PPS -- Print to PostScript (Revision: 1.14 , Date: 01/12/92 14:35:30 ) Copyright (C) 1991 Object Engineering, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Demo Version ____________________________________________________________________________ Print text files to a PostScript printer Useful for printing: source code files, ASCII data files, database and spreadsheet output files, as well as many others. Allows selection of page header information, line width, page length, margin sizes, multiple page images per sheet, margins, tabs, and more. Please refer all inquiries Object Engineering, Inc. and suggestions to: P.O. Box 5968 Beaverton, Oregon 97006, USA This is a user supported product. It is not public domain, and it is not free software. You are granted a limited license to use this product on a trial basis. If you wish to continue using the product after the trial period you must register by sending (for each computer to be used): (a) $15 for registration only (no disk), (b) $30 for registration plus the latest version on disk, or (c) $40 for registration, disk and printed, bound manual to the address stated above. Warranty - Object Engineering Inc. disclaims all warranties of any kind, including but not limited to implied warrenties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Object Engineering be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits. If you fail to abide by the terms of this license you are depriving me of fair compensation for my time and efforts. I hope you enjoy and benefit from the use of this product. Please refer to the program documentation for complete instructions. ____________________________________________________________________________ PPS Command Syntax: PPS [flags] filepattern ... Defaults Flags: -Hx Print page headers. x toggles options: - - enables/disables printing of headers yes F - print Filename yes P - print file Path (directory) no MD - print file modification date yes MT - print file modification time yes N - print page Number yes B - draw a Border around the header yes Gx - set background Gray level to x (0.0-1.0) 1.0 T"x" - set header Title string to x - -M# Set all margins to # inches 0.5 -Mx# Set margin x (T-top,B-bottom,L-left,R-right) to # inches -MI# Set margin between page images to # inches 0.25 -W# Set line width to # characters -LW Enables Line Wrapping no -L# Set page length to # lines 66 -Ox Select page orientation (OP-Portrait or OL-Landscape) OP -I# Page Images per printed sheet (reduced size) 1 -IA# Page Images Across printed sheet (reduced size) 1 -ID# Page Images Down printed sheet (reduced size) 1 -B Draw a border around (N-None,P-Page image,S-Sheet) P -Fx Select print font (C-Courier,H-Helvetica,T-Times-Roman) C -FNx Select named print font x - -Tx Set tab expansion to every x spaces 8 -Xx Process environment string PPS_DEFx - -Q Query user (Y/N) for printing each file no -Ex Exclude file(s) matching string x - -? Show selected print options no -Ddev Send output to device (or file) (to screen if -D only) PRN Examples: PPS document.txt Will print the file "DOCUMENT.TXT" with page headers (the default), 66 lines per page (the default), and 0.5 inch margins on all sides (the default). PPS -hp -mt1.5 -w132 *.c *.h Will print all files with the extension ".C" or ".H" in the current directory with page headers (the default) which include the file path name. A 1.5 inch top margin and 132 characters per line override the defaults for these parameters. PPS -ol -i4 -dpostf.ps data.prn Will print the file "DATA.PRN" in landscape mode with 4 page images per sheet, and the PostScript output going to file POSTF.PS. Commonly used flags can be set in the MS-DOS environment variable PPS_DEF using the SET command at a DOS prompt or in AUTOEXEC.BAT. Command line flags will override PPS_DEF flags. The order of flag processing is: 1) Default values 2) PPS_DEF (if defined) 3) PPS_DEFx (if defined and specified) 4) Command line flags (if specified) e.g. SET PPS_DEF=-w80 SET PPS_DEFWIDE=-w132 -m1.0 PPS DOC.TXT (prints 80 columns, 0.5" margins) PPS -xwide DOC.TXT (prints 132 columns, 1.0" margins) ____________________________________________________________________________ "PostScript" is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. "Turbo C++" is a registered trademark of Borland International. ____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 1991 Object Engineering, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED