O.J's UTILITIES (C) 1/8/92 Here are two utilities that I promsied that I would write for myself once I started to learn how to program. I have found them of great use while trying manipulate files for directory maintanence. MOVE.EXE This is a file mover. It will copy one file from the source drive to the destination drive. Then MOVE will delete the source file. Move will check to see if the destination file is the same as the source file. If they are of the same name, MOVE will check to see which file is newer. If the destination file is newer than the source file, MOVE will ask you if you want to overwrite the destination file with the older file. COMMAND LINE SYNTAX: MOVE [source drive]:\[path]\[filename.ext] [target drive]:\[path]\[filename.ext] MOVE also works similar to DOS's Copy command. If you want to move files from a target directory, into your current directory the syntax is: MOVE [target drive]:\[path]\[filename.ext] Move will also support WILDCARDS. Examples: MOVE d:\*.* c:\myfiles MOVE d:\*.* MOVE d:\*.txt c:\mydir FF.EXE (Registered users FF.COM) FF is a File Finder. It will locate a matching file on a drive. FF will accept WILDCARDS. COMMAND LINE SYNTAX: FF C:\*.txt This will find all files on drive C with the extension of .txt. FF *.txt This will find all files in the CURRENT DIRECTORY with the extiension of .txt. FF C:\MYFILE.TXT will search the entire drive for MYFILE.TXT REGISTRATION Yes here's the part where I need some $$$. How much you say? CHEAP!!! Both utilities can be registered for a modest $5.00! That's cheap if you concicder that it took about 23 hours to create these utilities. That's less than $1.00 per hour for my work. NO I DON'T NORMALLY WORK FOR THAT PRICE, SO YOU CAN'T HIRE ME!! To obtain your registered copy of O.J.'s Utilities, Send your check, money order (Sorry no credit cards) to: O.J. Utilities O.J. Piraino 8854A N. 95th Street Milwaukee WI 53224-2054 After recipt of payment, your registered version can be obtained at: ANONYMOUS BBS 414-251-2580 9600 BAUD COUNTY LINE BBS 414-476-8468 9600 BAUD Please let me know where to post your registered copy!!! SUPPORT for Registered users can also be taken at: THE PLAYGROUND BBS 414-353-0792 2400 BAUD Your registered copy will get rid of the annoying UNREGISTERED COPY from the top of the utility, and put your name in lights!!