ICOART.ZIP "The Best Little Icon Art Gallery in Town" Use iconart1.il and iconart2.il as you would with any single icon file. The difference is that the .il file contains 28 icons instead of one. Use the view next button to scroll through the icons and select the one you wish to use. These icons were originally created in Icondraw, Pbicon with Paintbrush, and most recently in IKE icon editor. None of these programs offer transparency. Fortunately a commercial program hDC Icon Designer does offer transparency and I used this program to add transparency to the icons that needed it. I also used this program to compile all my icons into the two libraries. In future, I will be using Icon Designer to create all my icons (when they get it to work in hi-rez with my Herc GS video card - that is!). Those of you that are new to using icons : To change an icon in any of Program Manager's program groups - first select the icon you want to change then click on FILE, click on PROPERTIES and a dialog box appears. In the box, click on the 'change icon' button and another box appears. In this box in FILE NAME, type the complete path to the .il file. eg. C:\windows\icons\iconart1.il. You can now click on the view next button to scroll through the file and select the icon you want to use. Stop on the icon you want and click 'OK' and 'OK' again to complete the change. To abort the process just click 'CANCEL' and 'CANCEL' again and no changes will be made. These icons are free to all who wish to use them in a non-commercial manner. All I ask is that you drop me a line on Compuserve if you enjoy my art or if you don't. Canadians can reach me on SUZY my mail box number is 1671. Philip Chin - Compuserve id 74007,1522