How To Add A REQUIRED Clause to a VALID Using TL_FORM.GEN Tony Lima August 19, 1990 DISCLAIMER This template is provided as-is. The author, Tony Lima, will not be responsible for any damage it may cause. PURPOSE To allow users to add the keyword REQUIRED to a VALID clause of an @ ... GET from the screen form designer. USAGE To add a REQUIRED, insert the following in the "Accept data when" area of the Edit options menu of the screen form designer: 'REQ'='REQ' .AND. Note that this must appear exactly as shown above. Specifically, the letters REQ must be enclosed in SINGLE QUOTES (') and the must begin in position 19 in the string. RATIONALE dBASE IV 1.1 makes a subtle but important change to the nature of the VALID clause used with @ ... GET's. In version 1.0, no data was allowed in a field that did not meet the condition(s) specified by the VALID. This applied to data that may have been entered before the VALID was added to the FMT file. Thus, if a record was edited that contained this data, it would have to be corrected before the record would be accepted. In version 1.1, use of a VALID with nothing else will allow data to violate the VALID condition. If is pressed with no changes made to the data, the VALID will not be enforced. In order to have the VALID enforced in all records, the keyword REQUIRED must be added between the VALID and the logical condition that is its object. The problem is that the screen form designer was not modified to reflect this new usage. However, the FORM.GEN template can be fairly easily changed to accomplish this. That is the sole purpose of TL_FORM.GEN: to allow the addition of a REQUIRED clause to a VALID without programming. For more information, see the file header of TL_FORM.COD.