DLScan - CIS Data Library Scanner INTRODUCTION DLSCAN is a simple program written in Turbo Pascal that, in conjunction with AutoSig, allows for the creation of catalog files which contain descriptions of specified files found in the CompuServ (CIS) data libraries. DLScan can optionally also create a directory listing of files. DLScan will create a script file (DLSCAN.SCR by default) that can then be given to AutoSig for processing. AutoSig will use the script file to dial and connect to CompuServe (if necessary), "Go" to the specified forum, enter the specified libraries and download the descriptions (or optionally a listing) of the requested file(s). This process will continue until the script file has been completely processed. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION This document is organized as a tutorial. Headings have been included so that the document can also be used somewhat as a reference manual. 1 Table of Contents Introduction...............................................1 Document Organization......................................1 Configuration..............................................3 Starting DLScan............................................3 Creating the Forum Library List............................3 Passing DLScan scripts to AutoSig..........................4 Forum Library Display Example..............................5 Forum (D)escriptions Scanning..............................6 Forum (L)isting Scanning...................................9 Downloading files.........................................11 Version History...........................................11 2 CONFIGURATION To test to make sure that your options are set properly, and also to test the functions of DLScan, use the Practice forum since it's free of charges. STARTING DLSCAN To start DLScan, just type "DLScan" at the DOS command prompt (without the " marks). If this is the first time DLScan has been run, you will see the following: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Select Forum (file(s) will be .CAT or .LST): | | | | | | | . . . | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You should now enter the Forum name that you wish to have searched, e.g. IBMCOM. Note: it is very important that the that you enter correspond with the name that is associated with the "SIG name, 1-7 char" prompt in the "Forum Configuration Options" menu (F3 in the main menu of AutoSig). +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Select Forum (file(s) will be .CAT or .LST): IBMCOM | | | | | | | . . . | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CREATING THE FORUM LIBRARY LIST Once you have selected the forum, if this is the first time that DLScan has been run, you will see the following screen. 3 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |No data library file - do you wish to create one? | | | | | | | . . . | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ By replying "Y" to this question, DLScan will create a script that will download the Forum's libraries into a .DL file; in this example, IBMCOM.DL. At this point, in order to get a feel for using DLScan scripts with AutoSig, terminate DLScan and try to download the IBMCOM Forum library list into the IBMCOM.DL file. In order to terminate DLScan, just reply "N" to the questions as shown in the example that follows: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Get (D)escriptions, (L)isting or (N)ext Forum? N| | | | Do you wish to scan another Forum? N | | | | DLSCAN.SCR has been created. | . . . | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note: by replying "N" to the first question, neither a (D)escriptions or (L)isting download script will be created. The "N" to the second question indicates that since no other Forums are to be scanned, DLScan can terminate. PASSING DLSCAN SCRIPTS TO AUTOSIG In the previous section, a DLSCAN.SCR file was created that will allow AutoSig to download a Forum Library list into an IBMCOM.DL file. AutoSig can be told to perform the commands in the DLSCAN.SCR file by one of the following commands: * at the DOS command prompt, you can enter "autosig /Xdlscan" (without the " marks). 4 * while in AutoSig, regardless of whether you are logged onto CompuServe or not, if you hold down the "Alt" key and then simultaneously press the "T" key, you will be asked to provide the script file name. At this point, just enter "DLSCAN" followed by the "enter" key. Once either of the above has been done, AutoSig will begin processing the DLScan script file and, for this example, a Forum library list will be downloaded into the IBMCOM.DL file. When AutoSig is done processing the DLScan script file, it will logoff CompuServe and hang up the phone. FORUM LIBRARY DISPLAY EXAMPLE Now that the IBMCOM.DL file has been created, start DLScan again. Since DLScan has already been run, the following will be displayed. