******************************************************************************** * README.TXT -- for dBASE Novell Network Batch Files ******************************************************************************** Attached to this are two batch files that I use on the Novell Network where I work, for users to access either dBASE or a system using RUNTIME. This document is here to describe the batch files. The purpose of these batch files is to speed up the access to either dBASE or Runtime applications. On the Novell Network we use (an older version, with a VERY slow proprietary interface), without these batch files, it takes over a minute just to load either of these, and running various processes takes quite some time as well. These batch files basically copy the important files for each to the user's hard drive, and executes them from that drive. It might be desireable to do this instead to a RAM drive, but it would have to be pretty hefty (> 2 Meg). The first real command: map g:=sys:dbase4 > nul is used to set up a Novell drive mapping, pointing to drive G:, which isn't in use by the users here. Novell tends to start mapping at Z: and goes backward through the alphabet. Our network drive usually starts out as F:, and various subdirectories are mapped. This just assigns drive G: as the mapped drive for dBASE. The next bits check the user's hard drive for directory C:\DB and for files in there (depending on the dBASE or RUNTIME batch file, they check for approp- riate OVERLAY files, which must be there for things to function properly. If the overlay file(s) exist, the program skips down to the label :continue. If not, the batch file attempts to create the directory C:\DB. If it exists, the user will get an error message that I can't kill ... oh well. Ignore it. It then copies the appropriate RUNTIME or dBASE files to the directory. ** WARNING ** the user needs to have at LEAST 2 Megabytes for either of these, and if they use both (say the use dBASE for some of their work, but also use a system you designed on the network ...) they will need at least 4 Meg. The next COPY command is copying the CONFIG.DB file, however it is one called CONFIG.DB2 -- this has added to the end of it the commands: in the dBASE.BAT file: PATH = C:\DB DIRECTORY = C:\DB in the QUERY.BAT file: PATH = G: DIRECTORY = G: These are so that dBASE or RUNTIME has some place to work ... Once the files exist on that drive, we change our DOS drive pointers from wherever we were on the network drive, to drive C: and the DB directory. We set a DOS variable do store the temp files to that directory, so we can check for them (and delete if necessary) later. Next we either run dBASE or RUNTIME and the application. Note that in the dBASE.BAT file, the command says: dBASE #DF=G /t %1 If the user wants to startup dBASE with a specific program, this is a way to do it. The %1 DOS batch file parameter is used here. /T can be used or not. In the QUERY.BAT file, the command says: RUNTIME /t G:PHQUERY Again, /T can be left out. In this case it says to run the program called PHQUERY.DBO (compiled dBASE program) from mapped drive G:. Since the path and directory are set there, dBASE will look for databases, programs, etc. in that directory ... Once we exit dBASE or the RUNTIME applications, we come back and deal with cleanup. In the runtime program (QUERY.BAT) I actually have it deal with renaming the CONFIG.DB file. This just resets it to the old one that was there before starting that application. I am not sure that's necessary ... The last few lines are some general cleanup ... getting rid of temp files, getting rid of the drive mapping to drive G:, going back to the normal network mapped drive (F:) and calling the network menu (if any). This is here just to assist programmers set things up ... I found it very frustrating to get started with all of this, and only recently put together enough information (after nearly a year of using dBASE on the network, and setting up runtime apps and watching them load S L O W L Y) and I felt that I should share this information. Doubtless there are other ways of handling this, however, this works. If others wish to add to this, that's fine ... Ken Mayer (Kenmayer on the ATBBS)