Erik McBeth 1991.01.24 These BIN files allow you to do "true" dictionary sort while inside dBASE IV. Dictionary sorts places numbers at the end of the file and lower case letters first (the reverse order of ASCII). The various bin files are called via the CALL() which can be used in the INDEX ON statement. Run the STRDCT.PRG to see a demonstration of the various ways to sort the data. If you want to use the bin files it is important that your index expression includes a + "" or the bin files will permanently encrypt your data - follow the examples and no problem. File list: GETREGS ASM /* for Microsoft C compiler, use Turbo and forget this */ STRDCT DBF /* test dbf */ STRDCT H /* header file */ STRDCT MDX /* test mdx */ STRDCT PRG /* test program */ STRDCTCA BIN /* case sensitive ascending sort */ STRDCTCA C STRDCTCD BIN /* case sensitive descending sort */ STRDCTCD C STRDCTIA BIN /* case insensitive ascending sort */ STRDCTIA C STRDCTID BIN /* case insensitive descending sort */ STRDCTID C