The installation process has been completed. You are now located in the sub-directory called WORDPTUT. There should be xx files in the sub-directory WORDPTUT. To verify that all the files have been successfully transferred, type... dir and press [ENTER]. If there are not xx files in the sub-directory, go through the installation process again. Before loading the ECC Learning System For Beginning WordPerfect 5.1 Users, unload any RAM resident programs. This includes DOS shells, public domain programs, or desktop organizers. This program requires 512K bytes free in RAM. Failure to properly configure your computer system may result in the program failing to load or aborting during file transfers. If you are using an IBM Model 25 or 30 use the following command... Learn WordPerfect -snow and tap [ENTER] If you are using a computer system without a graphics card use the following command... Learn WordPerf -mono and tap [ENTER]