174 files found in Library "Word Processing"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
51ENHMAR.ZIP No 151306 05-18-92
WP5.1 enhancements list: All changes to
WP5.1 DOS interim releases. Also updates
documentation. From WPCorp BBS as of 3-9-92
interim release. Files in WP format.
51GCNMAR.ZIP Yes 79544 05-18-92 Wp5.1 graphcnv.exe
51KEYMAR.ZIP Yes 55199 05-18-92
Updated/revised WP5.1 macro (.WPM) &
keyboard (.WPK)
51MCNMAR.ZIP Yes 16117 05-18-92 Wp5.1 macrocnv.exe
51PTRMAR.ZIP Yes 184337 05-18-92 WP5.1 PTR program
51SCNMAR.ZIP Yes 15983 05-18-92
Software Change Notices for WP5.1 DOS
The complete list of all changes in this
interim release.
51SHEET.ZIP Yes 7937 11-05-91
Alphabetical list of all WordPerfect 5.1
sheet feeder definitions, with filename and
last update. From WP Corp.
AMAC41.ZIP Yes 314456 08-26-91
Ver 4.1 of Qedit Macros, including:
AMINW.ZIP Yes 15737 09-19-91 Ami Pro v2.0 Adjunct: Updated Ami Pro DLL.
AMSTR103.ZIP Yes 193971 08-12-91
Address Master v1.3: Maintains an address
list in WordPerfect. Useful for many
APCRSSRF.ZIP Yes 2133 01-03-92
Ami Pro v2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro Macro that
generates a cross referenced document.
APEXPSTY.ZIP Yes 3785 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: Expense report style
sheet; allows for simple calculations and
itemized listings.
APEXTAMI.ZIP Yes 1313 01-03-92
Ami Pro v2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro macro that
allows you to exit AmiPro quickly by button.
APFFT10.ZIP Yes 25657 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: DCA Final Form Filter
Version 2.0, October '91; easier & has more
complete importation.
APFIXSTY.ZIP Yes 13288 10-07-91
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: This patch corrects the
graphic misrepresentation on some style
APFNTINI.ZIP Yes 23009 10-29-91
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: This patch corrects
screen fonts for some printers. Fonts may not
correspond to selected.
APMAC10.ZIP Yes 6325 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: collection of macros
that make everything from using the Thesauras
to using clip art easier.
APMRGACT.ZIP Yes 1005 11-01-91
Ami Pro v2.0 Adjunct: Merge Action problem
workaround. Fixes the bug.
APMSCRIP.ZIP Yes 53515 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro revised filter
for Manuscript files.
APRFT20.ZIP Yes 62342 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro revised filter
for Final Form Text v2.0.
APTYPCHR.ZIP Yes 6467 01-03-92
Ami Pro v2.0 Adjunct: Macro to insert and add
ANSI characters into AmiPro; works very well;
includes icon for SmartIcon.
APWP20.ZIP Yes 18278 01-03-92
Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: AmiPro updated filter
for Word Perfect 5.xx files; allows easier
importation of Word Perfect files.
BIGWP.ZIP Yes 46590 01-30-91
40K TSR to enlarge display in WordPerfect or
Letter Perfect to increase display size for
the visually impared.
BITSTRM.ZIP Yes 11659 01-04-91 Help for Installing Bitstream Fonts in WP 5.1
BOXCHT.ZIP Yes 11263 12-04-91
Genealogy box charts for WordPerfect that
show the relationship, in chart form,
between two persons from a mutual ancestor.
BULLET91.ZIP Yes 4117 09-21-91 Visual Bullets macro for WP 5.1
BULVIS.ZIP Yes 4008 09-17-91 Word Prefect bullet macro.
BYDSIGN.ZIP Yes 243371 05-30-91 Word perfect 5 graphic design manager
CALNDR.ZIP Yes 18996 10-04-91 WP 5.1 Calendar Maker
CAPMKR.ZIP Yes 15310 01-04-90 Wp5.1 Macros For Legal Captions
CEDT0891.ZIP Yes 107256 08-09-91
CEDIT is a mouse based Chinese word
processor that holds about 28000 Chinese
chars; supports Epson, HP Laser/Deskjet,
etc; add/change any Chinese character.
