Welcome to... Exit Checker An Enhancement for Norton Desktop for Windows Copyright (c) 1991 by Daniel N. O'Connor. All rights reserved. Are you tired of double-clicking on an applications control menu box, only to find that you've just told Norton Desktop for Windows to quit? It can certainly be annoying to land at the DOS prompt with no intention, and with no warning! The whole idea behind the buzz-words GUI, SAA, and CUA is to let the user control the machine, not the other way around. Allowing the user to unintentionally terminate their Windows session, with no chance of recovery past the "uh oh" stage, cannot be described as a "feature." While it is true that Norton has promised to make this "feature" less user hostile in future versions, that doesn't help those of us with the current release. Exit Checker will. Exit Checker provides the user with a chance to avoid unintentional Windows shutdowns. Exit checker monitors Windows' shut-down procedure and asks the user for confirmation before allowing Windows to terminate. To install Exit Checker, copy the file EXITCHEK.EXE into your Windows directory and follow one of the two procedures below: 1. Open the AutoStart group from the NDW Quick Access group. Using the FILE|NEW option from NDW's menu, add Exit Checker as an item. The Title is, of course, Exit Checker, and the Program Name is EXITCHEK.EXE. Exit Checker works best if it is the first, i.e., left-most, icon in the AutoStart group. 2. Open the file WIN.INI with Windows Notepad, or other ASCII text file editor, and add EXITCHEK.EXE to the load= line under the [Windows] section. Either of these two methods will ensure Exit Checker is up and running at start-up. Exit Checker will sit on your desktop as an icon until you are ready (or not!) to quit Windows. If you accidentally exit NDW, simply click on the "Cancel" button to return to your work. If you really want to terminate the session, simply answer "Ok" to the prompt. That's all there is to it. COPYRIGHT REMINDER: While Exit Checker is provided as a benefit for NDW users at no charge, remember, Exit Checker is a copyrighted work and is not "public domain." You are encouraged to share Exit Checker with your friends and co-workers, but you may not make any modification to Exit Checker (the file EXITCHEK.EXE) or use any part of Exit Checker in your own programs. A QUICK NOTE TO WINDOWS PROGRAMMERS: Exit Checker was compiled using Borland C++ 2.0 and Borland's Resource Workshop. The program monitors Windows for a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, at which time the user is reminded that Windows is about to quit. To abort the shutdown procedure, a window procedure (WndProc) return value of 0 is sent. If the user selects "Ok", the return value is 1. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT EXIT CHECKER, please address them to my CIS account: Dan O'Connor 71161,1517