This file contains information regarding Vision Edit version 2.07 ================================================================= NAMING CONVENTIONS: =================== - :unregistered, regular VED, version number is NNN; - :registered, regular VED, version number is NNN; - :unregistered, 286 version of VED, version number is NNN; - :registered, 286 version of VED, version number is NNN; LATEST ENHANCEMENTS: =================== - ASCII code of a current character is displayed at the top-left window corner - improved cursor movement - second version of the program for 80286 and higher microprocessors - improved help (some more topics) INFORMATION FOR PROGRAMMERS: ============================ You can enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. ASCII codes can be entered both into active window and into Search/Replace dialog boxes. GENERAL INFORMATION: =================== Vision Edit is a text editor which has the following features : - multiple files editing - movable, resizable windows - on-line, context-sensitive help facility - mouse support - pull-down menus - Word Star key binding - block commands (cut, copy, paste, delete) - search and replace - change directory - DOS shell - clear, save and retrieve desktop - customizable colors - file printing - additional gadgets (calculator, calendar, ASCII table) - file name (wild cards allowed) can be specified as a command-line parameter - 43/50 lines screen mode for EGA/VGA If you have EMS installed, Vision Edit will automatically use it for overlays, what will improve efficiency of the program. Although you can edit multiple files simultaneously of the total size above 300KB (if you have 640KB of RAM), no single file can be larger than 64KB (in the current version). ============================================================================ Vision Edit (c) Copyright 1991 Andrzej Brzezinski & Marek Kosznik All rights reserved Vision Edit is a shareware program. You are welcome to copy it and share with friends. If you find the program useful you are encouraged to register what will give you the following benefits : - free bug fixes - discount on upgrades to future versions of Vision Edit - phone support (Mon. - Fri. 6p.m.-7p.m., ph.(204) 943-4020). You are also welcome to suggest any improvements. This way you can actively participate in the process of the program evolution to the benefit of all users. On Telnet you can reach me at: To register, send $25 ($50 for network) to the following address: Andrzej Brzezinski 308-70 Garry St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3J9 CANADA