CLPCAT.ZIP Yes 10369 02-10-91
Produce a catalog of WordPerfect graphics
(Wpg) for printing and viewing.
CMPARE.ZIP Yes 22990 09-17-91
Compare perform word-for-word comparison on
WP docs.
COMPR.ZIP Yes 23288 11-18-91
Compare WP files word by word - also any text
CONCORD.ZIP Yes 1118 08-27-91 WordPerfect Macro to make a "Concordance".
CSCH56.ZIP Yes 117896 06-25-90 For keeping your research and summary notes.
CUG319.ZIP Yes 196212 09-22-91 CPP-C Preprocessor w/src
CZECHIT.ZIP Yes 157890 05-18-92 A Czech-English, English-Czech dictionary.
DA10.ZIP Yes 7683 10-21-91
Don't Ask: WordPerfect 5.1 macro to allow
file move, copy, delete without confirmation.
From Darkhorse Industries; freeware.
DBF2SP.ZIP Yes 56007 06-12-91 Merge .DBF files to Sprint word processor
DESCRIBE.ZIP Yes 959941 10-17-91 Describe's BOLD GOLD Word processor.
DIAMON.ZIP Yes 4746 04-06-91
Word Perfect macro - flow text around a
DIR51.ZIP Yes 6337 04-27-91 Word Perfect 5.1 Macro
DW0386.ZIP Yes 72817 01-15-91
Microsoft Word 5.50 patch for AWARD & DTK
Bios; also contains a new keyboard driver
(PAUSE.KBD) and corrected video drivers for
common displays that should solve the temp.
Pause problem.
ENVELO.ZIP Yes 3885 06-03-91 Word Perfect 5.1 envelope macro.
EXAM.ZIP Yes 1328 09-01-91
WordPerfect 5.1 macro to create multiple
choice exams.
FDND110.ZIP Yes 32059 03-31-91 FDND NodeDiff processor v1.10 - major updat
FG2_21.ZIP Yes 317976 02-11-92
FormGen II v2.1: word processor-like drawing
program created specifically for designing
forms; quickly draw lines/boxes and position
text; multiple fonts and text sizes, text
windows, mouse support, excellent printer
FLVIEW.ZIP Yes 42520 01-25-92 File Viewer for wordperfect files.
FOLDR4WP.ZIP Yes 161427 08-18-91
Folder System & mailing list for WordPerfect
5.1 Full descriptive filing system & utils.
plus name/address/telephone database. In-
cludes WP & ASCII merge.
GENRLTBL.ZIP Yes 4230 09-24-91
General WordPerfect 5.1 Troubleshooting
GERM.ZIP Yes 119876 05-18-92
German/English/German language translation
GLJMK20.ZIP Yes 31563 12-22-92
InsertLJMark v2.0: Word for
Windows macro that inserts a print
field at the current insertion
point that will print either DRAFT
or COPY diagonally across a page
(you choose), directly
addressing/manipulating the HPIII.
GLJMK201.ZIP Yes 32431 12-22-92
InsertLJMark v2.01: Word for
Windows macro that inserts a print
field at the current insertion
point that will print either DRAFT
or COPY diagonally across a page
(you choose), directly
addressing/manipulating the HPIII.
GRAPHCT2.ZIP Yes 132139 08-21-91
Graphcat v2.0 wp 5.1 macros to build/print
catalog of wp graphics. option to print many
per page for reference.
GRAPHLP.ZIP Yes 7064 09-24-91 Grpahics Helps & Hints for Wordperfect 5.1
G_PRINT4.ZIP Yes 10669 10-19-91 Print and view Wordperfect graphics.
HEADLINE.ZIP Yes 16128 06-08-90 Display a saying from a file
HEBMAC.ZIP Yes 9521 10-10-91
WordPerfect 5.1 macros for entering Hebrew
characters into your documents.