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | |Do you wish to Append to the existing script file? | | | | | . . . | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you reply "Y" to this question, the previous script file will be kept, and the current DLScan session script will be appended to it. You will probably wish to enter "N" in most cases. When asked for the forum name, enter "IBMCOM" for this example. Since the Forum library list has now been downloaded, the following screen will be displayed. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Libraries Available: Get (D)escriptions, (L)isting or (N)ext Forum? | |0 New Uploads [C] | |1 Autosig (ATO) [C] | |2 Comm Utilities [C] | |3 Comm Programs [C] | |4 Bulletin Boards [C] | |5 Ask the Sysops [C] | |6 Hot Topics [C] | |7 Modems/Comm Hdw [C] | |8 Bul Brd Notices [C] | |9 Script/Nav Pgms [C] | |10 Protocols [C] | |11 Local Area Nets [C] | | | 5 | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FORUM (D)ESCRIPTIONS SCANNING If you wish to download library file descriptions, type "D" for (D)escriptions. DLScan will then ask whether you wish to collect file descriptions for a specific (F)ile, or (K)eyword. When you have selected either (F)ile or (K)eyword, DLScan will then ask for further "filtering". For example, if you wish to search for files uploaded only by a specific person, let's say [71410,3417], when DLScan prompts you for the [CIS user id] just enter "[71410,3417]" (without the " marks). Also, if the file or keyword that you wish to search for is, let's say, 360 days old, when DLScan prompts you for the "Age", enter the number of days old the file is. You can use both filters in combination to narrow the search even further. Note that not all search permutations of filters, filenames, and keywords are supported by DLScan. The following is an example: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Libraries Available: [Gathering File Descriptions] | |0 New Uploads [C] Which DL number? 1 | |1 Autosig (ATO) [C] | |2 Comm Utilities [C] Search by (F)ile, (K)eyword, or (N)one? F | |3 Comm Programs [C] Filename ( for all): dlscan*.* | |4 Bulletin Boards [C] [CIS User Id] ( for all): [71410,3417] | |5 Ask the Sysops [C] Age ( for all): 360 | |6 Hot Topics [C] | |7 Modems/Comm Hdw [C] Search by (F)ile, (K)eyword, or (N)one? K | |8 Bul Brd Notices [C] Keyword: dlscan | |9 Script/Nav Pgms [C] [CIS User Id] ( for all): | |10 Protocols [C] Age ( for all): 360 | |11 Local Area Nets [C] | | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ At this point, terminate DLScan and pass the DLScan.SCR script file to AutoSig (see sections "Creating the Forum Library List" and "Passing DLScan scripts to AutoSig" for more information). Note: at the present time, there is a bug in the CompuServe SCAn command. If you wish to gather a file description for a keyword, and wish to use the CompuServe id filter, DLScan will attempt to do this by using the SCAn command. However, at the present time a file description with the proper keyword, regardless of who uploaded the file, will be gathered. 6 A file description file, in this example IBMCOM.CAT, will be created and will contain the following information: 7 LIB 1 !SCA dlscan*.*[71410,3417]/DES/AGE:360 [71410,3417] DLSCAN.ARC/binary 04-Apr-89 16810 710 05-Nov-89 Title : ATO utility to create catalog fils of Lib descrips Keywords: DL SCANNER ATO BRO BROWSE AUTOSIG DLSCAN DLSCAN, in conjunction with AutoSig, allows for the creation of catalog files which contain descriptions of specified files found in the CIS data libraries. Use ATOBRO, found in DL 1 of the IBMCOM forum to select which file to download. This version, 1.2, adds two new features: the "/Age" keyword scan option, and support for AutoSig 5.6 and 5.8 with or without the ";oldf" user id option. Uploaded by author. LIB 1 !SCA *.*/KEY:dlscan/AGE:360/DES [71410,3417] DLSCAN.ARC/binary 04-Apr-89 16810 710 05-Nov-89 Title : ATO utility to create catalog fils of Lib descrips Keywords: DL SCANNER ATO BRO BROWSE AUTOSIG DLSCAN DLSCAN, in conjunction with AutoSig, allows for the creation of catalog files which contain descriptions of specified files found in the CIS data libraries. Use ATOBRO, found in DL 1 of the IBMCOM forum to select which file to download. This version, 1.2, adds two new features: the "/Age" keyword scan option, and support for AutoSig 5.6 and 5.8 with or without the ";oldf" user id option. Uploaded by author. 