4DOS 4.0 Revisited from 3.xx 4DOSMEN3.ZIP is the third revision of 4DOSMENU.ZIP, which is now composed of multiple, boxed, color screens (as many as you care to have, each one colored differently, if you so choose). Revisions: 4DOSMEN1.ZIP__Oct 14, 1990.... 4DOSMEN2.ZIP__Dec 25, 1990.... 4DOSMEN3.ZIP__Nov 25, 1991....by Leon Manfredi ============================================================================== The following is a "Continued" Reasonable Attempt to explain, or "How to Execute Any or All" of selected Aliases via "Screen Menus" manner. The asterisk (*) denote parameters used create 4Dos_4.0 Screen Menus, Status and Command Lines. (Incorporate them in the respective file) ....Non-asterisked parameters are listed for your consideration. --- AUTOEXEC.BAT ;BACK UP your AUTOEXEC.BAT file!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;Use this file for reference only ;Do not include asteriks in changes @echo off * set comspec=c:\command.com * PROMPT=$e[s$e[H$e[33m $e[35;1m $D [$t] $e[35;1m³ Mem:$e[35;1m%@dosmem[K]K ³ Ems:%@ems[K]K ³ Ram:$e[35;1m%@diskfree[d:,K]K ³ %@diskfree[%_disk,K]K $xc: * $e[K$e[1;80H$e $e[m$e[u$e[33;1m$_$_[$z] $P  $e[33m path=c:\2disk;c:\4dos;c:\amaxx;c:\card;c:\cc;c:\chef;c:\cmplus;c:\ed;c:\ezrobo;c:\fe;c:\fish;c:\games;c:\hdm4;c:\pmk;c:\qaa;c:\qf;c:\rm2;c:\temp;c:\temp0;c:\telix;c:\utils;c:\work;c:\zipper;c: * setdos /A1 /V1 /C~ /M0 /U1 /i-list /i-help set list=c:\utils set tmp=c:\temp set dszport=2 set robo=e256 set dszlog=c:\utils\dsz.log set pktmp=d:\ set pkpaktmp=d:\ set arctemp=d:\ set pkzip.cfg=c:\utils set spat=c:\utils set ziplev=ex cd\ share * cls bright yellow on blue cd\cmplus reminder c:\cmplus\dat\ * cd\4dos * alist.bat <---- ;See file below --- CONFIG.SYS ;BACK UP your CONFIG.SYS file!!! ^^^^^^^^^^ ;Use this file for reference only ;Do not include asterik in changes break on files=41 buffers=41 * shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com @c:\4dos\4dos.ini /p device=c:\nansi.sys device=c:\emm.sys device=c:\njramd.sys d: /p50 /s device=c:\gateway.sys -D -2 --- Note: All 4Dos files have been placed in a \4DOS directory.... along with those listed below.... I hate cluttering up my Root directory.... ( You should find these next 3 files plus 2 more, in 4DOSMEN3.ZIP) ALIST.BAT <------ ;Called upon by the Autoexec.bat file ^^^^^^^^^ ;which loads the ALIASES with the /r switch, @echo off alias /r aliases 1 <---- ;then executes the the alias "1" in aliases --- Note: In attempting to reload aliases, you may lose data. Aliases already loaded, will have a tendency to overwrite an alias file of the same name. Your best bet, is to get the alias "@Alt-S" shown below in your Alias file. With this alias, you can edit/insert an alias, where, upon having saved to the file and exited, it will reload your aliases with changes and/or insertions. You will need to place SORT.COM in your directory. (BE SURE TO KEEP BACKUPS) ALIASES ^^^^^^^ * 1=cd\~c:\4dos\scr1.bat <---- ;Called by ALIST.BAT @Alt-0=c:\ship~r ;BACK UP your ALIAS file!!! * @Alt-1=cd\~c:\4dos\scr1.batr ;Use this file for reference only. * @Alt-2=cd\~c:\4dos\scr2.batr ;Asteriked aliases need placing * @Alt-3=cd\~c:\4dos\scr3.batr ;in your alias file. @Alt-4=alias /p~pause~1r ;Do not include asterik in changes @Alt-A=cls~cd\amaxx~mmenu.bat~1r ;Put "Alias = nnnn" in 4DOS.INI @Alt-B=reboot /Cr ;This "Alias = 1920" @Alt-C=cls~cd\cmplus~cmplus c:\cmplus\dat~1r @Alt-D=cls~cd\2disk~1cat~1r @Alt-E=cls~cd\~xx er @Alt-F=cd\~xx fr @Alt-G=cls~cd\ed\grab\~mark~grabscrn.com~1r @Alt-H=cdd\hdm4~hdm -n~1r @Alt-O=cls~ck~cd\utils~dog c: /auto /crc /truncate~rebootr @Alt-P=cd\pmk~pmk~1r @Alt-Q=cls~cd\qaa~qa~1r @Alt-R=cd\~xx rr * @Alt-S=alias | sort>c:\4dos\aliases~c:\ed\q c:\4dos\aliases~unalias *~alias /r c:\4dos\aliases~1r @Alt-T=cd\~xx tr @F7=cls~cd\fish~numon~fishing /L~numoff~1r @F8=cd\rm2~rm2~1r A=cdd a:\~dd B=cdd b:\~dd CC=cd\cc~cc~1 CD=cd\card~cardfile llm~1 CK=cls~cd\utils~chkdsk /f~pause~1 COPY=*copy /r DD=dir/P/V2/Oe~pause~scr1.bat DISPLAY=*list DK=cd\utils~diskcopy a: a: DS=cd\utils~dsksetup.com~1 EF=cd\fish~erase fishdat.