson mode supports italic characters; IBM mode provides extended character support, including line draw characters. Select the driver that best meets your needs, and set DIP switch #6 accordingly. Use the DOS COPY command to copy the selected driver(s) from this diskette to your application disk or hard drive. (Example: COPY A:\MP4\DICONIX*.PRD C:\MP4). The Multiplan drivers do not reset the printer before printing, so it is possible to place the printer in 8 lines per inch mode before running Multiplan and get up to 88 printable lines per page. When printing 8 lines per inch, set the page length to 14.667 inches.