FontSee 2.0 by Alan D. Reeve REEVEsoft 29W150 Old Farm Lane Warrenville, IL 60555 (708) 393-2317 The attached file (FONTSEE2.EXE) is our latest (12/26/91) revision of our FontSee font viewing utility. In May of this year we released the original version (called the Fontographer, but the name has changed since due to a conflict with a Mac program named Fontographer) of FontSee which allowed viewing of all typefaces installed under Windows and printing of typefaces, character sets, and reference cards. In August some bugs were fixed and a second release was issued. This version adds some major features to FontSee to make it the BEST font viewing utility available. * You can now print or VIEW characters sets and reference cards on screen. * You can now change the point size of fonts viewed/printed. * ...and most importantly you can now select a target application and (via the mouse) type using a virtual (on-screen) keyboard. For example, if you load MS Word 2.0 and FontSee 2.0 you can select MS Word 2.0 as the target application by choosing the Select Target Application and pointing to the MS Word edit window. Now, by clicking on the virtual keyboard FontSee will automatically type in MS Word 2.0 for you. This is especially useful when you need a special symbol such as the copyright symbol...just select your target app, load up FontSee, go to on-screen Reference card mode, and click on the character you need. Of course you have to coordinate things so that both FontSee and the target are working with the same typeface. Notes: The virtual keyboard part of FontSee was developed as an Independent Study project at Northern Illinois University during the Fall 1991 semester. The rest of the program has been developed independently. Developing FontSee from birth to finish has been a great challenge and learning experience for me. I have been writing commercial software since 1985 for the Atari 8-bit computers and am now moving on to Windows development. This program is consequently being released into Shareware. If you like it please send a donation to the above address. If you wish to receive the next upgrade automatically and the manual for this program please add $2.00 for shipping and handling. Feel free to distribute this program in any way you see fit providing that it and this text file remain unchanged. This includes adding it to public domain libraries...etc. Just be sure to send an appropriate donation. What's Next? The next Windows applications that will be released are Freeze! (a windows compression utility designed FOR Windows' multitasking environment, and The Business Manager: a complete business package for Windows. Freeze! will be Shareware, and The Business Manager will be commercial. For information on these and other Windows applications being developed at REEVEsoft please send a S.A.S.E. Thank You, Alan Reeve, Owner * If You Use This Program Please Support It * * Send A Contribution Expressing What It Is Worth To You *