*~1 FD=cd\fish~doorcfg~1 FE=cd\fe~fe~1 FM=cd\fish~fishmant~1 G=global attrib -a *.* >> c:\attribs~1 GA=global attrib +a *.*~1 L=cd\utils~list.com~1 M=memory~free~pause~1 MM=cd\utils~mark~1 MO=cd\utils~mouse~1 MR=cd\utils~release~1 MU=cd\utils~mouse /u~1 MX=cd\utils~maxi~1 PL=cd\~xx 1 PU=cd\~xx 3 QE=cd\ed~q c:\4dos~1 RC=cd\ezrobo~robocomm~1 SC=cls~cd\utils~scan c: /a /m /d /report c:\utils\scan.rpt~1 SD=cls~cd\download~x import~1 SW=cls~cd\utils~scan c:\work /a /m /d /report c:\utils\scan.rpt~1 TF=cls~cd\telix~tfe~1 --- SCR.BAT <-------- ;Executed by the "1" alias ^^^^^^^ ;command in ALIASES @echo off ;"1=cdd c:\~scr.bat", above. cls color bright yellow on blue drawbox 2 0 23 79 2 bright yellow on blue fill blue ;Make sceen color drawhline 13 0 80 2 bright yellow on blue fill blue ;changes here. screen 2 20 ¹ 4DOS * ALIAS COMMANDS SCREEN MANAGER Ì screen 4 5 @A - AutoMaxx ;This screen will execute as is. screen 4 29 @C - CM/Plus (P) ;However, only the asteriked aliases screen 4 53 @D - Disk/Catalogs ;above are executable. screen 5 5 @E - EZReader screen 5 29 @F - Q-Filer screen 5 53 @G - Screen Grabber screen 6 5 @H - Hdm4 screen 6 29 @O - Defrag/Optimizer screen 6 53 @P - Pro/Masterkeys screen 7 5 @Q - Q & A ¯ A:\ screen 7 29 @R - Robocomm screen 7 53 @S - Ed/Reload Aliases screen 8 5 @T - Telix screen 8 29 * - screen 8 53 * - screen 12 5 @ = Alt screen 12 71 1 of 3 screen 13 32 µ Sub Menu Æ screen 15 5 CD - Cardfile screen 15 29 CF - Chef Menu Mngr screen 15 53 MM - Mark TSR screen 16 5 MR - Release TSR screen 16 29 MX - Maxi Format A: B: screen 16 53 QE - Q-Edit screen 17 5 RC - RoboCfg screen 17 29 SC - Scan C:\ Virus screen 17 53 SD - Scan Zip Download screen 18 5 SW - Scan Work Dir screen 18 29 * - screen 18 53 * - screen 20 5 F1 - 4Dos Helpÿ screen 20 24 @1 - Screen1 screen 20 40 @2 - Screen2ÿÿÿÿÿÿ screen 20 54 ÿ@3 - * Games *ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿ screen 21 5 @4 - Show Aliases screen 21 24 @B - WarmBoot screen 21 40 @0 - Power Off --- You'll know that all went well....should the screen below appear in living color like so: Status line: Magenta on Blue Menu Screen: Bright Yellow on Blue Command Line: Bright Yellow on Black --- Sun Nov 24, 1991 [ 1:43:46] ³ Mem:552K ³ Ems:384K ³ Ram:785K ³ 3050K C:\ * ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ 4DOS * ALIAS COMMANDS SCREEN MANAGER ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º @A - AutoMaxx @C - CM/Plus (P) @D - Disk/Catalogs º º @E - EZReader @F - Q-Filer @G - Screen Grabber º º @H - Hdm4 @O - Defrag/Optimizer @P - Pro/Masterkeys º º @Q - Q & A ¯ A:\ @R - Robocomm @S - Ed/Reload Aliases º º @T - Telix * - * - º º º º º º º º @ = Alt 1 of 3 º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ Sub Menu ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º º º CD - Cardfile CF - Chef Menu Mngr MM - Mark TSR º º MR - Release TSR MX - Maxi Format A: B: QE - Q-Edit º º RC - RoboCfg SC - Scan C:\ Virus SD - Scan Zip Download º º SW - Scan Work Dir * - * - º º º º F1 - 4Dos Helpÿ @1 - Screen1 @2 - Screen2ÿÿÿ@3 - * Games *ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿº º @4 - Show Aliases @B - WarmBoot @0 - Power Off º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ [0] C:\  --- (See Sample Files Enclosed) Corrections and/or improvements to "purpose", are welcome. Leave message, via Channel 1 Communications (617)354-8873 in the 4DOS Conference........