Thanks for obtaining a review disk of The ECC Learning System For Beginning WordPerfect 5.1 Users. You can review the entire disk-based tutorial at your leisure. This training program is designed around an 18-hour course taught at a local community college or Voc Tec. Some of the terminology is oriented to a classroom situation. However, the program can and is used effectively by individuals sitting at their own computer and learning about WordPerfect 5.1. When you register the program, which you must do if you are using the program, you get: 1. Telephone Support for using and installing the program. 2. A commercially printed 200+ page workbook. 3. Free upgrade when this tutorial is modified. 4. Newsletters about other products and hints for using them. 5. The BEST training program on the market! Registration Form can be printed from the disk-based tutorial by displaying the Registration screen on your computer and either, tapping [PrtSc] or on the keyboard.