// jbMake Make utility for Clipper Thank you for using jbMake. There are ONLY 3 files contained in jbMake.zip: 1. JBMAKE.EXE demo version of jbMake 2. README.TXT this file 3. JBMAKE.DOC documentation file. THINGS TO NOTE: To use jbmake without reading the docs simply type: JBMAKE jbMake defaults to .RTLink as its linker. While jbMake will work with .RTLink, it really shines when used in conjunction with BLINKER from Blink, Inc. To cause jbMake to utilize BLINKER instead of .RTLink, simply type: jbMake -LBlinker Blinker and Clipper MUST be either in the path or pointed to by the appropriate command line switch. -L where is the path/name of the linker to use -K where is the path/name of Clipper If you need further help read jbmake.doc! jeff bryant o)o Bryant MicroSystems ~ 3967 N. Pacific Fresno, CA 93705 (209) 226-0306 Compuserve ID 76416,1462