You open the door to see the hulking frame of Ulam Parth standing outside, with an urgent look on his face. Without waiting for an invitation to enter, Parth storms into the room past you. "Telan," he says, turning and looking you in the face, "I've gotta talk." His eyes seem cold and lifeless. "It isn't easy, you know, isn't easy in this... line of work, Telan," he continues, wringing his hands nervously, "The stress has been getting to me lately, and the pay isn't too good, either. Telan, Argrath hasn't got a chance in this city. Not a chance. I'm bailing out." Suddenly his expression hardens and his face grows stern. "Telan, I've been offered another job, working for the communists. It's the chance I've always hoped for. But I've told you too much, Telan. I can see it in your face -- you don't trust me, you'll tell Tinker or Abe and they'll have me eliminated. It's dangerous to confide in an agent, Telan. Very dangerous. I've known you for years and I've always considered you a friend, Telan, but now you know too much. You have to die, Michael Telan." With a murderous look on his lined face, Parth pulls a revolver from under his coat and aims it at your heart. "Goodbye, Telan," he murmurs.