// jbMake Make utility for Clipper 06/04/91 10:00am If the path of an object file was explicitly passed, jbMake would not find it and would abort with an error. In some instances jbMake would recompile every object. Both of these have been corrected. 06/03/91 3:45pm Bear with us here. It seems that if you explicitly include the name of your library file, jbMake would not find it. I've fixed this. I also adjusted the alternate path switch 'P', it would choke on occasion. One other thing, if jbMake finds an object with no dependants it will display a warning, but continue processing. This means that jbMake will give you a warning when including any OBJs that have no program files to support them. What do you think? 06/03/91 Early this morning I discovered a problem with jbMake. It seems that if you nest link files and delete all objs, jbMake becomes confused. This I have fixed. 06/02/91 Beta testers unite, this is your call to arms! We are going to be releasing a copies of jbMake at the upcomming Developer's Conference in Palm Springs CA. I have been hard a work trying to tweak jbMake to work with the latest incarnation of Blinker 1.5, have you got yours yet? Anyway I'd like to make this test cycle as short and thorough as possible. So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give this a hammering and let me know what you find. You can reach me during the days (8:30-6:00pm PST) @(209) 436-5231 or you can leave me a message on my machine @(209) 226-0804. Thank you for your help! cheers, jeff Thank you for using jbMake. There are ONLY 3 files contained in jbMake.zip: 1. JBMAKE.EXE demo version of jbMake 2. README.TXT this file 3. JBMAKE.DOC documentation file. The demo version of jbMake is a functional version of jbMake, however it has an annoying message displayed after finishing and the Run option has been disabled. To use jbmake without reading the docs simply type: jbmake Then if you get stuck, read jbmake.doc! jeff bryant o)o Bryant MicroSystems ~ 3967 N. Pacific Fresno, CA 93705 (209) 226-0306 Compuserve ID 76416,1462 Version Info: 3.04i: 1. Enhancements made for Blinker 1.5. Allow link files to be nested to 5 levels deep. Added support of DEFINE statement, and associated directives. Removed support for MS Link/WarpLink style files. Sorry but there just isn't enough interest to warrant the time spent trying to maintain this. jbMake will now process SET LIB and SET OBJ deeper than 1 level. ie. jbMake will now properly search for LIBs or OBJs in all directories specified by your SET command. 3.04h: 1. A bug that would cause jbMake to recompile the last object listed in a link file, occasionally, has been erradicated. Thanks to John Stolte for finding this and reporting it. 3.04g: 1. This version has only minor enhancements. All of them pertain to checking library files. It seems that I was not accounting for the full specified path when searching for a library. As such there would be times when jbMake SHOULD have forced a relink, but did not. 3.04f: 1. jbMake now checks lib files prefaced by SEARCH, ALLOCATE, LIBRARY and MODULE. Previously would not check ALLOCATE or MODULE. 2. Documentation updated. There was a typo in them. According to the docs -Cn would cause the linker NOT to be invoked after compiling. This has been corrected. It is now -n, without the 'C'. 3. Removed demo version from files sent to testers. 3.04e: 1. Fixed problem with alternate directory searching (-P). The code for this was really convoluted, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote it, its now about 5 lines. 2. Added checking of library files. jbMake will now check the time/date stamp of library files when linking. This will allow you to force a re-link if only a library has changed. 3. Re-worked some of the exit messages. I have tried to make the exit messages a bit more comprehensive. This should help those of you that were concerned by the inadequate "jbmake : aborted ..." messages. 3.04d: 1. aborting would Ctrl-C sometimes will bring up the demo screen. 2. TLINK doesn't allow # comments. Its fast, but its stupid. I made a couple of modifications for MicroSoft link files, I need a few more testers for the MicroSoft Link files, if you know anyone, please put them in touch with me. 3. Fixed the -N switch, this was disabled for some reason.