The following is the text of a message from Baback Moghaddam to Tim Wegner concerning the addition of Lyaponav fractal code to Fractint. Following this is a note on the Lyapunov fractal and some optimizations posted by Baback (or Bob as he calls himself). Bob gave me explicit permission to upload these messages to Compuserve. Note: this code has arrays larger than 64K and won't compile on a PC without changes. Tim Wegner ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think it's best if you get one of your guys to integrate it (I really don't have a lot of free time to stumble around in you guys' monumental code and probably would end up making a mess of it all!). An experienced Fractint programmer who knows the entire thing and the details of integration, modularity, menus, etc., would be best. Although I wouldn't mind having the official source for 16.11! ;-) Naturally, I'll be happy to explain/help out with my end of the code. I'm appending the C-code at then end of this mail. It should compile on a DEC3100 running Ultrix, but then again it's real plain C-code so you shouldn't have any trouble compiling it on different platforms. The input options are pretty self-explanatory. You have the choice of B&W output (PGM format), which is always best since you colormap it later on, or else you can output PPM and you are asked to provide a colormap (256 lines of ASCII triplets [0-255], like Fractint's but without any text!). The magnitude/contour option means if you want a regular continuous gray map or if you want to do a Mod-N pseudo-contouring (this gives pretty nice B&W images of the "binary-decomposition" type but is not suited for Markus fractals). As you might guess, this code is a rough and dirty hack for the "backbone" of most of my iterated fractal programs. If you compile it ok, test it out with my images, they used a range of 3-4 on both axes and the from Fractint. And oh, for personal reasons I do not like the original technique of collapsing all positive exponents into one color (my way you can see gradations of chaos, which was of considerable interest to me when I was studying this and other systems). I think this also has better visual appeal for Fractint enthusiasts. A sample input file is shown following the code. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions. -- Bob --------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------------- /* ================================================================= */ /* PROGRAM: lyap.c Lyapunov Space of the */ /* Version: 1.1 09/02/91 Logistic Parabola */ /* By: Baback Moghaddam with Periodic Forcing */ /* ================================================================= */ #include #include #include #define PI 3.1415926535 #define MAX 512 #define ABS(a) ((a)>0 ? (a):-(a)) #define SGN(a) ((a)>0 ? 1 : -1 ) #define FMIN 1e20 #define FMAX 1e-20 float v[MAX][MAX]; /* Pixel Map */ int colors[256][3]; /* Color Palette */ /* ================================================================== */ /* ================================================================== */ main() { FILE *fopen(),*fin,*fout; /* Input & Output File Pointers */ char in_file[50],out_file[50]; /* Input & Output File Names */ int Nx,Ny,No,Nc,L,P[30],cmode; register int i,j,k; int out,type,mod=2,cnt,c1,c2,c3,count; float x,y,dx,dy,lambda,f,prod,total; float x1,x2,y1,y2,vmin,vmax,z,lim,R[3]; char s[30]; printf("\n"); printf("[*] Boundaries (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax) : "); scanf("%f %f %f %f",&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2); printf("[*] Spatial Resolutions (Nx,Ny) : "); scanf("%d %d",&Nx,&Ny); printf("[*] Convergence & Computaion Its : "); scanf("%d %d",&No,&Nc); printf("[*] Period of Parameter Cycling : "); scanf("%d",&L); printf("[*] Binary Parameter Sequence (0,1) : "); for(i=0;i Contour Modulus (0-255) : "); scanf("%d",&mod); } printf("\n"); if(type==0) { printf("[*] B&W or Color Output (0,1) : "); scanf("%d",&cmode); if(cmode==1) { printf("[*] Color Map Filename : "); scanf("%s",in_file); } } if(cmode==0) printf("[*] PGM Output File : "); if(cmode==1) printf("[*] PPM Output File : "); scanf("%s",out_file); printf("\n"); fin=fopen(in_file,"r"); /* read color map from file */ for(i=0;i<256;i++) { fscanf(fin,"%d %d %d",&c1,&c2,&c3); colors[i][0]=c1; colors[i][1]=c2; colors[i][2]=c3; } fclose(fin); dx=(x2-x1)/(Nx-1); dy=(y2-y1)/(Ny-1); vmin=1e30; vmax=0-1e30; for(i=0;i0) { prod*=f; if(prod>FMAX || prod0) lambda=total/(log((double) 2.0)*count); else lambda=vmin; f=lambda; v[i][j]=f; if (fvmax) vmax=f; } printf("(*) Min = %f \n(*) Max = %f\n",vmin,vmax); printf(" .... Rescaling to (0-255).\n\n"); /* write intensity map to output file */ fout=fopen(out_file,"w"); if(cmode==0) fprintf(fout,"P5\n%d %d\n%d\n",Ny,Nx,255); else fprintf(fout,"P6\n%d %d\n%d\n",Ny,Nx,255); z=255.0/(vmax-vmin); for(j=Ny-1;j>=0;j--) for(i=0;i1e20 Total=Total+log(Prod)/log(2) Prod=1 end end Total=Total+log(Prod)/log(2) which gives a much more robust and efficient algorithm (efficient since the computation of the logarithm is reduced significantly and depending on your machine can make a worthwile difference).a In the time-honored tradition of "adding your two-cents worth", I'd like to suggest the following modification to the above algorithm. Just as the value of Prod is likely to grow out of bounds, it can also converge on zero (especially for low values of r). Therefore one should also limit it to a lower bound. Another important modification is to trap cases in which a single zero value for |r-2rx| will nullify all further computing (since it *multiplies* Prod). My modification to Dave Platt's method is the following (slightly more robust) version: Prod=1 Total=0 Count=0 for i=1 to N x=r*x*(1-x); slope=|r-2*r*x| if slope>0 Prod=Prod*slope if Prod>1e20 OR Prod<1e-20 Total=Total+log(Prod)/log(2) Prod=1 end Count=Count+1 end Total=Total+log(Prod)/log(2) if Count>0 Lyap=Total/Count else Lyap= - Infinity end The slope>0 loop insures that occasional zero slope values do not nullify the computation. At the end if Count=0, which means all slopes were zero (for example for a so-called "Superstable Orbit"), we know that the exponent is in fact - infinity, otherwise we simply average by the number of non-zero values (ie. Count). Armed with this new algorithm, I strongly suggest to the avid experimenter to compute the Lyapunov plot for the simple Logistic function (ie. without the periodic forcing). Vary r from 2.5 to 4 and compute an L for each r, then plot the function L(r). It is highly instructive to line up this plot against the bifurcation diagram in order to illustrate the important "meaning" of the exponent. When this is done, one can clearly see that stable regions (Limit Cycles) correspond to negative values. In particular, the occasional "dips" in L(r) correspond to the periodic windows in the chaotic region. I also suggest that you compute the two-dimensional "structural stability" map of the forced systems with the above modification. In particular take a look at the system with the forcing "aabab" for r values in the range 1 to 4 (on both axes). Note that as Dave Platt points out Dewdney's description of the colormap used is incomplete. Anyway, I hope that this rather long exposition will be of help to fellow experimenters out there. Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baback Moghaddam | Logistic <- logistique (French), Image Sensing Lab / C3I Center | from the "lodgement" of troops! Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engr. ----------------------------------- George Mason University | E-mail: Fairfax Va. 22030 | Tel: (703) 993-1697 ------------------------------------------------------------------------