Microsoft Word 4.0 Printer Drivers ---------------------------------- This directory contains two printer drivers for the Kodak Diconix 150 printer. Their filenames are as follows: DICONIXE.PRD (Epson mode, DIP switch #6 down) DICONIXI.PRD (IBM mode, DIP switch #6 up) Epson mode supports italic characters; IBM mode provides extended character support, including line draw characters. Select the driver that best meets your needs, and set DIP switch #6 accordingly. Use the DOS COPY command to copy the selected driver(s) from this diskette to your application disk or hard drive. (Example: COPY A:\WORD4\DICONIX*.PRD C:\WORD4). When using justified paragraph formats or boxes, use at least .2" left and right margins. The Epson mode driver supports a standard 6 lines per inch print, and line spacing is only adjustable in integer increments. The IBM mode driver, because it supports graphic boxes, has to print 8 lines per inch. This requires the page length to be set at 14.667". To print at 6 lines per inch, simply set line spacing (in Format Paragraph) to 1.33. When using this driver, all vertical measurements will be off by 25% (e.g. a 1" top margin will print as only .75").