DSE's Favorite ShareWare First of all, let us tell you that we (DSE Software Publishing) are not in the ShareWare distributing business, but when we found these files, we knew we had to make them available to our valued customers. We refuse to sell garbage. Each of these diskettes contain materials and information that we use every single day. They have saved us time and money, and we know that they will do the same for you. Read the descriptions carefully. If you like what you read, just check the appropriate spaces on your order form and we send them with your ProWindows(tm) order. If you need more information, someone from our friendly customer support staff will be more than happy to help you. DOS Programmer's Technical Reference If you are one of the countless people who spent hundreds of dollars for your technical reference manuals, you are in for a big surprise. From world-renowned author Dave Williams, comes the "DOS Programmer's Technical Reference" a complete technical manual for MS-DOS programmers. This disk contains the complete ShareWare release. The commercial release costs only $20.00 and contains MORE than 3 MEG of text and utilities. This has everything. Note from DSE: We have spent thousands of dollars for our technical reference materials, but Dave's manual is the ONLY one we refer to on a daily basis. Programmer's Information and Utilities Diskette This disk contains files and utilities that we feel are of great interest to software developers. Some of the files included are about Copyright Law, Preparing Business Plans, a Programmer's Proficiency test. Utilities included are two free EXE file compressors and a decompressor, a no-royalty Archive utility, and other utilities we have found useful to us over the years. There's more too!