Lookie Here! Fonts! Version 1.1 Copyright 1992 by Jacob A. Jackson Lookie Here! Fonts! is a font comparision and sample printer for Windows 3.x. It uses commmon Windows commands, so it should be fairly easy to use. Simply select the fonts you wish to see, and then the type size you want. If you don't like the sample text provided change it to your taste. If you need a list and samples of all your fonts, go ahead print'em on out. They will be in alphabetical order. But a word of caution here, printing multiple fonts is slow. Do this only when you've got time to kill. For my 221 fonts it takes about twenty minutes to print out the font list with samples. Partial character sets takes a few hours, and full character sets took about a day and half. Some hints now, once the computing end of the job is done, go to Print Manager and set the piority to medium or low. This will allow you to get back to business while the computer prints in the background. Finally, Enjoy! Version 1.1 provides a major bug fix (version 1.0 was only able to work with Windows 3.1 and TrueType only. Version 1.1 fixes those problems), and well as the nice little feature of exactly how many fonts are available. Requirements: Windows 3.x Visual BASIC Runtime Library 1.0 (VBRUN100.DLL) Some Fonts