HELPSYST.ZIP Yes 121537 03-06-91 Complete Help system for WordPerfect v5.1
HPMAC.ZIP Yes 11700 11-01-91
WordPerfect 5.1 macros to create HP Laserjet
macros, a useful by rarely used feature of
Laserjets starting with the Plus model. LJ
macros can be any text or graphics, which
you store in the LJ memory instead of
downloading each time they're needed.
INT09FIX.ZIP Yes 9804 11-28-90 Info and fix for Wordperfct 5.x.
INTERN_G.ZIP Yes 35664 10-02-91
Word Perfect Adjunct - Ready-made award
certificate. Just supply the name and the
JLFIXS.ZIP Yes 2828 08-27-91
Corrections and updates to the JL Macros for
WP 5.1
JLMAC1.ZIP Yes 52788 08-17-91
Collection of double click macros for
Word Perfect 5.1 1 of 2
JLMAC2.ZIP Yes 50358 08-12-91
Collection of double click macros for
Word Perfect 5.1 2 of 2
KEYWS5.ZIP Yes 6642 02-05-91 QEdit <->Wordstar conversion utility
KWIKRITE.ZIP Yes 172285 06-15-91
KwikWrite executive word processor v4.0
Easy-use ASCII processor.
LABELS51.ZIP Yes 11388 09-19-91
Various Labels Information for Wordperfect
LGL51WP.ZIP Yes 5870 12-18-91
WordPerfect 5.1 legal dictionary updated from
LITHWP10.ZIP Yes 108202 10-21-91
LithPerfect v1.0: a Lithuanian language
solution for WordPerfect 5.1 users.
LJ3WP51.ZIP Yes 121064 05-14-91
HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIIP, and IIISi
printer drivers for WordPerfect 5.1.
LNCH22.ZIP Yes 6946 01-04-92
LAUNCHER v2.2, allows you to select data
files for pre-loading into applications. An
excellent program for WordPerfect users,
especially if you have documents scattered in
numerous drives and directories. This version
corrects a MAJOR bug (oops) in v2.1.
MACADE.ZIP Yes 131719 12-15-91
MacroAde Ver. 4.2 - A collection of
WordPerfect 5.1 macros and utilities that
help in writing, editing, and using
WordPerfect macros. Last revision date in
MACDEC3.ZIP Yes 238682 12-15-91
Enhancements for Fenimore's WordPerfect for
DOS Macro Suite. Enhanced: ALTB (BLOCK); ALTF
These aren't simple macros.
MACROHLP.ZIP Yes 21725 09-24-91 Macro Help & Hints for Wordperfect 5.1
MALT.ZIP Yes 11653 12-22-92 More Alt Keys for WP5.x (DOCs in WP)
MALT10.ZIP Yes 37590 08-30-91
Adds the capability of additional "alt" keys
for Word Perfect macros.
MENU101.ZIP Yes 8385 08-06-91 WP5.1 macro for menu of other macros v1.01.
MERGEHLP.ZIP Yes 20563 09-24-91 Merge Help & hints for Wordperfect 5.1
MGEWP51.ZIP Yes 63275 08-09-91
NEC Mult. Graph. Engine Wordperfect 5.1
MPE4WP12.ZIP Yes 133002 10-02-91 Macro Programming Environment for WordPerfect
MULTWORD.ZIP Yes 317888 10-14-90 Excellent Thesaurus.
NOTIFY.ZIP Yes 15172 11-02-90
Updated NOTIFY.EXE for WordPerfect Office
OVER1.ZIP Yes 171575 01-10-92
Over_LAZ: Overlay collection. Over 75
business overlays for business in WP 5.0+ &
HPLJ printers. Many standard office forms,
rubber stamps & more useful items.
OVERPS.ZIP Yes 50946 01-25-92
Over_LAZ PS is a collection of over 70
printer overlay files for WordPerfect 5.0 or
later and a PostScript compatible printer.
