40 files found in Library "Desk Top Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ADGET1.ZIP No 220986 04-21-91
Attention getting advertising *.PCX images
for Desktop Publishing.
ALFRED12.ZIP Yes 11740 09-15-91 Alfred The Desktop Butler v1.2: MS-Window
ASLFONT.ZIP Yes 136566 12-22-92
Fingerspelling of letters font
for laserjet II/III. Has both
portrait and landscape fonts.
Download program included.
BIGD21.ZIP Yes 28751 05-16-91 Large Windows Virtual Desktop v 2.1
DCSPORT.ZIP Yes 64855 12-21-91
Sports Trivia Desktop Calendar v1.02: For
AUTOEXEC, gives today's date and what
happened on this day in sport's history.
DSKTPACC.ZIP Yes 167369 05-18-92 A great desktop-accessory program.
ERASCNTT.ZIP Yes 37405 12-22-92 True type, eras contour
EXITCHEK.ZIP Yes 4062 10-31-91
Exit checker Norton Desktop for Windows 3
for Desktop Publishing
FBLOCK24.ZIP Yes 80600 12-22-92
FONTASY(r) desktop publisher
BLOCK art.
GEOFONT1.ARJ No 130044 12-22-92
Converted fonts for
GeoDraw/GeoWrite. ANTI1E24.FNT,
GEOFONT2.ARJ No 101049 12-22-92
Converted fonts for
GeoDraw/GeoWrite. BLIP1FE9.FNT,
GEOFONT3.ARJ No 126379 12-22-92
Converted fonts for
GeoDraw/GeoWrite. COUR1E33.FNT,
HOMBASE1.ZIP Yes 139470 06-20-90
Excellent Memory-Resident Desktop System.
1 of 3 (Installation)
HOMBASE2.ZIP Yes 142442 06-20-90
Excellent Memory-Resident Desktop System.
2 of 3 (Program)
HOMBASE3.ZIP Yes 20165 06-22-90
Excellent memory-resident desktop system.
3 of 3. (Utilities Disk).
INCHPI.ZIP Yes 22207 12-11-91
InchPica, an Inches to Picas & Points
calculator. This program converts fractional
inches to picas and points (to the nearest
point). Useful for graphic artists and
LEMITT.ZIP Yes 32784 12-22-92
Lemeiesz TrueType font that is
similar to Mezozoic.
LOG_TT.ZIP Yes 44214 12-22-92
Logger TrueType font made of
logs, all caps.
MADDM3.ZIP Yes 69842 12-20-90 Full featured 'desktop' adding machine
MARKERFE.ARJ No 23613 12-22-92
Adobe font converted to
GeoWorks. (GEO)
MEMTOOL3.ZIP Yes 142893 09-11-91
MemTool v3.0: multifunction TSR desktop utl.
W/calculator, calendar/appointments, editor,
dialer, alarm clock, ASCII table, DOS shell,
screen capture & saver; configurable hot keys
Requires ~5K RAM if use EMS or disk swapping
LAN compatible & pops-up over graphics scrns
$30.00 ShareWare:
NDWSPEED.ZIP Yes 1077 10-26-91 Increase speed of Norton Desktop for Wind
PARITT.ZIP Yes 14526 12-22-92 ParisMet TrueType all caps font.
PIXITT.ZIP Yes 23738 12-22-92 Pixie TrueType font.
POLOTT.ZIP Yes 22984 12-22-92 Polo SemiScript TrueType font.
PSPRN111.ZIP Yes 12632 12-22-92
Print plain ASCII text files to
PSX102C.ZIP Yes 15169 02-15-92
PSX v1.02C: extracts ASCII text from a post-
script file, and writes it to disk
REYNTT.ZIP Yes 7814 12-22-92 ReynoldsCap TrueType font.
ROTHTT.ZIP Yes 9517 12-22-92
Rothman TrueType font is an Art
Deco font containing all
alphabetic/numeric characters and
punctuation whose characters are
quite condensed.
RUD_TT.ZIP Yes 27385 12-22-92
Rudelsburg Regular TrueType
Font for Windows 3.1.
RWSHELL.ZIP Yes 11770 11-06-91
Report Writer reports called from Clarion
SLOGAN.ARJ No 24806 12-22-92 Geo Font
SOUVENIR.ZIP Yes 98627 07-31-90 HPLJ Fonts for Fentura Publisher
VIEWSZ.ZIP Yes 78886 10-31-91 Change font size for viewer in Norton Desk.
VIVALDI.ARJ No 43139 12-22-92 Geo Font
WALLPIX.ZIP Yes 115811 10-08-91 Windows Wallpaper pictures for desktop...
WILTT.ZIP Yes 43640 12-22-92 Will Harris TrueType Font for Win. 3.1.
WININIT.ZIP Yes 6336 08-08-91 Restores the Win3 desktop to a given stat