As you start to think about maybe getting up and getting your carcass out of bed to continue this lengthy mission, you hear the public phone ring out in the hall. The cleaning lady answers it, and yells that it's for you. You get up and go into the hallway to answer it. On the line is John Abraham, and he sounds worried. "There was an explosion in the Pollar West Building last night, Telan. A bomb. It did only slight damage to the building, but Tinker was working late, and the bomb went off when he was locking up his office. He was killed, Telan. Amalgamated Automatons, they own AI, you know, decided that maintaining an intellgence branch was too costly and to dangerous, what with the two senior officers gone. Argrath's been dissolved, Telan. We're out of a job. Your mission's over. Sorry..." Depressed, demeaned, but hungry, you get a job at the shoestore and spend the rest of your boring life selling shoes.