8 FORUM (L)ISTING SCANNING If you wish to download library file listings instead of file descriptions, type "L" for (L)istings. DLScan will then ask whether you wish to collect file listings for a specific (F)ile, or (K)eyword. The rules explaining how to answer the prompts are explained in the "Forum (D)escription Scanning" section; please see this section for more help. You can use both filters in combination to narrow the search even further. Note that not all search permutations of filters, filenames, and keywords are supported by DLScan. The following is an example: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Libraries Available: [Gathering File Listings] | |0 New Uploads [C] Which DL number? 1 | |1 Autosig (ATO) [C] | |2 Comm Utilities [C] Search by (F)ile, (K)eyword, or (N)one? F | |3 Comm Programs [C] Filename ( for all): *.txt | |4 Bulletin Boards [C] [CIS User Id] ( for all): [76703,4363] | |5 Ask the Sysops [C] Age ( for all): | |6 Hot Topics [C] | |7 Modems/Comm Hdw [C] Search by (F)ile, (K)eyword, or (N)one? K | |8 Bul Brd Notices [C] Keyword: command | |9 Script/Nav Pgms [C] [CIS User Id] ( for all): | |10 Protocols [C] Age ( for all): | |11 Local Area Nets [C] | | | | | | | |CompuServe Data Library Scanner -- Version 3.1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ At this point, terminate DLScan and pass the DLScan.SCR script file to AutoSig (see sections "Creating the Forum Library List" and "Passing DLScan scripts to AutoSig" for more information). Note: at the present time, there is a bug in the CompuServe SCAn command. If you wish to gather a file listing for a keyword, and wish to use the CompuServe id filter, DLScan will attempt to do this by using the SCAn command. However, at the present time, a file listing with the proper keyword regardless of who uploaded the file will be gathered. A file listing file, in this example IBMCOM.CAT, will be created and will contain the following information: 9 LIB 1 !SCA *.txt[76703,4363] [76703,4363] CMDLST.TXT 15-May-89 35517 2187 [76703,4363] COMCON.TXT 21-May-88 5329 2344 GUDLIN.TXT 04-Jun-88 6016 5735 USTSEN.TXT 17-May-89 3808 715 LIB 1 !SCA *.*/KEY:command CAPS.THD 12-Mar-88 974 2936 CMDLST.TXT 15-May-89 35517 2187 COMCON.TXT 21-May-88 5329 2344 SYNTAX.THD 12-Mar-88 5608 1656 CONCMD.TXT 16-Oct-89 11956 64 10 DOWNLOADING FILES Once a .CAT file has been built, use BRO.EXE, found in DL 1 of the IBMCOM forum as AUTOBRO.ARC, to select which file to download (see BRO.DOC for more information). BRO can only make use of the .CAT files; i.e. it cannot make use of the .LST files. The *.LST files are only useful for your own information. At the present time, BRO is only able to generate scripts for downloading files; it does not have the ability to create scripts to gather file descriptions, or listings. However, BRO does have the ability to use as input, files created by DLScan, or catalog files that can be downloaded from CompuServe Forum libraries. VERSION HISTORY 1.1 - fixes three known problems: 1) When "Appending" to a file, the new script commands are entered after the existing "Logoff" script command. This causes the newly appended commands to be ignored. 2) When entering a "null" forum name, an I/O error 3 is displayed. 3) When a "Logon " AutoSig script command is executed, if AutoSig is already in the specified forum at the time, the "Logon" is ignored; however, a "OP;SM N;S" CIS command string is still issued. 1.2 - adds two new features: 1) adds the "/Age" option for keyword scans. 2) support for Autosig 5.6 and 5.8 with or without ";oldf" is now available. 2.0 - adds the following features: 1) /Age and [CIS User ID] options for file and keyword scans. 2) directory function (listing of files by CIS User ID) put into a file with a ".LST" ext. 3) removes script generation for versions of AutoSig prior to version 5.8. 3.0 - adds the following features: 11 1) Adds support for the "/Short" option on SCAn. This will create a .LST file that has a list of files along with a one line title description. 3.1 - adds the following features: 1) Makes use of the new forum change to provide the prompt character to all forum prompts. You no longer need to use the "Short Library Prompts" in the CIS Terminal Options. This program was originally released to the Public Domain on 10/11/88 Neil Iwamoto CompuServe ID: 71410,3417 12