Over_LAZ are provided for standard office
forms (interoffice memo, FAX transmittal etc)
as well as rubber stamps (draft, etc) and
borders. Expands to 109k bytes.
PAKXP112.ZIP Yes 8571 01-14-92 WP5.1 driver for Panasonic KX-P1124.
PARENWPM.ZIP Yes 3285 08-22-91 WordPerfect Macro for using parenthesis.
PASSWP30.ZIP Yes 30905 09-20-91 May help recover Word Perfect encryped files
PDXWP122.ZIP Yes 161896 12-05-91 Paradox to WordPerfect translator v1.22
PF10.ZIP Yes 21612 10-21-91
Perfetch: pop-up file finding shell for
WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS). Requires Keith
Ledbetter's SST (SST_53A.ZIP). Perfetch not
only searches for files but will also
retrieve them into WordPerfect, even from
Archive files (ZIP, ARJ, PAK, LZH, ARC,
etc.). From Darkhorse Industries; shareware.
PHONE_.ZIP Yes 1426 12-07-90
Listing of all WordPerfect Corp. Customer
Support numbers. Most are 1-800 numbers!
PP10.ZIP Yes 7876 10-21-91
Perfect Peeper: archive file viewer that
runs from inside WordPerfect 5.1. Supports
ARJ, ZIP, PAK, LZH, ARC. For memory-hungry
archivers (i.e., ARJ), suggest you also
download SHROOM17.ZIP. From Darkhorse
Industries; freeware.
PWLITEA.ZIP Yes 139950 02-14-90 Side A of PCWrite Lite
PWLITEB.ZIP Yes 215626 03-24-90 Side B of PCWrite Lite.
RECALL25.ZIP Yes 71398 04-10-91
RECALL version 2.5! Great for Word Perfect
users. RECALL displays all filenames in
date order and allows user to invoke their
favorite application on the file. Includes
Word Perfect viewer, text search and file
REVPRN.ZIP Yes 530 12-16-91
Wordperfect5.1 macro. Prints document in
reverse page order so that pages don't have
to be shuffled as they accumulate in printer
ROSEMENU.ZIP Yes 3073 01-04-92
Another version of Rose Media's main menu for
WP51 format.
RUSENG.ZIP Yes 238227 05-18-92 Russian/English dictionary.
RW4_DEMO.ZIP Yes 101534 08-15-90 DEMO of the RightWriter grammar checker!
SAVE99.ZIP Yes 27988 12-22-92
Ready-to-run multiple directory
filing system for WP 5.1
interim release or later).
Create and use up to 99 dirs as
file folers when saving docs (more
when expanded). Many features. Shareware $2.
SLNAMES.ZIP Yes 6510 10-21-91
Short-Long Names: WordPerfect 5.1 macro to
toggle short/long names on/off.
SORTHLP.ZIP Yes 9059 09-24-91 Sorting Help & Hints for Wordperfect 5.1
SPELL23B.ZIP Yes 266374 05-13-91
ShareSpell v2.3b is an ASCII text file
spelling checker with a 112,000+ word
dictionary. Includes Dictionary Manager
v1.4, a dictionary management utility.
SPELLR.ZIP Yes 363 08-18-91
List of American contractions for adding to
spell checkers
SS24.ZIP Yes 266804 12-22-92
Share Spell v2.4b: SW text file
spell checker Includes 112,000+
words dictionary and dictionary manager.
STAR110.ZIP Yes 4470 05-05-92 Random Star-Trek Quotes.
STRIPBIT.ZIP Yes 26120 05-18-92
A program to set or reset specific bits in
ASCII text files. Very easy to use. Works
well with conversion of Wordstar text to
normal ASCII as default.
STYLES.ZIP Yes 11658 09-20-91
Styles Information & Helps for WordPerfect
SUM.ZIP Yes 1929 01-07-92
WordPerfect macro that will convert numbers
to words.
