INDEMNITY INTELLIGENCE **TOP SECRET** --------- ------------ -------------- file 7334, classification X5/A MISSION BRIEFING ------- -------- Agents Sam, Bert, and Pete, you are of course aware of the IPHS-3939/41-B machine. Soon, this valuable device will be the property of II. You are to use the nearly indestructible machine to stage a takeover of the Lortan Avenue Neptune Warehouse, and there wait for further instructions. If all goes well, this takeover will occur on the 20th of this month. For now, while our field agents are seeking out the machine, you are to case the Warehouse and familiarize yourselves with the building and any guards as well as possible. IP-39 is a very important machine. It is not to be destroyed or severely damaged in any way; in fact, you are to consider the android more important than yourselves. You are furthermore not to reveal the contents of this briefing or details of this mission. Payment: Upon correct completion of this mission, you will be awarded payment of $50,000.00. That is all. Indemnity Intelligence.