Document 1604 GEOWORKS Initials: RJR 11/09/91 DRDOS 6.0 Keywords: GEOS GEOWORKS ENSEMBLE TASKMAX Description: Geoworks version 1.2 works fine under DR DOS but it does require some special configuration. Files need to be set at 120. This may seem like a high figure but it will only use about 9K of RAM and if you are using EMM386 no impact need occur on conventional memory. Ensemble will not even begin with files equal to 30. TaskMAX can be initialized only with CTRL-ESC. No other hot keys can be used. Also end-users may find that they have no keyboard in their other tasks. We have also received reports that even if it does switch TaskMAX will eventually fail. At this time we cannot recommend the use of TaskMAX with Geoworks Ensemble v.1.2. Any version of Geoworks prior to 1.2 will not work under DR DOS 6. Geoworks uses XMS memory when available and will use the HMA if it is available. There have been some reports that Geoworks will not run when SuperPCK is loaded into upper memory (/&U+). If you are having trouble loding Ensemble try the switch /&U-. Also if you are using SuperPCK in expanded memory (/A+) advanced disk transfers must be turned off with a /H-.