SWP1.ZIP Yes 158249 02-14-91
WordProcessor from Scandanavia [1/4]
Can be configured like any of the popular
wordprocessing programs, WP, WS, WORD, et
SWP2.ZIP Yes 159690 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [2/4]
SWP3.ZIP Yes 198650 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [3/4]
SWP4.ZIP Yes 235793 02-14-91 WordProcessor from Scandanavia [4/4]
TABLEHLP.ZIP Yes 41352 09-24-91 Tables helps & hints for wordperfect 5.1
TABLEREF.ZIP Yes 9272 02-28-91 Tables: A Quick Reference Guide to WP 5.1 doc
TEMPFILE.ZIP Yes 1538 03-27-91
List of WordPerfect's Temporary and
Miscellaneous files
TERGEHLP.ZIP Yes 13288 04-18-91 Merge Helps and Hints for WP 5.1
TNSTUPDT.ZIP Yes 6239 02-11-91
Common Installation questions and answers for
WordPerfect 5.1
TSCHEK14.ZIP Yes 72393 09-29-91 UNIX-like spell checker
TW15.ZIP Yes 27971 05-05-92
Tiny Wordprocessor 4k TSR that uses old
style WordStar command set.
V7WORD.ZIP Yes 24340 01-29-91
Video 7 VRAM Extended Drivers direct from
Video 7's BBS for MS-WORD 5.0 & 5.5
VDE_WP.ZIP Yes 10156 12-14-90
Vde Utility That Simulates Word Perfect 4.2
For Vde. Works With Vde162. Freeware.
VOL2.ZIP Yes 114439 09-26-90 Graphics for wp51.
VOL3.ZIP Yes 101892 09-26-90 Graphics for wp51.
WDMSTR17.ZIP Yes 203650 07-11-91
WordMaster v1.7 - Word processor with spell-
check and more
WHAT300.ZIP Yes 74540 04-30-91
Format recognition utiltity for PC's.
determines between Wordstar @ WordPerfect
WORDPERF.ZIP Yes 12515 03-02-91
Listing of all files available on WordPerfect
Corp's BBS in Orem, UT.
WP50ART1.ZIP Yes 59221 12-01-91 Graphics for Wordperfect 5.0 1 of 2
WP50ART2.ZIP Yes 30469 12-01-91 Graphics for wordperfect 5.0 2 of 2
WP51BRDR.ZIP Yes 14362 09-01-91
Set of 10 documents for WordPerfect 5.1 with
various borders and appropriate margins
WP51BUSS.ZIP Yes 89946 02-12-91 From the book WordPerfect in Business
WP51DEMO.ZIP Yes 290749 05-06-92 Word Perfect 5.1 DEMO
WP51SPD.ZIP Yes 23680 07-11-91
WP 5.1 document describing how to speed up
WP51TABL.ZIP Yes 27198 06-17-91 WP v5.1 tables help and hints
WP51TEMP.ZIP Yes 10347 02-06-90 Pop-up Screen templates for WordPerfect 5.1
WP51TIPS.ZIP Yes 38503 06-17-91 WP v5.1 tips and tricks
WP51ZI.ZIP Yes 5491 09-19-91
WordPerfect 5.1 macro that adds a ZIP+4 bar
code to the bottom of the envelope; uses WP's
graphics commands so it should work with any
graphics printer WP supports; works well!
WP8514A.ZIP Yes 6826 10-02-91
Wordperfect/DraWPerfect/planperfect Video
Driver For 8514/A Video Adapters.
WPBRD003.ZIP Yes 78191 09-07-91 Borders for Word Perfect 5.1
WPCRACK.ZIP Yes 39542 05-18-92
Retrieve forgotten passwords from WP 5.0/5.1
WPENVR4.ZIP Yes 8242 11-22-91
Envelope macros for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1.
Finds address in letter & prints envelope.
Much better than macro from WP Corp. Ver. C
with many new features. FREE.
