The Professional Master Key utilities have been provided on this disk in an archived form in order to get the entire system on one disk. In order to retrieve the files: 1) Prepare a subdirectory for the data C> MD\PMK (PMK is any name you wish - or pick an existing subdirectory) 2) Go to that new subdirectory C> CD\PMK 3) Issue the command C> A:PKUNZIP A:PMK31 4) To see the starting instructions, C> PBS ----------------- Thank you for your support of our services. The Professional Master Key utilities are Copyright 1990 Public Brand Software, Inc P.O. Box 51315, Indianapolis IN 46251 A complete catalog of Public Domain and User Support software is available from Public Brand Software 1-800-IBM-DISK (800-426-3475) 1-800-727-3476 (in Indiana) 1-317-856-7571 (in Indianapolis) PKUNZIP is copyrighted by PKWare and has been used here with the permission of the author. For more information about PKUNZIP issue the command PKUNZIP without any parameters. Please respect both our and PKWare's copyright, license, and registration agreements. If this software saves you even an hour of work, then it is certainly worth compensating the author for the many hours of work spent writing the software. The archived file PMK31.ZIP may be placed, intact and unchanged, on Bulletin Boards and electronic services for downloading and sharing with others. Copies of this disk, with all files intact and unchanged, can be freely distributed by individuals and non-profit user groups. Disk vendors who charge a distribution fee may distribute copies of this disk, with all files intact and unchanged, with prior written permission. See PMK-UTIL.DOC for details. Permission to use PKUNZIP.EXE must, of course, be arranged with PKWare. If this documentation scrolled off the screen faster than you could read it, it can be printed by the command: COPY PBS.TXT PRN