You read Wednesdays' paper and find two stories of interest: IPHS BOSS FIRES FIRM -- "OK, I'LL TALK" Lortan City (IPP) -- Harold Werdt, head of the IPHS company, last night fired the intelligence firm he had employed to find the stolen IP-39 android. "II (Indemnity Intelligence, the firm he had hired) just isn't scrupulous. They wanted the android for their own clandestine purposes. They told me not to talk to the press, but now that I've fired them, I feel it's my duty. I am also looking for another intelligence agent to take up my case. I have one in mind, but I don't know where he is." Werdt refuses to tell just who this agent is. However, this morning, scores of reporters flooded his office, as the headlines in tomorrow's early edition will surely show. BOMB BLAST IN POLLAR WEST BUILDING Lortan City (IPP) -- A small pipe bomb exploded late last night on the fourth floor of the Pollar West Building, doing moderate structural damage to the building, which dates back to colonial days. It is not known who set the bomb, and no one has yet claimed responsibility for the act of terrorism. Thankfully, no one was injured by the blast.