Instructions for REPRINT.EXE June '91 Version 1.2 This program takes an (input) ASCII file that has the pages separated with an ASCII character 12 and copies selected pages to a second (output) file. It should be very helpful to anyone who prints out large reports, or to anyone with a laser printer or cut-sheet feeder. Steps to running this program: 1) With REPRINT.EXE located in the current drive/subdirectory, or on a subdirectory in your path, type REPRINT and press ENTER/RETURN. 2) Use the arrow keys to highlight the input file (press the F1 key for additional help). For testing purposes, select REPRINT.TST. Press the ENTER/RETURN key. 3) REPRINT will then "suggest" a name for the output file. This name will be the same as the input file, except it will end in .PRT. Press ENTER/RETURN to accept this name. If a message appears asking if you want to overwrite the file, press 'Y'. 4) Enter the first page number to be reprinted, press the ENTER/ RETURN key. 5) Enter the last page number to be reprinted, press the ENTER/ RETURN key. 6) Send the second (output) file to the printer. Optionally, you can enter all of the information from the DOS prompt, by typing: REPRINT For example, the following would copy pages 5 through 9 from REPRINT.TST to a file named REPRINT.OUT: REPRINT REPRINT.TST 5 9 REPRINT.OUT Press F3 from the opening screen for more information on running REPRINT from the DOS prompt. Please press F2 from the opening screen and register this program. (Registered users receive the most recent version of this program with their name and unique serial number on the bottom line of the opening screen. Anytime someone registers using a copy of this program with your serial number, you will receive a $5.00 commission check.) Please copy and distribute unmodified versions of this program freely. Files included in REPRINT.ZIP: REPRINT.EXE - The program that splits the files. REPRINT.TXT - This document. REPRINT.TST - A test report to test/demo. REPRINT.EXE. T-E Software and Bill Tober are not responsible for the use or misuse of this program. They make no claims regarding the performance of the program. They will not be held liable for any damages or losses received stemming from this program. The user assumes all liabilty and responsibility when using this program.