WPFILT.ZIP Yes 58645 03-22-91 Wordperfect to PC-Write Filter
WPFRENCH.ZIP Yes 11013 05-18-92 Type in French easily with WordPerfect 5.1
WPGDISK3.ZIP Yes 107778 06-12-91 Collection Of Wp5.1 Graphics
WPINDE.ZIP Yes 46522 07-01-90
View the first 120 characters (header) of
all your WordPerfect files
WPLEARN1.ZIP Yes 80663 02-22-91 Wordperfect 5.1 tutor. 1 of 3
WPLEARN2.ZIP Yes 123411 07-16-90 Wordperfect 5.1 tutor. 2 of 3
WPLEARN3.ZIP Yes 66672 07-16-90 Wordperfect 5.1 tutor. 3 of 3
WPM51.ZIP Yes 37117 07-04-91 Create a pull-down menu for WordPerfect v5.1
WPMACRO.ZIP Yes 19277 08-19-91 WordPerfect Macros
WPMACRO1.ZIP Yes 2729 03-26-91 Some useful WordPerfect macros. [1/2]
WPMACRO2.ZIP Yes 3097 10-06-90 Some useful WordPerfect macros. [2/2]
WPMACRO3.ZIP Yes 4740 03-05-91
Eight Wordperfect macros including envelope
for 5.1.
WPMACROS.ZIP Yes 199561 10-19-91
WP51 macros a sophisticated suite for doc
WPMD2.ZIP Yes 22035 02-12-90
WordPerfect Document Doctor, Recovers "lost"
text in 5.x document files. This already
recovered 11 pages of text for me that
WPMERGE2.ZIP Yes 27646 08-19-91 WordPerfect Merge Help
WPMJAPAN.ZIP Yes 7564 07-03-91
WordPerfect 5.1 macro to act as a front end
to manage character set 11 (Japanese kana).
WPSORT.ZIP Yes 20356 08-19-91 WordPerfect Sort Help
WPSPEED.ZIP Yes 21379 10-26-91
13 pages of tips and techniques for speeding
up WordPerfect. From WPCorp.
WPSPLFIX.ZIP Yes 4968 05-15-90 A fix for Word Perfect 5.1 bug. From WP
WPSTYLE.ZIP Yes 24562 05-03-91
WPSTYLE v1.02 - converts as in style sheets,
all instances of a type style (9 styles such
as bold, italic, underline) to another style
or to normal text. For WordPerfect 5.0/5.1.
Standalone; saves original file. M. Huft.$10.
WPSYMBLS.ZIP Yes 14648 05-18-92
One mnemonic keystroke access to WP's
compose symbols & characters
WPTIPS3.ZIP Yes 16473 08-16-91 WordPerfect Hints and Tips
WPTOOL51.ZIP Yes 230414 11-05-91
David Seidman's Super WordPerfect Utility Set
WPWPG.ZIP Yes 176100 10-05-91 Word Perfect WPG graphics
WPWRIT11.ZIP Yes 74422 12-09-91
Paradox to WordPerfect (wp) secondary merge
file pgm.
WP_ATI.ZIP Yes 16690 01-31-91 ATI Wonder Video Driver for WordPerfect
WSDEBUGS.ZIP Yes 2416 01-23-91
A couple of worthwhile patches for WordStar.
Intended for use on vers 5.x looks like with
some address changes could work with WS 6.xx
as well.
WSKEYS.ZIP Yes 9919 01-12-91
WordPerfect macro to install WordStar key
WSUTIL.ZIP Yes 5972 05-18-90
A collection of WordStar utilities written
by Peter Mireau for WordStar 5, 5.5, and
6.0. WS5ASC converts a WordStar 5+ file to
straight ASCII, WS5WS4 converts a WS5+ file
to WS4 format for importing into other
programs which havent noticed later WS
versions. ASCWS5 takes an ASCII file and
strips the s within paragraphs, etc. To
make it easier to import into WS.
ZKWIK11.ZIP Yes 30425 12-04-91
ZK (formerly ZipKwik) v1.1: KWIC and KWOC
indexing system; Key Word in Context/Key
Word Out of Context, suitable for printing
from your word processor.