Microsoft Word 5.0 Printer Drivers ---------------------------------- This directory contains two printer drivers for the Kodak Diconix 150 printer. Their filenames are as follows: DICONIXE.PRD (Epson mode, DIP switch #6 down) DICONIXI.PRD (IBM mode, DIP switch #6 up) Epson mode supports italic characters; IBM mode provides extended character support, including line draw characters. Select the driver that best meets your needs, and set DIP switch #6 accordingly. Use the DOS COPY command to copy the selected driver(s) from this diskette to your application disk or hard drive. (Example: COPY A:\WORD5\DICONIX*.PRD C:\WORD5). The Print Options menu contains two models of the Diconix 150: serial and parallel. When using justified paragraph formats or boxes, use at least .2" left and right margins (or paragraph indents). The Epson mode driver is exactly the same as in Word 4.0, to provide compatibility with other documents. The IBM mode driver supports not only graphic boxes, but imported graphics as well. It will print at 8 lines per inch as a default but if line spacing (in Format Paragraph) is set to AUTO, the 12 point font will print 6 lines per inch. The page length must be set at 14.667". When importing graphics and using adjacent boxes, make sure the graphic width (or frame width) and text position from graphic (in Format position) add up to an even 1/10th of an inch. If not, the box may be printed with a broken vertical line due to rounding errors.