You read Monday's paper and find that it contains nothing much of interest except for one story: IPHS HEAD REFUSES TO SPEAK -- "I AIN'T TALKING" Lortan City (IPP) -- Harold Werdt, enigmatic head of the InterPlanetary Human Simulations corporation refuses to speak to the press or police about the theft of IPHS's most promising product, the IP-39 android prototype. He also refuses to release information about a security guard missing after the theft of the machine from IPHS HQ not long ago. Another security guard was slain in the battle over the machine. City Law Enforcement claims that the android could have escaped on its own, and was not the subject of a theft by a rival firm, as Werdt insists. Robert MacCumhaill, head of Amalgamated Automatons, the planet's largest robotics manufacturer, says that the IP-39 is "remarkable" and he "would pay dearly to be able to produce one, or something similar."