USER RESPONSE FORM ------------------ We are interested in knowing more about you, the user. This information helps channel our efforts in the directions you want. Please help us by completing the following questionnaire and mailing it to: The Alcor Group, Inc. P.O. Box 864 York, SC 29745 1. Where did you hear about The Alcor Cash Register? ________________________________________________________________ 2. How are you using The Alcor Cash Register? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Are you a registered user? (If you are a non-registered user, Why?) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. If you find a bug in The Alcor Cash Register, an error in the manual, or you have a suggestion, We would like to hear from you. Please write any comments here: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. What software would you like to see produced in the future? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. Name and address (optional):_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Thank you.